
Stories 441 - 457 | << Prev 

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash
GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

GOP Lags In Campaign Cash

Democrats top Republican donors for the first time in 30 years

(Newser) - Democratic presidential hopefuls have outperformed their GOP rivals at raising primary cash for the first time since 1976. In the first quarter the score was $79 mil to $51 mil, which seems portentous: Bob Dole's campaign manager confesses to the Times that the Dems "seem to have a lot...

Swift Boater Gets Recess Appointment

Bush slips three controversial conservatives past Senate

(Newser) - President Bush doled out three major recess appointments yesterday to  conservatives Democrats found distasteful. Ambassador to Belgium went to Sam Fox, a top-tier donor to Republican causes including Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the 527 that sank John Kerry’s shot at the White House.

Bush Staying the Course on Veto
Bush Staying the Course on Veto

Bush Staying the Course on Veto

President refuses to compromise on Iraq funding

(Newser) - Bush is staying the course in the war with Congress, ripping into "Democrat leaders" in a press conference today, and repeating his vow to veto any bills with troop withdrawal deadlines that crossed his desk. Congress, he said, is more clearly interested in fighting political battles than real ones.

Baghdad Merchants Beg to Differ With McCain

Say sunny security assessment is phony

(Newser) - Of course John McCain found Baghdad's central market perfectly safe during his weekend visit: He came with 100 soldiers in armored Humvees, backed by attack helicopters and sharpshooters. In a follow-up visit, Kirk Semple of the New York Times found merchants  incredulous at the Congressional delegation's sunny description of the...

Thompson Joins Race for 2008
Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Thompson Joins Race for 2008

Claims he's the only real conservative in the GOP field

(Newser) - Former governor and Bush cabinet member Tommy Thompson announced  for president yesterday, staking a claim to the territory to the right of the other GOP contenders. "I am the reliable conservative, my record shows that,"  said the one-time secretary of Health and Human Services and four-term governor...

Former Giuliani Partner Faces Felony Charges

Kerik trial could embarrass the GOP frontrunner

(Newser) - Bernie Kerik is about to embarrass his former pal and partner Rudy Giuliani again. Federal prosecutors say they will charge Kerik with with several felonies in connection with the same problems that sank his nomination for secretary of Homeland Security in 2004.

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches
GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

GOP Gains in Head-to-Head Matches

Poll sees Clinton KO'd by Giuiliani, McCain; Obama fairs better

(Newser) - The smart money says the 2008 election is the Democrats' to lose,  but a surprising Time poll has the Democratic front runners narrowly losing to the Repubican front runners in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups. Hillary Clinton loses to John McCain 42%-48%, and to Rudy Giuliani 41%-50%. Obama, behind Clinton in...

Rudi Says Judi Could Sit In On Cabinet

Denies she broke up marriage number two, or estranged his son

(Newser) - "I couldn’t have a better adviser,” Rudy Giuliani gushed about his wife, Judith Nathan, on ABC's 20/20. He would encourage Nathan, a registered nurse and the third Mrs. Giuliani, to sit in on the occasional cabinet meeting and consult on policy in his administration, the GOP frontrunner...

The Capitol Arms For The War Over the War

(Newser) - With Congress and the president now officially at war over Iraq, all parties scrambled yesterday to gear up for the coming firefight. The President promised to veto the spending bill with troop withdrawal deadlines attached, seeming to relish the fight ahead. Tthe newly aggressive and unified Democrats, notes the New ...

Thompson Slides Into Third
Slides Into Third

Thompson Slides Into Third

Sorry, Mitt. In just two weeks the "Law and Order" man has won GOP hearts

(Newser) - "Law and Order" actor and former senator Fred Thompson is in third place among GOP presidential hopefuls in a new USA Today/Gallup poll. Since he announced that he was considering a bid two weeks ago, Thompson's support has skyrocketed to 12 per cent, kicking Mitt Romney to a distant...

GOP Insiders Nuke Global Warming
GOP Insiders Nuke Global Warming

GOP Insiders Nuke Global Warming

87% of Republicans on the Hill don't believe in climate change. The rest have a solution: nuclear power

(Newser) - The more powerful the evidence for global warming becomes, the more skeptical hard-line Republicans appear to be. Resistance to the case against greenhouse gases is hardening into conservative dogma, Jonathan Chait writes.  Last year, 23 per cent of Congressional Republicans said they believed humanity’s contribution to global warming...

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck
Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

(Newser) - The FT catalogs a litany of the obstacles for President Bush achieving anything meaningful in his last 22 months in office. At the core of it all is the Iraq war, which has reduced Bush’s popularity to the point where he has no more political capital to spend.

Novak: Bush Is Alone On Gonzales
Novak: Bush
Is Alone On Gonzales

Novak: Bush Is Alone On Gonzales

"In half a century, I have not seen a president so isolated from his own party"

(Newser) - There is virtually no support on Capitol Hill for the president's wish to save Alberto Gonzales, who is even more disliked than Rumsfeld was, Robert Novak wrote today. "In half a century, I have not seen a president so isolated from his own party in Congress.  Not Jimmy...

Wal-Mart Drops Out of Bank Biz
Wal-Mart Drops Out of Bank Biz

Wal-Mart Drops Out of Bank Biz

(Newser) -  Wal-Mart has withdrawn its controversial application for a bank charter, ending a potential foray into the retail bank market. The big-box retailer’s plans to set up its own bank had drawn fire from banking and consumer groups, who feared it would stifle competition. The company, for its part,...

Chait: John McCain Is No Luke Skywalker

Candidate has gone over to the dark (read: conservative) side

(Newser) - John McCain liked to portray himself as Luke Skywalker in his 2000 presidential campaign, says LA Times columnist Jonathan Chait, but this time around he resembles a different Jedi: the corrupt Darth Vader. McCain claimed he was an anti-special interests crusader, but the last few years he's gone over to...

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics
Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Mitt Throws Money at Former Critics

Just before announcing, Romney made hefty donations to conservative groups

(Newser) - Mitt Romney has been lining the coffers of conservative groups whose support he'll be seeking in his presidential bid. Late last year, just two months before he announced his candidacy, Romney gave five-figure personal donations to four Massachusetts groups, David Kirkpatrick of the New York Times reports—groups to which...

Coulter's Slur Slinging Aims Right for GOP Base

Edwards attacks play right into insecurities

(Newser) - Ann Coulter's gay-baiting of John Edwards won't cost her anything, writes Glenn Greenwald in today's Salon, because it appeals perfectly to her base: anxious, insecure American voters. "Her aim was not to suggest that Edwards is actually gay, but simply to feminize him like they do with all male...

Stories 441 - 457 | << Prev