Sunday morning talk shows

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Sunday Talk Shows: Eric Cantor Says President Obama Had to Be Dragged 'Kicking and Screaming to the Table to Cut Spending'
Cantor: We Dragged Obama 'Kicking and Screaming'
talk show roundup

Cantor: We Dragged Obama 'Kicking and Screaming'

He claims the president was not leading talks on spending cuts

(Newser) - According to House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, President Obama had to be dragged “kicking and screaming to the table to cut spending,” he said on Fox News Sunday. Cantor says White House senior adviser David Plouffe is being dishonest in his claim that Obama was the one leading...

Graham: Free Speech a Great Idea, but We're at War

He's talking to you, Terry Jones

(Newser) - Lindsey Graham is pretty torqued about Terry Jones' Koran-burning stunt, Politico reports, and wants Congress to look into the unlikely possibility of limiting some kinds of speech. "I wish we could find a way to hold people accountable. Free speech is a great idea, but we're in a war,...

Fox's Chris Wallace Torqued By Hillary Clinton-Robert Gates Appearances on Other Sunday Shows
 Fox Torqued By 
 Clinton-Gates 'Diss' 

Fox Torqued By Clinton-Gates 'Diss'

Of course, secretaries skipped CNN, too

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates were talking up Libya on the talk show circuit today—except on Fox, and don't you think that host Chris Wallace didn't notice, reports Politico. “Of course we wanted to get the White House view on Libya,” Wallace told his viewers. “However,...

Libya Intervention: Admiral Mike Mullen Says Strikes Having 'Significant Effect'
 Mullen: Libya No-Fly Zone Is Up 

Mullen: Libya No-Fly Zone Is Up

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs stresses limited nature of mission

(Newser) - The US airstrikes launched yesterday against Libya are already having a "significant effect" on Moammar Gadhafi's military, Adm. Mike Mullen said in an interview today. Gadhafi has been unable to "fly the last couple of days," he said, “So I’d say the no-fly zone which...

Lindsey Graham: Obama Is Acting Like Leadership Is an 'Inconvenience'
 Leadership an 
 for Obama 


Graham: Leadership an 'Inconvenience' for Obama

GOP thinks Libya invasion is too little, too late

(Newser) - As Mike Mullen made the talk-show rounds to explain the administration's actions in Libya, Capitol Hill's finest followed him around to offer their two cents. Republicans are roundly slamming President Obama, with Lindsey Graham saying he's acting as though “leading the free world is an inconvenience,” and worrying...

Joe Lieberman: After Japan Nuclear Troubles, Time to Put the Brakes on New US Nuclear Power Plants
 'Put the Brakes' 
 on Nuclear Power 

Lieberman: 'Put the Brakes' on Nuclear Power

Plus, the no-fly zone and more from the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - As Japan struggles to avoid a nuclear meltdown following its massive earthquake and tsunami, Sen. Joe Lieberman thinks it might be time to stop permitting new nuclear power plants in the US, Politico reports. "I think we've got to kind of quietly—quickly put the brakes on until we...

Westboro Baptist Church on President Obama, Supreme Court Justices: You're Going to Hell
 Westboro to 
 Obama, Justices: 
 You're Going to Hell 

Westboro to Obama, Justices: You're Going to Hell

And more lighthearted fun on the Sunday dial

(Newser) - Westboro Baptist Church may have scored a key First Amendment victory this week, but they're not about to send out thank-you notes, reports Politico . In an appearance this morning on Fox News Sunday attorney and Fred Phelps daughter Margie Phelps said that the Supreme Court justices are hell-bound. “...

Scott Walker on Collective Bargaining: We Won't Back Down
 We Won't 
 Back Down 


Walker: We Won't Back Down

Plus, McCain doesn't think psy-ops affected him

(Newser) - Two weeks of protests in Wisconsin haven't done a lot to soften Scott Walker: The embattled governor tells Meet the Press today that he's not backing down on his opposition to collective bargaining, reports Politico. "If we do not get these changes and the Senate Democrats don't come back,...

Donald Rumsfeld on Osama bin Laden: He Would Have Gone to Guantanamo

 Rumsfeld: I 
 Would Have 
 Sent Osama 
 to Gitmo 

Rumsfeld: I Would Have Sent Osama to Gitmo

But defense secretary wouldn't have gone to visit

(Newser) - If the US had ever come up with Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda honcho would likely have headed straight to Gitmo: “He’d probably be subjected to a military commission,” Donald Rumsfeld told CNN today. But the defense secretary says he wouldn't have visited: "No. He's not...

Boehner: 'We're Broke'
 'We're Broke' 


Boehner: 'We're Broke'

But he thinks Obama handled 'difficult' situation in Egypt

(Newser) - Uncle Sam's wallet is so empty, it's enough to make John Boehner cry: "We’re broke," he told Meet the Press today. "What’s really dangerous is if we do nothing...We’re going to deal with the entitlement problem." Furthermore, with Tea Partiers in the...

Alan Simpson: Give Deficit Fairytales the 'Green Weenie'

Deficit panel chair full of colorful language in latest interview

(Newser) - Alan Simpson, the deficit commission co-chair famous for ever-so-subtly calling Social Security "a milk cow with 310 million tits," was back on the teevee today calling for serious cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, the aforementioned milk cow, and defense, reports the Huffington Post. Some highlights from his comments:
  • "

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting
Pundits, Politicians Spar
Over Tucson Shooting

Pundits, Politicians Spar Over Tucson Shooting

Some blame loopholes, others mental health treatment

(Newser) - Jared Lee Loughner got rejected from the Army for "excessive" drug use, yet was allowed to buy a gun because of a loophole that Sen. Chuck Schumer wants to close, reports the Hill. The New York Democrat is writing the White House to ask that the Pentagon be forced...

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts
Biden: We Did Go
to Mat on Tax Cuts

Biden: We Did Go to Mat on Tax Cuts

Meanwhile, back at the New START treaty, time grows short

(Newser) - President Obama's tax-cut compromise took more than a few kicks in the teeth from the left, but Joe Biden has had enough: "We did go to the mat. A total of 130 races, I made this case. We got to the end, we couldn’t get it done, and...

Bloomberg to Dems: Suck It Up on Tax Deal

Also, he's not running in 2012. Just so you know.

(Newser) - Joe Biden isn't the only one fed up with Democrats howling about President Obama's tax cut deal with the GOP—Michael Bloomberg today chimed right in, telling Obama he should tell his party faithful to "Suck it up." “This is the best I can do,"...

Gen. Clark: Now 'Ideal' Time to Repeal DADT

Relationships based on respect, not sexuality

(Newser) - Gen. Wesley Clark shot down objections to repealing DADT today, reports the Hill, calling wartime "the ideal time" to implement change "because we're talking about building teamwork around a common purpose." "It's just simply not a huge deal," he told This Week. Members of the...

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea
 McCain: Time for 
 Regime Change in Korea 

McCain: Time for Regime Change in Korea

Plus, pols debate the fate of DADT, START, and more

(Newser) - North Korea is beating its war drum, and John McCain wants to beat them over the head with it: "It's time we talked about regime change in North Korea—and I do not mean military action—but I do believe that this is a very unstable regime," the...

Clinton: I'd Skip a Pat-Down

 I'd Skip a 

Hillary Clinton: I'd Skip a Pat-Down

And she's optimistic it'll get less-invasive

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton probably can't even remember what it's like to fly commercial, but would the secretary of State man up and submit to a pat-down? "Not if I, not if I could avoid it," Clinton told Face the Nation. "No, I mean who would?" Of note, Clinton...

McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad
 McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad 

McCain: I'm Cool With Cindy's Ad

Senator respects 'First Amendment rights of every member of my family'

(Newser) - John McCain's just fine with wife Cindy's stance (or revised stance? ) on Don't Ask, Don't Tell, telling Meet the Press that "I respect the First Amendment rights of every member of my family." The missus McCain backtracked on her appearance in an ad calling for the repeal...

Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It
 Pelosi Just 
 Don't Get It 


Cantor: Obama, Pelosi Just Don't Get It

Lots of other sparring, slicing, and dicing on your Sunday show roundup

(Newser) - Apparently President Obama and Nancy Pelosi aren't listening to the message Democrats were given Tuesday, complains Eric Cantor. "When you hear the president say things like 'we did a poor job of explaining what we were trying to do,' that is indicative of his not getting it,"...

Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012
 Fox Host 
 to Palin: 
 You Won't 
 Run in 2012 


Fox Host to Palin: You Won't Run in 2012

Says she's having too much fun, making too much money

(Newser) - Despite recent protestations to the contrary, Sarah Palin is blowing smoke and has no intention of running for president in 2012—at least, according to Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace, who called the former gov on her intentions today. Palin is "having too much fun" and "making...

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