
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

A Black Student's Death is Getting Even Uglier

More evidence emerges in the case of Sanda Dia

(Newser) - A black student's death during a hazing ritual in Belgium has raised painful issues of racism, elitism, colonialism—and people who might be getting away with manslaughter, the New York Times reports. Sanda Dia was 20 when he died trying to enter a nearly all-white fraternity at the Catholic...

University Handing Out Grants for Doing Nothing

German school to dole out 3 'idleness grants' of $1.9K each

(Newser) - Getting a university grant sometimes requires an extraordinary amount of work. In this case, not so much. The University of Fine Arts in Hamburg, Germany, is handing out three "idleness grants" of $1,900 each, reports UPI . The name is accurate: The university will pay four people to do...

UConn Evicts Students From Campus After Dorm Party

They were kicked out after video of packed party surfaced

(Newser) - University of Connecticut officials have told several students in on-campus housing to pack their bags following a dorm party where social distancing was definitely not observed and few people wore masks. In a letter to students Tuesday, UConn Dean of Students Eleanor Daugherty and Residential Life Director Pamela Schipani said...

3 University Soccer Players Kicked Off Team After Party

Louisville gathering linked to 29 infections

(Newser) - Three University of Louisville men's soccer players are off the team after organizing a party blamed for dozens of coronavirus infections, university authorities say. The university says the three players booted off the team are believed to be "primarily responsible" for the off-campus party, which has been linked...

Harvard Students Will Pay $49,653 for Remote Learning

40% of undergrads can live on campus this fall

(Newser) - Harvard says that because of the pandemic, students this year will experience "a fall like no other"—although one familiar thing will be the tuition fees. The university says all classes will be conducted remotely, but tuition will not be discounted from $49,653, CNBC reports. The university...

School Dean Sends Out 'Tone Deaf' Dance Video

Not exactly what NYU students were hoping for

(Newser) - Hundreds of students seeking lower tuitions amid the coronavirus pandemic appear to be out of luck—and miffed at what they did get, the New York Post reports. Allyson Green, dean of New York University Tisch School of the Arts, answered their pleas by emailing them a video of her...

Spring Breakers Get the Coronavirus
Spring Breakers
Get the Coronavirus

Spring Breakers Get the Coronavirus

15 Florida students test positive for COVID-19

(Newser) - Spring breakers partied hard in Florida last week despite the coronavirus pandemic and now, well, some bad news: Five from the University of Tampa have tested positive for COVID-19, WKBN reports. The school says they were "traveling together with other UT students during spring break" and "are self-isolating,...

She Was Close to a Dream Job &mdash;When the Reddit Posts Appeared
Sex Misconduct
Case Has a

Sex Misconduct Case Has a Terrifying Twist

An Arizona professor had to battle anonymous accusations of sexual misconduct

(Newser) - Think academia can get nasty? Hope you're sitting down. Sarah Viren, who teaches at Arizona State University, tells a horrifying story in the New York Times Magazine . The professor was close to getting a dream job in Michigan when sexual harassment claims appeared on Reddit against her and her...

School Board Members Received an Extra $115M

The University of Maryland medical system admits there's a problem

(Newser) - Nearly $115 million went to board members of the University of Maryland Medical System or businesses associated with them, a state audit has found. The payments went to 27 board members or their associated businesses between Jan. 1, 2016 and April 18, 2019, according to a 100-page report that was...

Hong Kong Cops Storm School Held by Protesters
Things Get Ugly in Hong Kong

Things Get Ugly in Hong Kong

Riot officers break into university held by protesters as fires rage

(Newser) - Hong Kong police using tear gas and rubber bullets fought off protesters Monday as they tried to break through a police cordon that is trapping hundreds of them on a university campus. Protesters advanced on the police from outside the cordon, while others emerged from the campus, their trademark umbrellas...

Tenn. University Finds 'It's OK to Be White' Signs

Signs cover memorial for first African-American students at East Tennessee State University

(Newser) - East Tennessee State University is the latest college campus hit by a white supremacist campaign started by an internet group. "I am disgusted by this act," Brian Noland, university president, says in a statement cited by NBC News . That act: signs proclaiming "It's OK to be...

Students React to Writer's Talk by Burning Her Book

Jennine Capó Crucet was speaking out against white privilege

(Newser) - A visiting novelist at Georgia Southern University inspired such debate Wednesday that some students set her book on fire, BuzzFeed reports. Jennine Capó Crucet told a student audience about her novel, Make Your Home Among Strangers, which depicts a Cuban American girl trying to fit in with a privileged, mostly...

8 Injured After 2 Blasts Rock College Dorm

Dormitory partially collapses after pair of explosions at University of Nevada, Reno

(Newser) - Classes were canceled Friday at the Reno campus of the University of Nevada after a pair of back-to-back blasts injured eight and left a dorm partially collapsed. Fox News reports that authorities are eyeing a mechanical failure inside Argenta Hall as a possible cause of the explosions, with some of...

Ex-Student Fights College Over Fate of Alleged Rapist

Alicia Gonzales says it was terrifying to have her rapist remain on campus

(Newser) - The warnings came in text messages from her friends: He's outside the dorm. He's at the student center. He's at Starbucks. But for Alicia Gonzales, sometimes it didn't matter where he was, the AP reports. She would often hide away in her room on the campus...

Brigham Young Students Protest Harsh Punishments

They want a more compassionate honor code

(Newser) - "God forgives me, why can't you?" chanted hundreds of students at a rare protest at the Mormon-owned Brigham Young University on Friday. The protesters were calling for changes to the school's famously strict honor code system, which bans beards, piercings, drinking coffee, and premarital sex, among other...

Frat Boys Run for It After 'Hazing Gone Wrong'

The University of Buffalo reels from student's apparent collapse

(Newser) - A University of Buffalo student was in critical condition after an apparent frat hazing gone wrong—a frightening event that could lead to criminal charges, the Buffalo News reports. Police say Sebastian Serafin-Bazan, 18, suffered a cardiac arrest after fraternity brothers told him to perform exercises from Thursday night to...

ICE Set Up a Fake College. Then Came the Arrests

The 'University of Farmington' was used to nab recruiters of undocumented immigrants

(Newser) - A federal indictment unsealed Wednesday names eight suspects accused of "harboring aliens for profit"—and it was a phony university set up by Immigration and Customs Enforcement that nabbed them. NBC News reports on the fake "University of Farmington," which set up shop in 2015 near...

Duke Professor's Email to Chinese Students Causes Uproar

She told them not to speak own language during breaks

(Newser) - Duke students are as free as anybody else in America to speak whatever language they want on their own time, the university stressed after a professor's email to international students caused an uproar. Megan Neely told biostatistics students Friday there had been complaints from faculty members about students speaking...

University Official: Don't Complain, 'Murder' Instead

Indian official says he was trying to motivate students

(Newser) - A late entry for the Worst Advice of 2018 award: The vice-chancellor of a state-run university in India is taking flak for telling students they should beat up or kill people instead of bringing their complaints to him. "If you're a student of this university, never come crying...

'Unprecedented' Move Against School Founded by Soros

Central European University says it's been forced out of Hungary, the first school in EU to be booted

(Newser) - Central European University is said to be the best graduate school in Hungary, but it just became the first university to get kicked out of an EU nation. The Washington Post calls it "one of the surest signals to date of autocracy's return to the country," and...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>