Anthony Fauci

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Meghan McCain: Fauci Doesn't Understand Science

Frustrated about 'inconsistent messaging,' co-host wants expert replaced

(Newser) - Meghan McCain is "over Dr. Fauci." The co-host of The View criticized the vaccine rollout on Monday's show and the coronavirus guidance given by Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top expert on infectious diseases, the Hill reports. McCain said he's guilty of "terribly inconsistent...

US on Brink of 500,000 COVID-19 Deaths
US Set to Hit Grim
COVID Milestone

US Set to Hit Grim COVID Milestone

500,000 deaths

(Newser) - The U. stood Sunday at the brink of a once-unthinkable tally: 500,000 people lost to the coronavirus. A year into the pandemic, the running total of lives lost was about 498,000—roughly the population of Kansas City, Mo., and just shy of the size of Atlanta. The figure...

Experts Caution Those Who Have Been Vaccinated

Masks shouldn't be dropped just yet

(Newser) - Experts have a dose of reality for people who were hoping to gleefully throw their masks away after receiving a coronavirus vaccination. "Unfortunately, getting vaccinated does not instantly mean we can go back to how life was before," Dr. Kristin Englund, an infection disease expert, told the Cleveland...

If You're Dating, You Won't Want to Be a Victim of 'Fauci-ing'

Infectious diseases expert has spurred creation of a whole new word on rejection

(Newser) - Do you know what it means if you're a victim of "Fauci-ing"? Don't worry—neither did the man the term is named after, until Axios filled him in. Dr. Anthony Fauci spoke with the site's managing editor, Margaret Talev, as part of its "Axios...

Fauci Calls Virus Mutations a 'Wake-Up Call'

Treat each new case as if it's caused by a new strain, CDC advises

(Newser) - The coronavirus will keep mutating into new variants, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Friday, unless we achieve vaccination levels so high that new strains have nowhere to go. "Mutations occur because the virus has a playing field, as it were, to mutate," he said, the Hill reports. "If...

US Confirms First Case of COVID Variant From Brazil
COVID Strain Reaches
US From Brazil

COVID Strain Reaches US From Brazil

Variant found in Minnesota concerns Dr. Fauci because of the number of mutations

(Newser) - Minnesota health officials have confirmed they've found a new coronavirus variant in a patient, a strain that has been spreading fast in Brazil. It's the first known case in the US, the New York Times reports. The patient, who lives in the Twin Cities area and is now...

Fauci Opens Up About Working With Trump

He also reveals that he opened a letter filled with powder

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has previously said it feels "liberating" to work in the new White House, and in an interview with the New York Times , Fauci elaborates on what 2020 was like for him. Among other things, he reveals that he once opened a letter in his office, only...

Fauci: UK Strain Could Be Worse Than Thought

British experts find a higher death toll in one age group

(Newser) - Recent data suggests the UK strain of the coronavirus is more deadly, Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday. "We want to look at the data ourselves," Fauci said. Until that happens, he said, the US needs to "assume now that what has been circulating dominantly in the UK...

Here's How Dr. Fauci Feels About Working Under Biden

'Liberating' is a word the doctor used

(Newser) - Wondering how Dr. Anthony Fauci, frequently dissed and ultimately sidelined by former President Trump, feels about working in the Biden administration? Pretty darn good, he revealed in answer to a question at Thursday's White House press briefing. "I can tell you I take no pleasure at all in...

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback
On COVID Toll, Trump
Gets Pushback

On COVID Toll, Trump Gets Pushback

Fauci, Adams say the numbers are real after president tweets the CDC exaggerates

(Newser) - President Trump tried to discount the destruction caused by COVID-19, tweeting Sunday that government counts of cases and deaths are "far exaggerated in the United States." He blamed the way the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention compiles the statistics, adding, "When in doubt, call it COVID....

Don't Expect Normal Before Fall: Fauci

Infectious disease expert calls vaccination effort disappointing

(Newser) - Vaccinations have begun, but the goal of resuming American life something like it was before the coronavirus struck is not within reach yet. "It's going to take several months. ... It's not going to happen in the first few months," Dr. Anthony Fauci said Thursday. "If...

One Trump, One Obama Take Home 'Most Admired' Crowns

Donald Trump ends Barack Obama's 12-year winning streak, while Michelle Obama wins top spot for women

(Newser) - Donald Trump didn't beat Joe Biden in the election, but he can notch a win against Barack Obama. In its annual survey on the matter, Gallup pollsters asked 1,000 or so American adults to name, without being given choices, a man and a woman they most admire anywhere...

Fauci, WHO Issue 2 Bleak Warnings
Fauci, WHO
Issue 2

Fauci, WHO Issue 2 Bleak Warnings

Fauci fears January will be worse than December; WHO says COVID may not be 'the big one'

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci delivered some not-so-comforting words Tuesday on the state of COVID in the US, telling CNN that the current surge "has just gotten ... out of control in many respects." While December has been record-setting in terms of deaths, Fauci said he feared January will be worse, in...

Fauci Moves Goal Posts on Herd Immunity

No one knows what's needed, but the original targets might have been too low

(Newser) - The nation is just beginning its coronavirus vaccination campaign, and already it sounds like herd immunity is getting harder to reach. The World Health Organization puts the population share that needs to have achieved resistance through having the virus or receiving a vaccination at 60% to 70%. Early on, Dr....

Fauci's 80th Birthday Party Was Very Fauci

Wife threw him a surprise 80th party via Zoom

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci got an early birthday gift in the form of a vaccination from the virus he's battling , but for the good doctor's actual 80th birthday on Christmas Eve, his wife threw him a surprise party—via Zoom, because we currently live in 2020. Fauci's wife...

Deborah Birx Says She&#39;ll Help Biden, Then Retire
Task Force Mainstay
Plans to Retire

Task Force Mainstay Plans to Retire

Dr. Deborah Birx has taken heat for her Thanksgiving trip

(Newser) - Dealing with a backlash after a Thanksgiving trip, Dr. Deborah Birx said Tuesday she's going to retire, though she'll offer to assist President-elect Joe Biden's administration with its coronavirus efforts first. "I will be helpful in any role that people think I can be helpful in,...

Fauci's 80th Birthday Gift Is ... Appropriate

Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases given vaccine dose

(Newser) - He wanted it to be "a symbol to the rest of the country." And so, Anthony Fauci sat down at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., on Tuesday and let a health care professional stick a needle in his arm on live TV. "I consider...

Fauci: These 2 Should Get Their Shots Now

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci thinks two people in particular should skip to the front of the line for a coronavirus vaccination: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. "For security reasons, I really feel strongly that we should get them vaccinated as soon as we possibly can," he said on Good ...

&#39;Fauci&#39; Battles Bras, Talks Vaccine on SNL
Bras Fly as 'Fauci'
Appears on SNL

Bras Fly as 'Fauci' Appears on SNL

Kate McKinnon and Heidi Gardner do the cold open

(Newser) - Kate McKinnon as Anthony Fauci? Yep, raspy voice and all: "Yeah we're doing this vaccine World War Two-style," she said when Saturday Night Live cold-opened on CNN's The Situation Room, per the Washington Post . "We made England go in first and see what's what,...

Check Out 2020's Most Mispronounced Words

'Fauci' and 'Kamala' are among the toppers

(Newser) - Fauci, Kamala ... da Vinci? America's preeminent infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, and its incoming vice president, Kamala Harris, join the Renaissance master himself, Leonardo da Vinci, atop this year's list of most mispronounced words, as compiled by the US Captioning Company, which captions and subtitles real-time events on...

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