Bob McDonnell

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2 States Consider Arming Teachers

Proposed bills in Va., Tenn. would require armed staffers at schools

(Newser) - In the wake of the Newtown school shooting , at least two states are considering not fewer guns but more guns: Virginia and Tennessee are considering arming their teachers.
  • A Virginia state delegate is proposing a bill that would require some members of school staff to carry guns, the Washington Post

Already? 2016 Hopefuls Buddy Up to Big Donors

Plus: Adelson donated way more than first reported

(Newser) - The race for giant 2016 campaign sugar daddies is on. Already, potential GOP presidential contenders Govs. Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, and Bob McDonnell have met with casino owner Sheldon Adelson , who spent big on Republican efforts this year. Meanwhile, Democrats Joe Biden, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, and Virginia Sen....

McCain: Libya Worse Cover-Up Than Watergate
 McCain: Libya 
 Worse Cover-Up 
 Than Watergate 

McCain: Libya Worse Cover-Up Than Watergate

Political tongues wag over Sandy's effect on election

(Newser) - In a world gone mad over Sandygeddon , at least we can turn on our televisions and find the comforting spectacle of politicians bickering. The looming hurricane, the looming election, and Libya dominated today's political talk shows, with John McCain leading the GOP's charge on the White House's...

VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC
 VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC

VP Shortlisters to Speak at RNC

Jindal, Portman, Ayotte, McDonnell among latest speakers named

(Newser) - Bobby Jindal, Rob Portman, Kelly Ayotte, and Bob McDonnell were among the names being tossed around as likely VP picks for Mitt Romney—and though they didn't make the cut, all of the above will be speaking at the Republican National Convention, which starts Aug. 27 in Tampa, CNN...

RNC Chairman: Reid a &#39;Dirty Liar&#39;
 RNC Chairman: 
 Reid a 'Dirty Liar' 
sunday talk shows

RNC Chairman: Reid a 'Dirty Liar'

Republicans pile on after Romney tax allegations

(Newser) - Today's big talk show topic: Harry Reid's speculation that Mitt Romney hasn't paid taxes in 10 years . Republicans were on the attack, while Democrats defended Reid and/or urged Romney to just release his tax returns and end all the guessing games, Politico reports. Highlights from the Sunday...

Romney's VP Shortlist Takes Shape

4 candidates look likely, but don't count out Kelly Ayotte

(Newser) - Buzz surrounding Mitt Romney's VP pick is growing louder, and RealClearPolitics has narrowed it down to four candidates: Tim Pawlenty, Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan. RCP doubts that a deliberative guy like Romney would make a pick out of left field,...

East Coast Outages Could Last Days

And the mercury is soaring

(Newser) - As the Mid-Atlantic states roast in sweltering temperatures, up to 3 million people remain without power after violent storms that killed 13—and it could be several more days to a week before electricity is restored, reports the AP . A glance around at the fallout from Friday's storms:
  • Emergencies

UVa. Board Backtracks, Reinstates President

Teresa Sullivan is back after campus, community rallied behind her

(Newser) - Thomas Jefferson's university has just wrapped up a two-week stretch that was as tumultuous as it gets in the realm of higher education: The University of Virginia's governing board today reinstated Teresa Sullivan as president 16 days after unceremoniously giving her the boot, reports the Daily Progress . Sullivan'...

GOP Govs to Romney: Hey, Economy's Not That Bad

Reelection interests clash with Romney's strategy

(Newser) - When Mitt Romney visited Iowa last month, he released an ad highlighting struggling, unemployed Iowans—which sort of irked Terry Branstad, the state's Republican governor. "My state is seeing significant growth," Branstad tells the Wall Street Journal , saying he didn’t know why Romney tried to stress...

Top 5 Picks for Romney Running Mate

Marco Rubio, Chris Christie lead Intrade's bets

(Newser) - There's no way of knowing who will join Mitt Romney on the GOP ticket—but Intrade is willing to guess. The online futures site offers odds on various contenders, and the Daily Beast takes a look at the top five:
  1. Marco Rubio, 24.9%. The Florida senator is a

Virginia Repeals Gun-a-Month Limit

Gov. Bob McDonnell lifts anti-gun-running measure

(Newser) - Virginia has killed off a law enacted in 1993 to tackle gun-running. GOP Gov. Bob McDonnell has signed a measure repealing a law that restricts residents to one handgun purchase a month , reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Before signing, McDonnell spoke to the families of victims of the 2007 Virginia Tech...

Virginia Senate Clears Scaled-Back Ultrasound Bill

Measure requires external procedure before abortion

(Newser) - Virginia moved a big step closer today toward a law that would require women to get an ultrasound before an abortion. The Virginia Senate passed the measure, with an exception for victims of rape or incest, reports the Richmond Times Dispatch . The ultrasound would be external, not the "transvaginal"...

GOP Governors Not Touching 2012 Race

Some fret over dividing party, others think endorsements don't matter

(Newser) - The National Governors Association gathered in Washington over the weekend—and though DC is abuzz over who the GOP nominee will be, most Republican governors are resolutely sitting on their hands. The majority haven't yet endorsed a candidate, and probably won't until the nomination is near, Politico notes—...

Virginia Waters Down Abortion Ultrasound Bill

Mandatory invasive procedure axed as governor withdraws support

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers in Virginia are backing away from voters' vaginas. Amid a national uproar—and mockery from the likes of Jon Stewart —the state House has watered down a controversial pre-abortion ultrasound bill by allowing women to refuse an invasive transvaginal procedure that had been required in an earlier...

Virginia Backpedals as Abortion Debate Blows Up

Bob McDonnell waffles on signing; media piles on

(Newser) - Besieged by protests , national outcry among feminists, and even an SNL sketch , Virginia is quickly rethinking its pre-abortion ultrasound bill, with the House of Delegates yesterday again delaying a vote, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch . Gov. Bob McDonnell, who had initially promised to sign the measure if it reached his desk,...

Mitt Romney Names Kelly Ayotte as Possible Vice-Presidential Pick
 Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP 

Romney: Ayotte Could Be VP

NH senator 'one of 15 names,' he says

(Newser) - Asked if he had anybody in mind for VP if he won the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney said "I have no names for you, it’s presumptuous, I’m not the nominee," before naming one name: Kelly Ayotte. Romney said the senator from New Hampshire, who endorsed him...

Cain: Perry Camp Name &#39;Vile&#39;
 Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile' 

Cain: Perry Camp Name 'Vile'

(Newser) - Rick Perry is bashing today's incendiary Washington Post story that his family's longtime hunting camp was long known as "n-----head," but Herman Cain is having none of it. Asked on Fox News Sunday about the story, Cain called it "extremely insensitive," reports Politico . "...

After Katrina, Governors Ace Hurricane Politics

Across East Coast, governors stay active responding to Irene

(Newser) - With the specter of Hurricane Katrina still looming large, East Coast governors stepped up their emergency responses to Irene, issuing loud warnings, mass evacuations, and continued caution. “No amount of spin, money, or ‘strategery’ can replace the gut reaction to a leader from a scared populace,” said...

Virginia Bill to Force Most Abortion Clinics to Close

Legislature passes bill requiring them to meet hospital standards

(Newser) - Virginia's Senate passed a bill yesterday requiring that all abortion clinics meet the same standards as hospitals—a move critics say will force 17 of the state's 21 clinics to close. The new rules will force clinics to do things like buy new equipment, increase staff training, and make cost-prohibitive...

Va. Pol: Screw Feds, Ban Gays From National Guard

Bob Marshall says Constitution gives states right to run their militias

(Newser) - The Commonwealth of Virginia is showing another sign of going rogue these days: Just days after Congress repealed DADT, a Republican lawmaker is calling for the state to ban gays from serving in the National Guard, reports the Richmond Times-Dispatch. Bob Marshall says the repeal amounts to a "social...

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