Anthony Fauci

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

First, Double the Testing, Fauci Says

Doctor expects to reach that level in the next few weeks

(Newser) - The US is conducting 1.5 million to 2 million coronavirus tests a week, Dr. Anthony Fauci said, which sounds like a lot. But he said that's only halfway to the level the nation needs. "We probably should get up to twice that as we get into the...

Brad Pitt Plays Fauci on Another SNL at Home
SNL Gives Fauci
His Dream Casting

SNL Gives Fauci His Dream Casting

Brad Pitt plays the beleaguered doctor

(Newser) - Saturday Night Live debuted another episode from home on Saturday, this time with Brad Pitt appearing as Dr. Anthony Fauci in the show's Cold Open. As Rolling Stone reports, that was a bit of wish fulfillment for the good doctor, who named Pitt when asked who should play him...

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview
CDC Director Might Be
Regretting That Interview
the rundown

CDC Director Might Be Regretting That Interview

Robert Redfield is walking back his comments on second wave of coronavirus

(Newser) - On Tuesday, the Washington Post published an interview with Dr. Robert Redfield in which the CDC director seemed to indicate an inevitable second wave of coronavirus infections was likely to be worse than this initial wave. By Wednesday, Redfield was walking back those remarks. President Trump tweeted Wednesday that Redfield...

Fauci: These Protests Might Backfire
Fauci: These Protests
Might Backfire

Fauci: These Protests Might Backfire

He warns that reopening states too quickly could set back the 'real' economic recovery

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci had a word of caution Monday for protesters around the US pushing to reopen states as quickly as possible. That word was "backfire." In an appearance on Good Morning America, Fauci acknowledged that the coronavirus was doing real damage to the economy. "But unless...

Fauci: Daily White House Briefings Are 'Really Draining'

He explains what 'would have really been much better'

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease expert, said Tuesday the US does not yet have the critical testing and tracing procedures needed to begin reopening the nation's economy, adding a dose of caution to increasingly optimistic projections from the White House. In an interview with the...

Fauci on Controversial Interview: 'Poor Choice of Words'

Doctor says hypothetical questions 'can get you into some difficulty'

(Newser) - President Trump retweeted a #FireFauci tweet after Dr. Anthony Fauci made a comment Sunday on CNN that he didn't like, then later clarified he's not actually going to fire Fauci. Now Fauci is clarifying. That aforementioned CNN comment came after Fauci was asked if the earlier release of...

White House: Trump Is Not Firing Fauci

'Media chatter is ridiculous,' says spokesman

(Newser) - No, President Trump doesn't plan to fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, a White House spokesman said Monday. The clarification came after Trump set off speculation by retweeting a conservative criticism of Fauci, one that included a "FireFauci" hashtag. “This media chatter is ridiculous—President Trump is not firing...

Trump Not Happy With Fauci's Latest Comments

President retweets #FireFauci tweet

(Newser) - New cases of the coronavirus are certain to arise when restrictions imposed to limit the spread of the virus are eased, said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert for the US. But Fauci said Sunday on CNN that the economy in parts of the country could have a...

Why Coronavirus Models Are So Far Off
Coronavirus Models
Are Way Off. But Why?

Coronavirus Models Are Way Off. But Why?

Fareed Zakaria looks at the latest downward projections

(Newser) - Dire predictions about the coronavirus are easing a little—or let's face it, a lot—and Fareed Zakaria wants to know why. Writing this week in the Washington Post , the CNN host looks at projected US fatalities and current hospitalization rates, both of which are way down. Just last...

'Immunity' Cards Are Being Considered

Fauci says the idea is under consideration once antibody tests are more widely available

(Newser) - Tests to determine whether someone had the coronavirus should be more widely available in about a week, Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN on Friday. Assuming the antibody tests clear final checks for accuracy, a "rather large number of tests" should be ready to go soon, he said. The FDA...

Panel's Warning: Summer Won't Be a COVID Killer

'Pandemic likely will not diminish' in warmer weather, experts tell White House

(Newser) - Researchers are warning the Trump administration not to bank on warm weather to slow the spread of the coronavirus. In a letter sent to the White House, a panel from the National Academy of Sciences says data on the spread of the virus in cold versus warm weather is inconclusive,...

When Will Kids Go Back to School? Fauci Predicts

Even if he's right, 'it's going to be different'

(Newser) - The White House coronavirus task force press briefings have become an almost daily occurrence, and Americans often look to hearing Dr. Anthony Fauci speak about his expectations on when to expect relief from the virus and its associated restrictions. Parents in particular have a pressing question amid all the school...

CDC Nixes 'Highly Unusual' Wording on Trump-Pushed Drugs

'Why would CDC be publishing anecdotes? That doesn't make sense.'

(Newser) - What Reuters calls "highly unusual guidance" on two drugs President Trump has been pushing to treat the coronavirus has been removed from the CDC site almost as quickly as it went up. The original guidance on hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, which showed up over the weekend under "Therapeutic Options,...

Navarro on His Clash With Fauci: &#39;I&#39;m a Social Scientist&#39;
Navarro: Yes, I'm Qualified
to Disagree With Fauci
the rundown

Navarro: Yes, I'm Qualified to Disagree With Fauci

Trade adviser's justification: He's a social scientist

(Newser) - "Doctors disagree about things all the time." So explains the heated discussion between Dr. Anthony Fauci and Peter Navarro, PhD. The White House trade adviser said that and more when asked by CNN on Monday about a tense White House Situation Room meeting Saturday in which Fauci and...

Fauci: Half of Those Infected May Have No Symptoms

Estimate is twice as high as CDC figure from last week

(Newser) - Last week, the CDC chief told NPR that as many as 25% of people infected with coronavirus may not show any symptoms. Dr. Robert Redfield's estimate may have been too low by a lot. “It’s somewhere between 25% and 50%,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci during the...

&#39;This Is Going to Be the Hardest and Saddest Week&#39;
'This Is Going to Be the
Hardest and Saddest Week'
sunday talk shows

'This Is Going to Be the Hardest and Saddest Week'

Surgeon General Jerome Adams and Dr. Anthony Fauci hit the Sunday talk shows

(Newser) - The US surgeon general offered some of the starkest warnings yet Sunday as he braced Americans for the worsening fallout from the new coronavirus, warning "this is going to be the hardest and the saddest week of most Americans' lives, quite frankly." The public was advised separately by...

What Dr. Fauci Says About the Mask Thing
Is China to Blame?
'Looks that Way'

Is China to Blame? 'Looks that Way'

Anthony Fauci weighs in on vital questions about the coronavirus

(Newser) - With the CDC now advising people to wear masks—and President Trump saying he won't do it—Anthony Fauci appeared on PBS Newshour to discuss the new guidance and other aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, including China's culpability and the effectiveness of a malaria drug on COVID-19. Fauci,...

Fauci Getting His Own Bobblehead
Fauci Getting
His Own Bobblehead

Fauci Getting His Own Bobblehead

Part of the proceeds will go toward protective gear

(Newser) - The United States' top infectious disease specialist is getting his own bobblehead. The creation from the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum in Milwaukee features Dr. Anthony Fauci wearing a suit as he makes a motion showing how the nation needs to “flatten the curve” in the coronavirus...

Dr. Fauci to Get 'Enhanced' Security After Threats

Scientist on front lines against virus also getting 'unwelcome communications from fervent admirers'

(Newser) - He's become one of the most familiar faces in the effort to fight the coronavirus—maybe a little too familiar. Justice Department officials said Wednesday that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director who's become a household name due to his appearances at...

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings
CDC May Change
Advice on Face Coverings
the rundown

CDC May Change Advice on Face Coverings

DIY masks are becoming more popular

(Newser) - Last month, the surgeon general issued an all-caps plea to Americans: "STOP BUYING MASKS!" But as the coronavirus outbreak worsens, a more nuanced debate is unfolding about whether Americans should be wearing masks, or some type of face covering, in public. Nobody is suggesting that people wear surgical...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>