
Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>

Gauguin Attacker: Painting Is 'Very Homosexual'

'Evil' painting unharmed after Susan Burns' gallery attack

(Newser) - The woman who attacked a Paul Gauguin painting in Washington's National Gallery believed the painting of two topless Tahitian women was both "evil" and "homosexual," according to a criminal complaint obtained by The Smoking Gun . "I feel that Gauguin is evil. He has nudity and is...

Victoria Jackson: Homophobic a 'Cute Little Buzzword'

She defends her Glee rant on Showbiz Tonight

(Newser) - Victoria Jackson is standing by her rant against the “sickening” gay Glee kiss , telling Showbiz Tonight last night that "it doesn't matter what I think. What matters is what the Bible says.” Jackson, a Saturday Night Live alum turned Tea Party activist, went on to explain that...

Row Erupts Over Crystal Cathedral Sex Pact

Choir must recognize that 'God intends sex between married heteros'

(Newser) - California megachurch Crystal Cathedral Ministries is in hot water again—this time for requiring choir members to sign a "sex covenant." It seems that "God intends" sex to occur only between married heterosexuals, and members were ordered to sign a statement acknowledging that. The covenant is meant...

Anti-Gay Pastor Busted for Public Masturbation

New Orleans preacher arrested near playground

(Newser) - A bullhorn-toting New Orleans pastor known for disrupting the city's annual gay festival by loudly denouncing "sinful behavior" has been arrested and charged with masturbating in a public park. Christian fundamentalist Grant Storms was taken into custody after two women complained that he was masturbating in his van while...

Ugandan on 'Gay Hit List' Killed

Gay rights activist David Kato found murdered

(Newser) - A Ugandan gay rights activist whose name appeared on a tabloid "hit list" has been found beaten to death in his home. "He was killed by someone who came in his house with a hammer, meaning anyone else could be the next target," said a fellow activist....

Navy Videos Show Depths of Homophobia in Military
Navy Videos Show Depths
of Homophobia in Military


Navy Videos Show Depths of Homophobia in Military

Meghan McCain: Gay service members can come out, but who'd want to?

(Newser) - Former Navy Capt. Owen Honors' homophobic videos raise a big question in the wake of the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, writes Meghan McCain in the Daily Beast . Now that gay service members can serve openly, why on earth would they in that kind of environment? "What gay...

Peeved Righties Boycott CPAC Over Gay Invite

They withdraw because GOProud will be at February event

(Newser) - Culture wars on the right: Two big conservative groups—the Family Research Council and Concerned Women for America—won't participate in the annual Conservative Political Action Conference in February because the gay group GOProud is invited. Controversy over the group surfaced last year when a CPAC speaker publicly rebuked organizers...

Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK
Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK
frank rich

Smithsonian Exhibit Uproar Shows Homophobia's OK

National Portrait Gallery in throes of old 'culture wars'

(Newser) - The Smithsonian’s removal of a video that showed ants crawling on a crucifix amounts to Washington “gay bashing,” writes Frank Rich in the New York Times . Gay artist David Wojnarowicz's artwork wasn’t taken down because it offended Christians—that was just a “perfunctory cover for...

Westboro Church to Protest at Elizabeth Edwards' Funeral

You stay classy, Fred Phelps

(Newser) - America’s least-favorite protest group is at it again. The Westboro Baptist Church will picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, it announced today on its website, the charmingly named godhatesfags.com. The church didn’t elaborate on Edwards' specific transgression, but given that its ultraconservative congregation usually gets its jollies...

Bristol 'Sorry' for Willow's Gay Slurs

But right-wing gay group supports Willow

(Newser) - Bristol Palin has apologized, sort of, for the gay slurs her sister posted on Facebook after a schoolmate criticized their mom's reality show. "Willow and I shouldn't have reacted to negative comments about our family. We apologize.," wrote Bristol on Facebook. Her contrition was somewhat tempered by her...

Uganda Revives Gay Death Penalty Bill

Sponsor confident it'll be law "soon."

(Newser) - A Ugandan lawmaker says he’s confident that his bill to make homosexuality punishable by death or imprisonment will be law “soon.” The bill was thought to have been permanently shelved thanks to international outcry, but David Bahati tells CNN that’s not the case. “We are...

Ugandan Newspaper Outs Gays, Suggests Lynching

'Hang Them' banner proclaims, alongside addresses

(Newser) - A Ugandan newspaper recently ran a front-page story giving pictures, names, and addresses of Uganda’s “top homos,” beneath a headline that read “Hang Them.” Since the story ran on Oct. 9 in a newspaper called Rolling Stone—no relation to the American magazine of the...

Ken Buck: Being Gay Is 'Like Alcoholism'

What will he say next?

(Newser) - GOP Colorado Senate candidate Ken Buck has already made headlines by calling birthers "dumbasses" and asking for votes based on the fact he doesn't "wear high heels ." Now, the Tea Party favorite has compared homosexuality to ... alcoholism. Asked if being gay is "'a choice," Buck...

Pentagon to Comply With DADT Ruling

But don't 'come out' just yet, observers say

(Newser) - Gay service members are—for now—free to come out of the closet, though advocacy groups don't recommend doing so just yet. The Obama administration has asked to delay the repeal of "Don't Ask Don't Tell," but the Pentagon says it will comply immediately with the court's order...

Gates: Don't End DADT Abruptly

This is a job for Congress, not the courts, he says

(Newser) - Defense Secretary Robert Gates says an abrupt end to 'Dont' Ask, Don't Tell' could have "enormous consequences" for American troops. He didn't answer directly when asked by the Washington Post whether the government should appeal a worldwide injunction stopping enforcement of the policy, but said that the Pentagon should...

Carl Paladino Made Money Off Son's Gay Club

Gay nephew meanwhile says he's 'very offended' by comments

(Newser) - Carl Paladino may be really concerned about gay men grinding against each other, but it didn’t stop him from cashing the rent checks paid by Cobalt, a Buffalo gay club his son William ran and co-owned from 2004 to 2005, the New York Daily News reports. The club—which...

'Male Nudity' Scares MPAA
 'Male Nudity' Scares MPAA 

'Male Nudity' Scares MPAA

New category is pretty darn sexist

(Newser) - Watch a trailer for Jackass 3D, and you might notice that it’s rated R for, among other things, “male nudity.” This struck Brian Patrick Thornton of Jezebel as odd—why specify that it was men who were naked? He did a quick scan through the past five...

Ann Coulter Defends Paladino's Anti-Gay Tirade

Says audience wanted to hear about 'moral issues'

(Newser) - Carl Paladino's anti-gay antics may have lost him votes in New York, but they won him the support of conservative pundit Ann Coulter . Coulter used an appearance on the The O’Reilly Factor yesterday to defend Paladino. She argued that Paladino's tirade took aim at "gay left-wing activists,"...

Paladino Defends Remarks on Gays

 on Gays 
'today' interview

Paladino Defends Remarks on Gays

It's just that he doesn't want kids exposed to 'disgusting' grinding in Speedos

(Newser) - Carl Paladino may have implied yesterday that homosexuality is not as “valid or successful” as heterosexuality, but that’s only because being gay is “a very, very ugly experience for those that are discriminated against,” he explains today. “And it shouldn’t be. Our society should...

Anti-Gay Riots Mar Serbia's Pride Parade

Extreme nationalists: 'Death to homosexuals'

(Newser) - Serbia's first Gay Pride parade in nearly a decade was disrupted yesterday by anti-gay riots that left 100 people injured and saw another 100 arrested. The rioters threw petrol bombs and stones at the police during the march in Belgrade, and the office of the ruling Democratic Party was briefly...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>