Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

CDC: Don't Eat Romaine Lettuce, Period

No matter where it's from

(Newser) - One thing you'll want to avoid on Thanksgiving—or at any time in the near future—is romaine lettuce. The CDC issued an alert two days before the holiday warning that no romaine is safe to eat as an E. coli outbreak spreads, reports NBC News . It doesn't...

Latest Ebola Outbreak Could Be Uncontainable

Bad news from CDC director, other experts

(Newser) - For the first time since Ebola was identified in 1976, the disease could become a persistent presence. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield warned Monday that the new outbreak in Congo is so severe it may not be containable, the Washington Post reports. Most previous outbreaks have...

CDC: Go Ahead, Dress Your Chickens for Halloween

This is an actual government press release

(Newser) - If you want to dress your chicken up for Halloween, the CDC wants you to know that it's just fine with you letting your avian freak flag fly, reports KUTV . In an actual news release meant to soothe those whose Halloween plans were thrown into emotional upheaval, the government...

100-Plus People Infected by Pet-Store Puppies: CDC

Agency links antibiotic-resistant Campylobacter infections to pet-store pooches

(Newser) - Eighteen states, more than 100 people sick, 26 hospitalizations—and an unknown number of puppies as the likely infection-spreaders. That's the word out of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has tied contact with puppies at six pet-store companies to the outbreak of human diarrheal infections from...

Ex-CDC Chief Frieden Arrested on Groping Charges

He allegedly grabbed the buttocks of a female acquaintance in his home

(Newser) - Another familiar name is in the news on the wrong side of sexual abuse charges. This time it's Thomas Frieden, former head of the CDC and a former health commissioner of New York City, reports Reuters . Frieden, 57, is accused of grabbing the buttocks of a 55-year-old woman at...

To Avoid Ticks, Follow Lead of US Military
To Avoid Ticks,
Follow Lead of US Military

To Avoid Ticks, Follow Lead of US Military

Permethrin-treated clothing proves effective in new study

(Newser) - The US military was apparently on to something when it began treating soldiers' uniforms with permethrin in the 1980s. The move was based on tests showing the EPA-registered pesticide, which mimics extracts from the chrysanthemum flower, prevented tick and other insect bites. Three decades later, it still holds up to...

Are You Doing This Often Enough? Probably Not

A CDC report found that just 23% of Americans are getting enough exercise

(Newser) - Here’s some bad news, but don’t take it sitting down. A new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report has found that only 23% of Americans are getting enough exercise. For adults 18 to 64, US guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise per week (half that...

Spray Your Clothes With This Chemical to Keep Ticks Away

The CDC says an insecticide called permethrin causes ticks to fall from clothing

(Newser) - In an especially nasty year for ticks, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a statement about a possible method for preventing the spread of diseases carried by their bites, Live Science reports. By spraying clothing with an insecticide called permethrin, experts believe you can cause the...

Feds: Fake Pot Tainted With Rat Poison Found in 5 States

Outbreak has killed at least 3, sickened 116

(Newser) - Fake marijuana likely contaminated with rat poison has now killed three people in Illinois and caused severe bleeding in more than 100 others, including a few in four other states. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has alerted doctors nationwide that patients with severe, unexplained bleeding may be...

CDC: 'Nightmare' Superbugs Are Here

Hunt found more than 200 cases of antibiotic-resistant bacteria last year

(Newser) - "Nightmare bacteria" with unusual resistance to antibiotics of last resort were found more than 200 times in the US last year in a first-of-a-kind hunt to see how much of a threat these rare cases have become. That's more than health officials expected to find, and the true...

Drinks Thrown Back by US Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B Annually
A Big Number for US
Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B

A Big Number for US Binge-Drinkers: 17.5B

That's how many drinks they throw back each year, the CDC reports

(Newser) - If we're going by the numbers, the latest one emerging from the CDC is a big one: 17.5 billion, signifying the number of binge drinks quaffed annually by US adults during such binges, per Live Science . That figure, published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine , comes from...

CDC Head on Opioid Report: 'This Is a Wake-Up Call'

ER overdoses up 30% across the US

(Newser) - America's opioid epidemic is getting worse, not better, according to an alarming new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Tuesday report shows opioid overdoses that led to emergency room visits across the country jumped 30% from July 2016 to September 2017. In the Midwest, overdoses...

Before Vanishing, CDC Doctor Made Odd Request to Neighbor

Timothy Cunningham learned why he wouldn't be promoted at last sighting

(Newser) - The Harvard-educated doctor missing for more than two weeks had recently been denied a promotion at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with an explanation provided to him on the day he was last seen. After arriving at work on Feb. 12, Timothy Cunningham met with his supervisor, who...

In Case of Missing CDC Doctor, 'Indicators' All Wasn't Right

Timothy Cunningham, 35, was last seen Feb. 12

(Newser) - The Harvard-educated doctor who left his job at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention feeling ill on Feb. 12 and seemingly vanished remains missing more than two weeks later, and Atlanta police have shed little light on the situation. Police do say there's no indication of foul play...

CDC Wants $400M to Replace $214M Lab After Just 13 Years

State-of-the-art lab in Atlanta handles world's deadliest germs

(Newser) - Thirteen years after building a state-of-the-art lab for the world's most dangerous germs, the nation's top public health agency is asking for more than $400 million to build a new one, the AP reports. Officials at the CDC say the current lab building in Atlanta is quickly wearing...

CDC Employee Missing Since Leaving Work Sick 11 Days Ago

Friends say disappearance of Timothy Cunningham is 'shocking'

(Newser) - An employee at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta left work Feb. 12 because he wasn't feeling well, ABC News reports. He hasn't been seen since. According to NBC News , 35-year-old Timothy Cunningham is a US Public Health Service commander who has been part of...

An Unwelcome First for a Strain of Bird Flu

First H7N4 case confirmed in a human

(Newser) - A year after the World Health Organization announced it was on " high alert " over outbreaks of bird flu, China has confirmed the first human case of strain H7N4. Health officials say a 68-year-old woman who fell ill in Jiangsu province on Dec. 25 was infected with the strain,...

CDC Chief Resigns After Tobacco Revelations
CDC Chief Resigns
After Tobacco Revelations
the rundown

CDC Chief Resigns After Tobacco Revelations

Brenda Fitzgerald bought stock in tobacco company after assuming post at health agency

(Newser) - The CDC will be needing a new leader. Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald resigned on Wednesday as director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after some dicey financial conflicts came to light. The big one: Fitzgerald bought stock in a major tobacco company just a month after assuming her position...

CDC Boots Nuke Session in Favor of Flu

Announced on Friday that planned session was postponed

(Newser) - Fear the flu , not the bomb. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday announced that a session on nuclear attack preparedness scheduled for Tuesday will be postponed to an unspecified date, with the session's topic switching to flu and what can be done to stem its spread....

Government Wants You to Know It's Ready for Nuclear Blast

CDC holding briefing on nuclear blast preparedness

(Newser) - In what Gizmodo calls "a very sad commentary on the current state of geopolitical affairs," the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will later this month hold a briefing on the government's preparedness for a nuclear attack on US soil. The presentation, called "Public Health Response...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>