
3 Stories

Iran Accelerating Nuclear Work: Report

Window closing for diplomacy or military intervention, warn analysts

(Newser) - Negotiations related to Iran's nuclear program are nearly dead in their tracks; the same can't be said of the country's nuclear progress, according to a soon-to-be-released report by international nuclear inspectors cited by the the New York Times . The report claims that Iran has stepped up its...

UN Thinks Iran Is Building Two Nuke Sites

Tehran official says they'll be 'inside mountains'

(Newser) - Iran is apparently building two more uranium-enrichment sites and doesn't seem to care about keeping it a secret. A high-ranking Iranian official told the Student News Agency that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has ordered the work to begin soon "inside two mountains." The interview drew little attention at first, but...

CIA Knew of 'Secret' Iran Facility: Panetta

Once agency was certain this spring, Obama kept info as leverage for talks

(Newser) - The CIA knew about Iran's recently revealed uranium-enrichment facility and had been collecting intelligence on it since 2006. The US, the UK, and France had been on the lookout for a new secret plant since the 2002 revelation of the Natanz facility. When intelligence and covert operations uncovered a new...

3 Stories
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