Anthony Fauci

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Fauci Contracts West Nile Virus
Fauci Contracts
West Nile Virus

Fauci Contracts West Nile Virus

Infectious disease expert recovers at home after hospital stay

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci, the longtime public health official who became the face of the federal government's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, was hospitalized this month for six days with a case of West Nile virus. "He is now home and is recovering," a spokesperson said, per the...

Fauci Describes 'Complicated' Relationship With Trump

New memoir looks back at time of 'profound divisiveness'

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has released a memoir of his decades of public service—including his relationship with then-President Donald Trump during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some highlights from interviews about On Call: A Doctor's Journey in Public Service:
  • A "very complicated figure." Trump is a "very complicated

Fauci Denies Cover-Up on Origin of COVID

Greene was reprimanded for refusing to call him 'Dr.' during House panel hearing

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci faced a grilling from Republican lawmakers Monday in his first public testimony since he retired as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in late 2022. At the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing, Fauci denied attempting to cover up the origin...

Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill
Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill

Fauci to Return to Capitol Hill

GOP has questions about allegations concerning public records laws at agency

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci is scheduled on Monday to provide his first congressional testimony since leaving government , with Republicans and Democrats planning different lines of questioning. GOP members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic expect to ask about allegations of misconduct on his watch at the National Institute...

NIH Selects Successor to Fauci
NIH Selects
to Fauci

NIH Selects Successor to Fauci

Jeanne Marrazzo, known for her work on sexually transmitted infections, will start job in the fall

(Newser) - A research scientist in Alabama will become the nation's top infectious disease expert, succeeding Dr. Anthony Fauci. The National Institutes of Health announced Wednesday that Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo will run the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, CNN reports, beginning in the fall. Marrazzo's responsibilities will include...

Anthony Fauci Hits Back at Elon Musk
Anthony Fauci
Responds to Elon Musk

Anthony Fauci Responds to Elon Musk

Says calls to prosecute him are 'insanity'

(Newser) - Elon Musk called for prosecuting Anthony Fauci back in December, and Fauci on Saturday addressed that idea, calling it "insanity." "There's no response to that craziness, Jim," Fauci told Jim Acosta on CNN, per Fox News and Newsweek . "Prosecute me for what? What are...

House GOP Puts Fauci on Notice for COVID Probe

Panels send Biden officials letter about testimony, documents

(Newser) - House Republicans kicked off an investigation Monday into the origins of COVID-19 by issuing a series of letters to current and former Biden administration officials for documents and testimony. The Republican chairmen of the House Oversight Committee and the subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic requested information from several people, including...

Defendant Pleads Guilty to Threatening to Kill Walensky

Mississippi man also said he planned to kill Fauci

(Newser) - A Mississippi man who threatened to kill Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Rochelle Walensky has pleaded guilty to making threats in interstate commerce, federal prosecutors announced Monday. Robert Wiser Bates, 39, of Ridgeland, threatened to kill Walensky in voicemails left in July 2021 at the CDC headquarters in...

Fauci: Trump's White House Did Oppo Research on Me

Doctor tells David Axelrod he faced 'outright hostility' from that administration over COVID

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has become an unwilling headline-maker once again after being targeted earlier this week by Twitter owner Elon Musk, whom Fauci said he generally tries to ignore. "I don't respond to him," Fauci told CNN commentator David Axelrod in a snippet of a podcast aired...

Fauci: Twitter 'Almost a Cesspool of Misinformation'

He addresses Elon Musk's prosecution comment

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci addressed Elon Musk's Sunday tweets about him, telling CNN commentator David Axelrod in a podcast interview, "I don't respond to him." Fauci continued, "I don’t pay any attention to him because that’s merely a distraction. And if you get drawn into...

Fauci Delivers Final Briefing
Fauci Delivers Final Briefing

Fauci Delivers Final Briefing

'I’ve never left anything on the field,' he says in look back at decades in public service

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci delivered the final White House briefing of his long career on Tuesday, and his message was a familiar one. "Please, for your own safety, for that of your family, get your updated COVID-19 shot as soon as you're eligible to protect yourself, your family and...

Health Experts, GOP Have Doubts About Biden's Pandemic Claim

It's not over, officials point out, when 400 people are dying of COVID each day

(Newser) - Update: Add Anthony Fauci to the list of people contradicting President Biden's assertion that the COVID-19 pandemic is over. Fauci, Biden's top COVID adviser, said Monday that the US is "not where we need to be if we’re going to be able to, quote, ‘live...

Anthony Fauci, Still Reviled on Right, Is Stepping Down

Doctor, 81, has led his government agency for nearly 40 years

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci has hinted his retirement was coming soon , and on Monday he gave it a date: The longtime scientific adviser to American presidents will retire from his government post in December. "So long as I'm healthy, which I am, and I'm energetic, which I am, and...

Fauci Says He'll Retire Before Biden's Term Is Up

He says he'd be 105 if he waited until COVID was gone

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci has served under seven presidents—and he's decided President Biden will be the last. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allegy and Infectious Diseases, tells CNN that he hasn't set a retirement date yet, but he will "very likely" step down before the...

Fauci Has COVID
Fauci Is Now
'Rebound' COVID

Fauci Is Now Experiencing 'Rebound' COVID

81-year-old took Paxlovid

(Newser) - Update: Count Anthony Fauci among the victims of so-called "rebound" COVID. The 81-year-old doctor initially experienced "minimal" symptoms when he was infected with the coronavirus, but when they started getting worse, he was prescribed Paxlovid due to his age, the Hill reports. After the five-day course of the...

Conway Spills on George, Kushner, Trump in New Book

'America will survive. George and I may not,' ex-WH counsel writes in 'Here's the Deal,' out Tuesday

(Newser) - Kellyanne Conway has a new book coming out this week, and one of the people she goes after most is the one she lives with. "I had two men in my life," Conway writes in Here's the Deal, due out from Simon and Schuster on Tuesday, per...

Fauci: If Trump Wins Again, Count Me Out

Scientific adviser says he would not continue in his role

(Newser) - Anthony Fauci clashed repeatedly with then-President Trump over COVID policies, and the scientific adviser says he would not do it again. "No," Fauci answered when asked on CNN over the weekend about whether he would serve in a second Trump administration, per the Hill . When CNN's Jim...

Pandemic Is in Transition: Fauci
Fauci Puts
Fine Point
on Pandemic

Fauci Puts Fine Point on Pandemic

US is in transition, expert clarifies

(Newser) - Dr. Anthony Fauci worried that his assessment of the state of the coronavirus pandemic given Tuesday was being misinterpreted as meaning it's all over, so he went at the subject again Wednesday. "We don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and tens and tens...

Fauci Pulls Out of WH Correspondents' Dinner

He says it's 'because of my individual assessment of my personal risk'

(Newser) - Weeks after a glitzy Washington, DC, dinner turned into a superspreader event , Dr. Anthony Fauci has decided he doesn't want to take his chances at another one. President Biden's top COVID adviser will not be at the White House Correspondents' Association dinner Saturday when the event returns for...

US COVID Cases Fall, but Not in Half the States

Fauci warns fall could bring an upswing

(Newser) - As COVID-19 restrictions are relaxed around the country, the data on new infections are mixed. The number of daily new infections decreased 5% overall in the US over the past two weeks, Axios reports, to about 28,700 from an average of 30,000 or so. The number of deaths...

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