
Read the most recent news articles and studies about racism on Newser.com

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>

Rick Perry's Family Camp Long Known by Racist Name

Perry says name changed, but others contradict him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum might not be the only Republican presidential candidate with a name problem. Back when Rick Perry was a young Democrat politician, he used to host events at his family's West Texas hunting camp, a retreat called "n-----head," reports the Washington Post . The offensive name, written...

Racially Charged Bake Sale Sparks Student Outrage

UC Berkeley Republicans get snarky about student admissions

(Newser) - "White/Caucasian" pastries: $2. "Black/African American" pastries: 75 cents. "Native American" pastries: only a quarter. Such is the pricing scheme for a sarcastic "Increase Diversity Bake Sale" posted on Facebook by a Republican group at UC Berkeley, reports the San Francisco Chronicle . Planned for Tuesday, the sale...

Black Caucus Rep: Tea Party Wants to Lynch Us

'This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow'

(Newser) - Indiana Rep. Andre Carson is taking a lot of heat today, after comments he made accusing the Tea Party of being racist were posted on The Blaze (see video). “This is the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow,” Carson declared at a Congressional Black Caucus event...

Gore Compares Climate Skeptics to Racists

Says people should urge them not to 'talk that way'

(Newser) - Al Gore is so sick of climate change skeptics that he views them a little bit like racists. During an interview yesterday with Fear Less , Gore urged his supporters to "win the conversation" on global warming, much as civil rights supporters won the fight against racism, according to Politico...

Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial: America Needs Revolution, Not Memorial, Writes Cornel West

 We Need Much 
 More Than a 
Cornel West

We Need Much More Than a Memorial

We need a revolution: Cornel West

(Newser) - The new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall may be a milestone "in the turbulent history of race and democracy in America," but let's not kid ourselves: "King weeps from his grave," writes Cornel West in a New York Times op-ed . Despite...

Obama Installs Racially Charged Painting

Norman Rockwell work includes racial epithet

(Newser) - The nation's first black president has hung a painting with the N-word outside the Oval Office, in a nod to the civil rights movement, reports Politico. President Obama last month had Norman Rockwell's "The Problem We All Live With" installed in the White House; the painting shows...

Limbaugh Names New Oreo After Obama

'Or-Bam-eo' is a 'biracial triple double-dipper,' Rush slurs

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh called a new Triple Double Oreo a "biracial" cookie with both vanilla and chocolate cream that he quipped will be known at the "Or-Bam-eo—the triple double-dipper." Limbaugh has used the Oreo slight once before against Obama, BET points out. In 2009, he said that...

Schultz: Sorry About Misleading Perry Clip

MSNBC host accused Texas governor of racism for 'black cloud' remark

(Newser) - Ed Schultz sort-of apologized last night for airing a deceptively cut clip of Rick Perry. On Monday, Schultz showed a clip of Perry saying that a “big black cloud” was over America, condemning it as coded racism. “That black cloud Perry is talking about is President Barack Obama,...

Minnesota High School Sued Over 'Wigger Day'

Black students says it was offensive

(Newser) - A former student is suing her high school for allegedly letting fellow students celebrate “Wigger Day,” the Huffington Post reports. “Wigger is a pejorative slang term for a white person who emulates the mannerisms, language and fashions associated with African-American culture,” the lawsuit says. Though the...

Court: Call to Shoot Obama Is Free Speech

Court clears Walter Bagdasarian for exhorting people to 'shoot the [racial slur]'

(Newser) - The First Amendment protects even racists calling for the president’s assassination, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled today, overturning the conviction of Walter Bagdasarian. Bagdasarian was convicted of threatening to kill a presidential candidate two weeks ahead of the 2008 election for an online rant in which he...

Stewart Slaps Back at Fox's Racism Charge

Daily Show host: No, really, I do offensive voices all the time

(Newser) - Fox News seems to thinks Jon Stewart is a racist, and Stewart's hitting right back. Last week, and again on Monday, Herman Cain said Stewart had attacked him “because I happen to be a black conservative,” decrying the “Amos and Andy” voice Stewart used when making...

Gingrich: Obama So Terrible Blacks Will Vote for Us

Gingrich doubles down on 'food stamp' president jab

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich once again called Barack Obama “ the food stamp president ” yesterday, and said Obama has been so bad for black voters that they could jump to the GOP. Last time Gingrich tried the food stamp line—in which he touts himself, by contrast, as the “paycheck...

Chinese Takeout Spot Cashes In on Racist Rant

Asian food operation makes fun of student's YouTube dig at Chinese

(Newser) - One woman's racist rant has become another operator's business opportunity. A food takeout biz is adopting the "ching-chong" dig at Chinese students posted on YouTube that ended up driving political science junior Alexandra Wallace out of UCLA . The new Asian-run food delivery biz is named Ching-Chong-Ling-Long Takeout...

Offensive Ad's Creator to Critics: 'Suck it'

Turn Right USA not apologizing for ad many are calling racist, sexist

(Newser) - If you were offended by the Turn Right USA ad featuring machine-gun-toting gangsters ordering a Democratic candidate for Congress to "Give me your cash, bitch, so we can shoot up the streets,” well, tough. Ladd Ehlinger Jr, the conservative filmmaker who created the ad, tells Salon that critics...

Is This Most Racist, Sexist Political Ad Ever?

'Give us your cash, ho, so we can shoot up the streets,' chant gangsters

(Newser) - The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is blasting what could be the most stunningly racist, sexist campaign ad in history. The web ad, produced by the ultra conservative Turn Right USA PAC , features machine-gun toting black ganstas ordering "bitch" and "ho" Democratic candidate for Congress Janice Hahn to give...

Fox Host: Obama Hosting 'Hoods' in the 'Hizzy'

Eric Bolling accused of racism after latest remarks

(Newser) - A Fox Business host is being accused of racism after declaring that President Obama likes to host “hoods” in the “hizzouse.” Eric Bolling initially referred to Obama’s Oval Office meeting with Gabon’s President Ali Bongo Thursday, then noted that “it's not first time...

Were the Smurfs Nazis? A French Sociologist Thinks So
 Were the Smurfs Nazis? 

Were the Smurfs Nazis?

New book claims the little blue creatures were living in a Nazi utopia

(Newser) - Things might have been a little smurfed up in Smurf Village. The friendly blue creatures were socialists and "the embodiment of a totalitarian utopia, steeped in Stalinism and Nazism," says one French sociologist in the new book, Le Petit Livre Bleu, or The Little Blue Book. The author...

Naomi Campbell Rips 'Racist' Chocolate Ad

Cadbury calls campaign 'all in good fun'

(Newser) - Tranquility-challenged super model Naomi Campbell is furious and threatening to sue a chocolate company that's using her name in what she blasts as a "racist" ad. "Move over, Naomi, there's a new diva in town," say the British Cadbury ads touting the company's Dairy...

Newt Gingrich Is All About 'Coded Racism:' Joan Walsh
 Newt Is All About 
 'Coded Racism' 

Newt Is All About 'Coded Racism'

And that's one reason he'll never be president

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich "is doubling down on racial politics, and I'm going to continue to call it out when I see it," declares Joan Walsh on Salon . Most recently, he referred to President Obama as a "food stamp president." He previously said Obama would only "...

Trump to Letterman: You’re Fired!

He's not racist, not sorry, and won't be going on Dave's show

(Newser) - Usually, politicians go around kissing babies and winning votes, but Donald Trump's unique path to the White House appears to be pissing off as many people as he possibly can: The Donald today smacked back at David Letterman after the host said last week that Trump's birtherism were...

Stories 741 - 760 | << Prev   Next >>