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CDC: Lab Tech May Have Been Exposed to Ebola

Tech is being monitored in Atlanta

(Newser) - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials say a lab technician is being monitored for possible exposure to the Ebola virus. CDC spokeswoman Barbara Reynolds says in an emailed statement today that the person working in a secure laboratory in Atlanta may have come into contact with a small amount...

CDC: Beware Caramel Apples
 CDC: Beware 
 Caramel Apples 

CDC: Beware Caramel Apples

Prepackaged varieties are linked to 4 deaths

(Newser) - Health officials are warning consumers to avoid prepackaged caramel apples because they are linked to four deaths and more than two dozen illnesses in several states. Caramel apples are most popular around Halloween, and the outbreak started just before then. But the commercially produced variety can have a shelf life...

Someone Drowns Every 90 Seconds
Someone Drowns Every
90 Seconds

Someone Drowns Every 90 Seconds

WHO report says 'neglected public health issue' causes 372K deaths a year

(Newser) - It's one of the top 10 killers of kids and young adults, but a new WHO report says that drowning remains a "neglected public health issue" that's still happening with alarming frequency around the world, Scientific American reports. The study points out some startling statistics: More than...

Study: Heavy Drinkers Are Rarely Alcoholics
 Study: Heavy Drinkers 
 Are Rarely Alcoholics

Study: Heavy Drinkers Are Rarely Alcoholics

Only 1 in 10 excessive drinkers meets the definition of alcoholism

(Newser) - Frequently drinking too much booze does not mean you're an alcoholic. In fact, it means that only rarely. A new study by the CDC and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration finds that 1 in 3 American adults meet the definition of heavy drinking—for men, having...

CDC Guard Who Snapped Obama Pic Says Firing 'Unjust'

CDC contractor Kenneth Tate canned after getting too close to president's limo

(Newser) - CDC security guard Kenneth Tate was excited when President Obama set foot in his elevator during his September visit, even shaking the president's hand in a moment that made him "proud," the New York Times reports. But when Tate escorted Obama back to his limo, he snapped...

Kleenex Maker Sued for Claiming Gowns Protected Against Ebola

Tested Kimberly-Clark surgical gowns had 'catastrophic failures,' lawsuit alleges

(Newser) - A $500 million lawsuit filed in federal court Wednesday against Kimberly-Clark Corp. alleges the company falsely claimed its surgical gowns protected against Ebola and other infectious diseases. The suit says that the company knew for at least a year that its Microcool Breathable High Performance Surgical Gown had failed industry...

Amber Vinson's Family Says She's Free of Ebola

Hospital or CDC has yet to confirm

(Newser) - Amber Vinson's family has what appears to be great news for all those Ohioans who came into contact with the Dallas nurse : She is free of the disease. So says a family statement asserting that "as of yesterday evening, officials at Emory University Hospital and the Centers for...

CDC Honcho Suggests Nurses Wore Too Much Gear

Tom Frieden: Too many layers of protection could have upped nurses' Ebola risk

(Newser) - Dealing With Ebola 101: Don't go out for takeout while quarantined, don't take a commercial flight if you're at risk of having the virus, and maybe cut down on the protective gear you're wearing if you're a health care worker—wait, what? The CDC head...

CDC May Use Do-Not-Fly List for Ebola

Dallas reporter says agency is developing one

(Newser) - CDC officials weren't pleased that a nurse who cared for an Ebola patient in Texas hopped on a commercial airliner, only to get sick herself soon after. They promised to prevent that from happening again, but how? "CDC tells me there is a 'do not board list,...

CDC Blames 'Protocol Breach' in Dallas Ebola Case

Meanwhile, nurse praised as 'heroic' as officials quarantine 'close contact'

(Newser) - The Texas health care worker who has become what is believed to be the first case of Ebola contracted on American soil wore full protective garb when treating Thomas Duncan, officials tell the AP . She is a female nurse, adds CNN , citing inside sources, though her identity is being withheld...

Ebola-Like Fever Hits Uganda

99 people have been quarantined after a man dies from Marburg virus

(Newser) - At least 99 people have been quarantined in four different locations in Uganda so far after State House Uganda confirmed a man died this week of the Marburg virus—a type of hemorrhagic fever that's strikingly similar to Ebola, CNN reports. Many of the individuals now in isolation are...

The Dallas Ebola Case: What You Need to Know

'No doubt' case will be isolated: CDC director

(Newser) - The US has seen its first Ebola diagnosis , but there's no reason to panic, officials say: "There's all the difference in the world between the US and parts of Africa where Ebola is spreading," notes CDC director Thomas Frieden. "There is no doubt in my...

First Case of Ebola Diagnosed in US

Patient in Dallas hospital is in isolation

(Newser) - The world's Ebola outbreak has officially reached the US. The CDC today confirmed the first diagnosis in the nation, reports NBC Fort Worth-Dallas . The patient, who is in isolation at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, had recently traveled to Liberia in West Africa and developed symptoms about...

CDC: 1 in 5 Women Are Rape Victims
CDC: 1 in 5 Women
Are Rape Victims

CDC: 1 in 5 Women Are Rape Victims

And about 44% have been victims of other forms of sexual violence

(Newser) - The CDC is out with numbers from a comprehensive new survey on rape and sexual assault, and the main takeaway is grim: More than 19% of women in the US, nearly one in five, have been raped at some point in their lives, reports Bloomberg . When the definition is broadened...

Ebola Survivor: 'God Saved My Life'

Kent Brantly addresses media; Nancy Writebol was released earlier

(Newser) - A grinning Dr. Kent Brantly walked into a press conference at Emory University Hospital this morning, the fully recovered survivor of Ebola virus. "Today is a miraculous day," he said. "I'm thrilled to be alive, to be well, and to be here with my family."...

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola
 Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola 

Calif. Patient Tested for Ebola

Health officials confident they can prevent disease spread

(Newser) - A patient in Sacramento is being tested for Ebola, but health experts still say there is little chance the disease will spread in the US. "We should take this one case not as something to inspire fear but to tell us the system is working,” one expert tells...

CDC Hikes Ebola Alert to Highest Level

CDC Director Thomas Frieden makes announcement on Capitol Hill

(Newser) - The CDC has raised its response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa to the highest-possible level—a sign that this battle could well be a long one, NBC News reports. CDC Director Thomas Frieden announced the "level 1 activation" today at a special congressional hearing, where he said...

CDC Chief: US Won't 'Seal Borders' Against Ebola

Tom Frieden says we know how to handle deadly virus

(Newser) - The US is treating the American doctor who contracted Ebola , and isn't about to turn tail on the virus. "Ebola’s scary, and it’s understandable that with a deadly disease, people are concerned," says CDC director Tom Frieden, but for those who would have us turn...

Ebola-Stricken Doc 'Glad' to Be Home, Walked Into Hospital

Emory called one of safest places in world to treat Dr Kent Brantly

(Newser) - Kent Brantly, who arrived yesterday as the first person in America carrying Ebola, walked into Emory University Hospital under his own power. "It was a relief to welcome Kent home today," said his wife, Amber, in a statement. "I spoke with him, and he is glad to...

Here's What Would Happen if Ebola Infiltrated US

Experts say chances of outbreak here are 'remote' if we follow protocol

(Newser) - Should Americans be worried about the Ebola outbreak? The CDC tells the AP that chances are "remote" the disease will get to the US, and an expert who spoke to National Geographic says that even if the virus does make it here, "it's unlikely that we would...

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