midterm elections

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Dead Guy Cruising to Re-Election in Wash. State

Roger Freeman died last week from cancer, but it looks like he defeated opponent

(Newser) - Election results are still trickling in in Washington state (it's a vote-by-mail-only state, KOMO News reports), but it looks like voters are giving Democratic Rep. Roger Freeman of Federal Way a second term with about 53% of the vote, NBC News notes. There's just one problem: The 48-year-old...

Obama to Americans: 'I Hear You'

But the message applies to Republicans, too, he says

(Newser) - Day one of the new political reality in DC yielded words of cooperation from the White House and soon-to-be Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, along with signals that the bipartisan friction wasn't magically going away. “I want you to know, I hear you," said President Obama, referring...

2 More Election Winners: Christie, Clinton
2 More Election Winners: Christie, Clinton

2 More Election Winners: Christie, Clinton

Both can find reason to be hopeful for 2016, say pundits

(Newser) - The obvious big winner in last night's election is Mitch McConnell . But observers see two less-obvious victors in Hillary Clinton and Chris Christie. At Vox , for example, Ezra Klein writes that "a more Democratic year could have led to some new stars who might have been able to...

Last Night Saw a Bush Family First
 Last Night 
 Saw a Bush 
 Family First 
midterm elections

Last Night Saw a Bush Family First

George P. Bush is first in family to win his first election

(Newser) - For the first time ever, a member of the Bush family won his very first election . George P. Bush, Jeb Bush's son , was elected land commissioner in Texas last night, CBS Houston reports. "I could not be prouder of George. He ran a great campaign, built his own...

McConnell Confident as Polls Get Set to Close
 GOP Takes Control of 
 Senate; McConnell Wins 
midterm elections

GOP Takes Control of Senate; McConnell Wins

Scott Brown fails in upset bid, but Republicans flip at least 7 seats

(Newser) - Election night was a win for Republicans: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell started things off by defeating Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes in Kentucky, reports the AP . Hours later, McConnell learned he will be changing his title to majority leader: Republicans needed a net gain of six seats to take the...

Governors: Scott Walker, Rick Scott Win; Wendy Davis Loses

Charlie Crist's comeback falls short

(Newser) - Florida Gov. Rick Scott will not hand his job back to former Gov. Charlie Crist. The Republican Scott fended off the challenge from Republican-turned-Democrat Crist tonight in one of the higher-profile races of the 36 gubernatorial contests on the ballot. Elsewhere, Wisconsin's Scott Walker defeated Mary Burke to keep...

GOP Easily Keeps Control of House

 GOP Easily 
 Keeps Control 
 of House 
midterm elections

GOP Easily Keeps Control of House

The question is, how much will they extend their margin?

(Newser) - As the night's results filter in, NBC News is projecting early that—surprise, surprise—Republicans will retain control of the House. While the GOP win was a virtual certainty beforehand, the question now is how much the party can pad its margin. By AP's count , Republicans currently control...

Exit Polls: Voters Miserable About Everything
Exit Polls: Voters Miserable About Everything
midterm elections

Exit Polls: Voters Miserable About Everything

They don't like Obama, Congress, country's path

(Newser) - The first exit polls show that those who turned out to vote today are in a foul mood politically, and it applies to both President Obama and Republicans. Some highlights:
  • Obama: More than half, 54%, disapprove of Obama, a figure just shy of George W. Bush's 57% in the

Ballot Issues: Voters May Loosen Pot Rules
Ballot Issues: Voters May Loosen Pot Rules
midterm elections

Ballot Issues: Voters May Loosen Pot Rules

Issues on abortion, minimum wage also on ballots across US

(Newser) - The legalization of marijuana could take three more steps forward tonight. The first related vote is in Washington, DC, where a measure on the ballot would allow people to grow and possess pot but not sell it. Later results will come in from Oregon and Alaska, whose residents will decide...

Politically Minded Pastors Dare IRS to Sue Them

Numbers participating in Pulpit Freedom Sunday swell

(Newser) - You can't have your cake and eat it, too—or, in the case of the "rogue" pastors described by Politico , you can't endorse political candidates and still get sweet tax breaks. Although the ministers assert it's within their First Amendment rights to preach their political preferences,...

Obama Near Bleak Milestone for Midterms

Poised for worst back-to-back losses since Truman

(Newser) - Most of the national attention in Tuesday's election is focused on GOP gains in the Senate, but Roll Call points out that Republicans also are poised to hand President Obama a milestone he'd rather avoid in the House. Consider that Democrats lost 63 seats in the 2010 midterms...

Why the Midterms Are Putting Voters to Sleep
Why the Midterms Are
Putting Voters to Sleep

Why the Midterms Are Putting Voters to Sleep

There's no big national issue to galvanize people, writes Peter Beinart

(Newser) - The consensus heading into crunch time of the midterm elections is that they're ... boring. (See here and here , or check out a recent Pew poll showing the anemic level of interest among Americans—only about 15% are closely following things.) Midterms always lack the punch of a presidential...

Supreme Court Lets Texas Enforce Voter ID Law

State can do so during this year's midterm elections

(Newser) - The Supreme Court said today that Texas can use its controversial new voter ID for the November election. A majority of the justices rejected an emergency request from the Justice Department and civil rights groups to prohibit the state from requiring voters to produce certain forms of photo identification in...

GOP Likely to Win Small Majority in Senate
GOP Likely to Win Small Majority in Senate

GOP Likely to Win Small Majority in Senate

Though lots can happen in final month, writes Larry Sabato

(Newser) - With a month to go before the midterms, Republicans stand a decent and ever-improving chance of taking control of the Senate, according to respected political prognosticator Larry Sabato. In his Crystal Ball blog, Sabato writes that a one- to three-seat GOP majority is now the mostly likely outcome, a sharp...

2 Gay Candidates for Congress Hope to Make History

Republicans want to be first in their party to campaign and win seats

(Newser) - Two openly gay GOP candidates are still alive in the midterm congressional elections. One is Richard Tisei of Massachusetts, who ran unopposed in his primary last night and hopes to join the six current LGBT members of the House, all Democrats, reports Mother Jones . No openly gay GOP candidate has...

Congress' Most Endangered Incumbents

Unpopular President Obama could hurt Democrats

(Newser) - The congressional midterm elections are coming, meaning it's time to mine the tea leaves for potential losers. So, who might be facing the music come November? Of the Senate's 10 most vulnerable, nine are Democrats, according to Roll Call . A sampling from its list:
  • Mary Landrieu—An oddball

GOP Shouldn't Get Giddy About Senate Control Yet

Forecasters have them taking over after midterms, but two skeptics differ

(Newser) - Republicans have reason to be happy heading into the midterm elections, with forecasts from respected outlets such as the Cook Political Report and FiveThirtyEight.com pointing toward a GOP takeover of the Senate. At the Washington Post , however, Dan Balz isn't quite so convinced. Republicans need to pick up...

McConnell Trounces Tea Party Challenger

In Georgia, Michelle Nunn wins the Democratic primary for Senate

(Newser) - Mitch McConnell of Kentucky dispatched his Tea Party challenger with ease tonight, and first-time candidate Michelle Nunn won the Democratic nomination for a Senate seat in George once held by her father, Sam Nunn. On a six-state primary night, Alison Lundergan Grimes easily captured the Democratic nomination to oppose McConnell...

What to Watch for in Today's 'Super Tuesday'

6 states hold primary voting

(Newser) - It's Super Tuesday—well, the 2014 midterm version, at least. Today sees voting in Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Kentucky, Oregon, and Pennsylvania, Politico reports. Among the races to watch:
  • In Kentucky, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell faces off against Matt Bevin, and there's little doubt McConnell will win the

Democrats to White Men: We Want You Back

But white men have preferred Republicans for generations

(Newser) - As midterm elections get closer, Democrats are debating whether to court a long-disaffected group of voters: white men, especially working-class ones without college degrees, the New York Times reports. Frank Houston, a party chairman in Michigan, says he and others like him refuse to "just write off 30-year-old to...

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