midterm elections

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What to Watch in Today's 4 Primaries

Pennsylvania, Arizona, Kentucky offer intrigue

(Newser) - Four states go to the polls today, and the results will have huge implications. Politico breaks down what to watch for in each race, and we, as always, provide the cliff notes:
  • Pennsylvania: Arlen Specter—the longest serving senator in state history—is in real danger of losing a primary

Poll: GOP Steamrolling Toward Midterm Vote

They're picking up crucial blocs such as independents, seniors

(Newser) - A new poll has old news for Democrats: The midterm elections are going to be ugly. The Wall Street Journal/NBC survey says Republicans have won back crucial blocs that strayed in recent elections, including independents, seniors, suburban women, and rural voters. Also, about a third of respondents say they don't...

Obey's Retirement More Bad News for Dems
 Obey's Retirement More 
 Bad News for Dems 
quick takes

Obey's Retirement More Bad News for Dems

When the House Appropriations chief bails, it can't be good

(Newser) - The decision by powerful congressman David Obey to retire rather than seek re-election—the 71-year-old says he's "bone tired," reports AP —has pundits predicting more bad news for Democrats:
  • Ed Morrissey, Hot Air : This "may be the biggest sign of Democratic despair in this midterm cycle,

Cinco de Mayo Ad Slaps McCain

McCain, Norton blasted to engage '08 Dem voters

(Newser) - A snarky new radio ad that skewers John McCain for supporting the Arizona immigration law hits the airwaves in Tucson today as part of a campaign to reengage Democratic voters. In the ad, which targets University of Arizona students, Arizona state troopers bust a Cinco de Mayo frat party. "...

70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out
70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out

70% of Voters Want Incumbents Out

Country approaches midterm elections in sour mood

(Newser) - Right, left, and center, voters are unhappy: A new poll shows Americans heading into the midterm elections in the most anti-incumbent mood since 1994, with less than a third of voters leaning toward backing their current representatives in November. "I'm not really happy right now with anybody," one...

NC Liberals Forging New Party Against 'Turncoat' Dems

LIttle difference between parties, say activists

(Newser) - It appears that Tea Party-like trouble is brewing for the Democrats. A group of North Carolina liberals and union leaders disgusted by incumbent Democrats' votes with Republicans against Obamacare are forming a new party. Supporters of the nascent third party, North Carolina First, are gathering signatures to officially launch a...

Democrats Could Lose 50-Plus House Seats
Democrats Could Lose 50-Plus House Seats
Nate Silver

Democrats Could Lose 50-Plus House Seats

Or worse, if things go really badly

(Newser) - The worst-case scenarios for the Democrats in the midterm elections are bad indeed, Nate Silver warns. He cites "one reasonably well-informed translation of the generic ballot polls" that forecasts a 51-seat loss in the House if the elections were held today. It's not too late to shift the momentum,...

Dems' Enthusiasm High, but Republicans' Higher

(Newser) - New polling shows record enthusiasm for the midterm elections, particularly among Republican voters. Among Democrats, 57% are “more enthusiastic than usual” about November, the highest percentage Gallup has ever recorded for them in a midterm. The problem? Republicans stand at a whopping 69%. This is obviously not great news...

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together
 Tea Party, GOP 
 Must Work Together 

Tea Party, GOP Must Work Together

Third party challenges historically benefit those they oppose: Quayle

(Newser) - Watching the emergence of the Tea Party movement is giving Dan Quayle flashbacks—about Ross Perot. Perot's Reform Party siphoned off 19% of the votes in the 1992 presidential election, effectively denying the elder George Bush a second term. "There's a well-worn path of third-party movements in American history,...

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November
 Tea Party Could Doom 
 GOP in November 
quinnipiac poll

Tea Party Could Doom GOP in November

If they run candidates, Democrats will win: Quinnipiac

(Newser) - Just 13% of Americans self-identify as members of the Tea Party movement, but a new Quinnipiac poll shows they may well hold the key to the 2010 midterm elections. Respondents say they would vote for a Republican over a Democrat by 44% to 39%. But if a Tea Party candidate...

Next Up: Selling Historic Reform to Skittish Public

  Next Up: 
 Selling Historic 
 Reform to 
 Skittish Public 
2010 Campaign starts now

Next Up: Selling Historic Reform to Skittish Public

Obama push to up bill's public approval starts now

(Newser) - Now that the bill has passed, on to the PR blitz: The White House is planning a multi-phase campaign to turn around public opinion of health care reform ahead of the midterm elections, in the hopes of backing the GOP into a corner. In the next few days President Obama...

Why Obama's Still the Fave for 2012

Incumbency carries plenty of advantages

(Newser) - Sure, things look glum for President Obama, but he’s still the odds-on favorite to win the 2012 presidential election. Carl Cannon tells us why:
  • A “generic Republican” doesn’t exist. Obama trails that very thing by double digits in a recent poll, but the GOP nominee will bring

GOP Challengers Target Democrats' 'War on Coal'
GOP Challengers Target
Democrats' 'War on Coal'

GOP Challengers Target Democrats' 'War on Coal'

In coal-country, Republicans turn election into vote on Obama policies

(Newser) - Republicans are latching on to the idea of a Democrat-led “war on coal,” hoping to woo anxious residents of coal-country states like West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio by presenting their rivals as hostile to the industry—and it's working, and could lead to the Election Day demise of...

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans
 Senate Majority in Reach 
 for Republicans 

Senate Majority in Reach for Republicans

It's a long shot, but many races competitive, Lieberman could switch

(Newser) - It still isn’t likely—OK?—but suddenly it's "within the realm of speculation” that the Republicans could recapture the Senate in November. With Mark Kirk’s primary win in Illinois and competitive races in Colorado, Pennsylvania, and California, a 10-seat pickup is now a distant possibility, Jim Vandehei...

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again
 Health Reform: 
 It's 1994 All Over Again 

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again

Parallels to last time comprehensive legislation died are stark

(Newser) - Even a cursory look at Democrats’ activity on health care reform brings back clear memories of their 1994 failure to pass comprehensive legislation. For instance, write Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates, “the same people who spent months arguing that reform had to be jammed through quickly” are now...

Panicky Dems Switch Tack
 Panicky Dems 
 Switch Tack 
It's the Economy, Stupid

Panicky Dems Switch Tack

Party prepares to dig in for brutal midterm battles

(Newser) - Democrats shaken by the Massachusetts defeat are scrambling to find a strategy to avoid being swept out of office on a wave of populist anger this fall. Lawmakers agree that the party should switch its focus to jobs and the economy—but there's little consensus on the particulars. "Every...

Michelle Could Be Dems' Secret Weapon
 Michelle Could Be 
 Dems' Secret Weapon 

2010 election

Michelle Could Be Dems' Secret Weapon

First lady may well return to campaigning for midterm elections

(Newser) - Though Michelle Obama has taken on junk food rather than Republicans during her first year in the White House, the first lady is popular—so much so that tongues are already wagging at the Hill about how useful a weapon she'll be in the Democrats' 2010 arsenal. Obama is “...

Obama Surge Dicey for Campaigning Dems

Liberal base could make life hard for incumbents, and others

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision on the Afghan troop surge is throwing a big monkey wrench into the campaigns of some Democrats, who must now walk the line between an exasperated liberal base and the approval of the White House. Support for the surge is being wielded like a cudgel by...

Dems May Lose Obama's Old Senate Seat
 Dems May 
 Lose Obama's 
 Old Senate Seat 


Dems May Lose Obama's Old Senate Seat

Illinois field isn't scaring GOP frontrunner Mark Kirk

(Newser) - The Democratic field for President Obama’s old Illinois Senate seat is anemic enough to make a GOP win a real possibility, Lynn Sweet writes. The candidates—only one of whom has run for office, ever—haven’t phased the Republican frontrunner, Rep. Mark Kirk. The statewide Dem establishment seems...

Disaffected Right, Left Close Purse Strings to Parties

Miffed at election behavior, partisans boycott DCCC, NRCC, etc.

(Newser) - Frustrated voters are letting Congressional Democrats and Republicans know how they feel—by opening their mouths and closing their pocketbooks. One Dem blogger, miffed at the DNC for perceived inaction in the Maine gay marriage fight, has proposed a boycott on donations to the national committee: “Clearly, money talks....

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