
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

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Elle Accused of 'Whitening' Gabourey Sidibe on Cover

Bloggers disagree on treatment of Precious star

(Newser) - Precious star Gabourey Sidibe is on the new cover of Elle, and her image has set off a tiff in the blogosphere on whether the magazine used digital retouching to "whiten" her. Here's Julianne Hing at ColorLines : "Elle clearly couldn’t handle Sidibe’s real skin color, and...

Tea Party's Whip-Wielding Obama Float Stirs Anger

NAACP official calls it 'sad'

(Newser) - A local Tea Party float has caused a mild media stir thanks to its less-than-sensitive mascot: a man in a Barack Obama mask whipping a "future tax payer." Organizers of the parade have gotten complaints about the float, which some saw as political, racist, or just plain "...

Morrissey: Chinese Are a 'Subspecies'

Racism accusations after singer criticizes 'animal abuse'

(Newser) - Another racism flap for Morrissey: The singer called the Chinese people a "subspecies" because of their treatment of animals, and he won't back off from the remark. "Did you see the thing on the news about their treatment of animals and animal welfare? Absolutely horrific," he says...

Hundreds Rally Against Islamic Center

But rival protest pleads for peace

(Newser) - Some 1,000 protesters swarmed the site of the proposed Islamic Center near Ground Zero yesterday, largely overshadowing 250 demonstrators supporting the project. "It's a breeding ground for terrorists," grumbled critic Shawn Gilfeather. Opponents held aloft banners reading: "Building a mosque at Ground Zero Is like building...

Palin Loses Black Support Over Tweets on Dr. Laura

Black GOP'ers call her 'scary, 'unfit to lead'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s defense of Dr. Laura on Twitter may have badly damaged her among black Republicans. John Avlon of The Daily Beast spoke with several black conservative leaders, and they were not kind. “It says that a leading voice among conservatives has joined the ranks of the entertainers—...

Drop the Victim Schtick, Dr. Laura

She's no martyr, and doesn't deserve this 'pity party'

(Newser) - Following her N-word-filled tirade , Dr. Laura Schlessinger pulled the plug on her radio show…in the whiniest way possible. She wants to regain her First Amendment rights? Uh, then she certainly has “a poor grasp of what the First Amendment does,” writes Joan Walsh on Salon . “It...

Dr. Laura Spews the N-Word... Then Apologizes

(Newser) - Dr. Laura Schlessinger has apologized for using the n-word...six times. In response to a black woman seeking advice on how to appropriately respond to alleged racism from her white husband's friends, Dr. Laura started talking in a way that would make Paul Mooney blush on Tuesday's show. Her words:...

Serial Killer Attacking Black Men
Serial Killer Attacking
Black Men

Serial Killer Attacking Black Men

Cops believe Flint killer is Virginia slasher

(Newser) - Investigators believe that a man who attacked and wounded three dark-skinned men in Virginia this month is the same person wanted for 15 stabbings in Flint, Michigan. All but two of the Flint serial killer's victims, and all five fatalities, were African-American men, and police say the description of the...

Feds Yank Spain Racism Warning Before Michelle Trip

Warning was out of date, embassy says

(Newser) - Good news for Michelle Obama and any other African-Americans planning trips to Spain: "Racist prejudices" are—suddenly—no longer a problem, according to the US State Department. A warning on the department's website that African-Americans who visit the country may need to fear getting arrested by prejudiced police was...

Another Noose Found at UC San Diego

Pall of racism hangs over campus

(Newser) - For the second time this year, an object resembling a noose was found at UC San Diego, raising concerns about racism on campus. The crudely fashioned rope loop was found near a performing arts venue, reports the Los Angeles Times . In February, a similar object was found in a campus...

Let's Teach Sherrod's Speech in Schools
Let's Teach Sherrod's
Speech in Schools
Peggy Noonan

Let's Teach Sherrod's Speech in Schools

Teenagers could learn a lot from this woman's message

(Newser) - People are throwing around the phrase 'teachable moment" in regard to the Shirley Sherrod controversy , but Peggy Noonan means it literally. When schools open in the fall, Sherrod's full speech—"which is about the power of grace and the possibility of redemption"—should be "required viewing in...

USDA Reconsiders Axing 'Racist' Worker

Vilsack 'considering additional facts'

(Newser) - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack is reconsidering the USDA's decision to oust a black employee over racially tinged remarks after learning more about what she said. Vilsack will "conduct a thorough review and consider additional facts" about his decision to ask Shirley Sherrod to resign. Sherrod criticized the administration for...

Andrew Breitbart Perfects 'White Victimology'
Andrew Breitbart Perfects 'White Victimology'

Andrew Breitbart Perfects 'White Victimology'

Website twisted USDA video out of context to play on conservatives' fears

(Newser) - Andrew Breitbart has played on the fears of conservative whites to claim another black victim, writes Tom Scocca for Slate . The latest is Shirley Sherrod of the USDA, who had to resign over a video twisted completely out of context. Sherrod—who wasn't a USDA employee at the time—was...

Bloomberg Blasts Palin's Mosque Tweets

Or should we say he 'refudiates' them?

(Newser) - Michael Bloomberg was drawn into a war of words with Sarah Palin today, after one of his aides responded harshly to Sarah Palin’s bumbling tweets about the mosque being built near Ground Zero. In response to Palin’s last tweet—“Peace-seeking Muslims, pls understand, Ground Zero mosque is...

Tea Party Boots Tea Party Express Over Racist Letter

Racism dispute divides tea party movement

(Newser) - The recent dispute between the NAACP and the Tea Party has opened a major rift within the Tea Party movement: This weekend the National Tea Party Federation booted the Tea Party Express from its ranks after group spokesman Mark Williams posted a satirical letter to Abraham Lincoln from "colored...

NAACP Is Right About Racism in Tea Party
NAACP Is Right About Racism
in Tea Party
EJ Dionne

NAACP Is Right About Racism in Tea Party

But this is about individuals, not the group as a whole

(Newser) - Soundbites to the contrary, the NAACP has not declared that the Tea Party is racist, writes EJ Dionne. Instead, it has reasonably asked that the movement expel the bigots that clearly exist within its ranks. (NAACP chief Ben Jealous makes this clear in an interview with Dionne and on Morning ...

Tea Party Boss: We're Not Racist, the NAACP Is

Mark Williams says they're 'trying to make a buck off skin color'

(Newser) - Looks like the tea party is going with the old "I'm rubber and you're glue" defense to the NAACP's accusation that it harbors racists . Tea Party Express leader Mark Williams got into a heated back-in-forth on CNN yesterday, in which anchor Roland Martin challenged him to tell racists they...

Palin: Stop Calling Tea Party Racist
 Palin: Stop Calling 
 Tea Party Racist 

Palin: Stop Calling Tea Party Racist

Ex-governor takes aim at NAACP

(Newser) - The NAACP’s accusation that the Tea Party movement “ harbors racist elements ” got Sarah Palin so fired up that she had to write a Facebook post. “All decent Americans abhor racism,” she wrote , and with the election of Barack Obama “we, as a united people,...

NAACP to Slam Tea Party 'Racists'

Tea Party leader calls NAACP 'racist'

(Newser) - The Tea Party movement harbors "racist elements" that are a "threat to democracy" the NAACP is expected to declare in a resolution at its annual convention in Kansas City today. The "movement is not just about higher taxes and limited government, but something that could evolve and...

Mel's Rant Posted &mdash;More to Come?
 Mel's Rant Posted 
 —More to Come? 

Mel's Rant Posted —More to Come?

And he's dumped by his talent agency

(Newser) - For those yearning for the total experience of what it's like to be on the wrong end of Mel Gibson's brand of crazy, Radar's finally released the audio of the actor screaming at babymama Oksana Grigorieva. And it's got more where that came from, reports the AP. Meanwhile, feeding the...

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