
12 Stories

This Is the Healthiest City in America

San Francisco tops WalletHub's list; Brownsville, Texas, brings up the rear

(Newser) - The pandemic made many reassess the importance of staying fit, so WalletHub looked at more than 180 of the most populated US cities to see which are helping residents live their best wellness lives in four main categories: health care (including such factors as cost of basic medicine, quality of...

10 Healthiest, Most Unhealthy Cities in America

Head West for good health

(Newser) - Staying in shape and in a general state of wellness is (and should be) a priority for most—and where you live can have an effect on how you maintain your health. WalletHub looked at more than 170 of the most populated US cities across more than three dozen metrics,...

Here Are the 10 Healthiest, Least Healthy US Cities

Heading west for good health seems sound

(Newser) - Staying healthy can be challenging these days, thanks to hectic lifestyles, conflicting advice, and rising health-care costs. WalletHub tries to at least narrow down the US cities where you might have the best chance for good health, looking at more than 170 of the most populated urban areas across more...

New Jimmy John's Sub Is a 'Cardiologist's Nightmare'

The 2,190 calories in the Gargantuan exceeds the US government's recommended daily intake

(Newser) - Construction workers and college students are apparently ravenous. Those are the ones, among others, being targeted by the Jimmy John's sandwich chain with its newest offering: the JJ Gargantuan , a 2,190-calorie beast that exceeds in caloric content what the US government recommends most people should eat in one...

These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest Meals You Can Order
These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest
Meals You Can Order
in case you missed it

These Are 5 of the Unhealthiest Meals You Can Order

Including a breakfast with 1,990 calories

(Newser) - The Center for Science in the Public Interest is out with its annual list of chain restaurant "meals" that are so packed with calories they're more like a full day (or more) worth of food, the Consumerist reports. Highlights from CSPI's list of eight:
  • The highest number

This Is the World's Healthiest Country

Iceland takes No. 1 spot; Lesotho is last

(Newser) - Curious which nations are considered the healthiest in the world—and which ones may need a health overhaul? 24/7 Wall St. examined 170 countries with populations of 250,000 or more, using various gauges from World Bank data such as infant and maternal mortality rates, life expectancy, and tuberculosis incidence...

America's 3 Unhealthiest Meals

Check to see if your favorite chain restaurants are on this 'yummy' list

(Newser) - Jayne Hurley and Bonnie Liebman of the Center for Science in the Public Interest note it's not easy to win top "honors" in the category of "Xtreme Eating." But never fear: The winners of their "Worst Chain Restaurant Meals of the Year" "have what...

11 Bad Habits of the Stars
 11 Bad Habits 
 of the Stars 

11 Bad Habits of the Stars

Rich, famous, but not always healthy

(Newser) - Not all celebrities are like Gwyneth Paltrow, existing on air, kale, and good vibes alone. No, quite a few of them indulge in some distinctly unhealthy habits, from smoking to chowing down on junk food to spending too much time in the sun. The Stir rounds up 11 of the...

Most Caloric Restaurant Dishes 'Honored'

That IHOP platter has about as many calories as you should eat in a day

(Newser) - The average person should ingest around 2,000 calories per day ... which is what makes it so incredible that the Cheesecake Factory's Bistro Shrimp Pasta contains 3,120 calories. It's the top "winner" of this year's Xtreme Eating Awards, which highlight the highest-calorie meals you can...

Nutella Maker Settles $3M 'Candy Bar' Lawsuit

Athena Hohenberg's class-action suit worth $4 per jar

(Newser) - Bought Nutella over the past four years? You're in luck: Fererro USA, which makes the creamy spread, has set aside $3 million to settle a class-action lawsuit from a California mom. Athena Hohenberg filed the suit in reaction to Nutella's advertising claim that the product is "an...

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years
Woman Eats Only Pizza
for 31 Years
in case you missed it

Woman Eats Only Pizza for 31 Years

Selective Eating Disorder puts Londoner's health at risk

(Newser) - Turns out eating cheese-and-tomato pizzas for 31 years isn't very good for you—who knew. But a British woman says she can't face anything else on her plate without getting the shakes, ANI reports. “I’m actually scared of fruit and veg," says London resident Claire...

Unhealthy? Then Shut Up About Health Reform: Maher

(Newser) - Fat? Out of shape? Otherwise unhealthy? Then shut your trap about health-care reform until you do something about your own well-being, comedian Bill Maher writes for the Huffington Post. “Unlike most liberals, I’m glad all those teabaggers marched on Washington last week,” he snickers. “Because judging...

12 Stories
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