midterm elections

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

What GOP Will Do With a House Majority

Republicans will cut off cash to key Dem initiatives

(Newser) - If Republicans win the House in November, they’ll highlight their differences with Democrats by starving signature policies—like health care—of cash, the Wall Street Journal reports. Although the GOP hopes to repeal the health care bill in the House, such a measure would likely fail in the Senate,...

Obama Advisers Consider Ad Blitz Against Tea Party

National campaign would portray Republicans as radicals

(Newser) - All these Tea Party victories have given Democratic strategists an idea for a national ad campaign with a simple theme: Don't let Republicans take control, because these people are nuts. President Obama's advisers are considering just such an ad blitz, reports the New York Times . The idea is to scare...

Jim DeMint: Let's Have an 'Earthquake Election'

He says Christine O'Donnell, others send Washington a clear message

(Newser) - Jim DeMint takes delight in the triumph of Christine O'Donnell and other conservatives in the primaries, declaring it a sign that the message of "everyday Americans" fed up with big government is getting through. It also refutes the notion that voters must play it safe by sticking with so-called...

DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...
DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...

DC Mayor Loses Democratic Primary...

...but wins as Republican write-in candidate

(Newser) - Washington DC’s mayor, Adrian Fenty , lost his bid for a second term … as a Democrat. However, if he’s interested in running as a Republican, he did manage to win that race. There was no declared Republican candidate, so 822 Republicans wrote Fenty in on their ballots Tuesday....

In Tea Party, 'We Are Seeing Something Big'
In Tea Party, 'We Are Seeing Something Big'
Peggy Noonan

In Tea Party, 'We Are Seeing Something Big'

Peggy Noonan: This movement is real, for better or worse

(Newser) - Peggy Noonan isn't quite sure whether the Tea Party movement will ultimately help or hurt the country, but this much is clear: "We are seeing something big," she writes at the Wall Street Journal . (The column is headlined "Why It's Time for the Tea Party.")...

Democrats Hammer GOP on Wall Street Ties

Pat Toomey's taking especially heavy fire

(Newser) - As the midterms heat up, expect to hear the words “Wall Street” a lot. Democrats are hammering Republicans on their ties to Wall Street, no matter how tangential, and on their party’s opposition to financial reform legislation, the LA Times reports. Republicans, meanwhile, speak angrily about bailouts and...

Polls Offer Glimmers of Hope for Democrats
 Polls Offer 
 of Hope for 

Polls Offer Glimmers of Hope for Democrats

People don't like them, but more people dislike Republicans

(Newser) - If Democrats are desperate for signs of hope heading into the midterms, two new polls may be about as good as they're going to get:
  • A New York Times/CBS survey finds that while most people (63%) don't like them, even more (73%) don't like Republicans. The stat provides "a

Dems Giddy Over O'Donnell Win
 Dems Giddy Over O'Donnell Win

Dems Giddy Over O'Donnell Win

But obvious voter disgust spells even bigger trouble elsewhere

(Newser) - Last night's Tea Party wins are a mixed bag for Democrats, who are giddily confident they'll trounce Senate contender Christine O'Donnell in November, dimming GOP hopes of a Senate takeover. But they're quaking in their party neckties about what obvious voter disgust means for other races. The party plans to...

Dems Swamped By GOP Ad Buys

Party blames Supreme Court ruling for free-spending GOP groups

(Newser) - Republican-leaning interest groups are grossly outspending their Democratic-leaning counterparts on TV ads in election races around the nation, and the gap is widening as races heat up. Democratic officials say the trend is a direct result of a Supreme Court decision lifting a ban on direct corporate spending on political...

Dems Keep Distance From Own Party in Ads

Vulnerable incumbents shy away from party line

(Newser) - President Obama and Nancy Pelosi are showing up in lots of political ads these days—and they're almost always Republican ads, notes the New York Times . In general, vulnerable Democratic incumbents are distancing themselves from their party and legislative victories like health care—and instead portraying themselves as anti-government outsiders...

Dems Have No Idea Who'd Replace Pelosi

If they lose the House, expect big leadership shakeup

(Newser) - If the Democrats lose control of the House—as it is widely expected they will—Nancy Pelosi will probably step down, sparking a clean sweep of Democratic leadership. The only problem? Democrats have no idea who their new leaders would be. “This is a subject that everybody in town...

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox
 Jon Stewart: 
 MSNBC Should 
 Be More Like Fox 
plus: meghan mccain!

Jon Stewart: MSNBC Should Be More Like Fox

'You pick your narrative, you stick with it,' he quips

(Newser) - MSNBC needs to take a page from Fox News's handbook, said Jon Stewart on last night's Daily Show . Stewart slammed the liberal network for its moderately critical coverage of Obama's Ohio speech. "Do you know nothing of your obligation to shape the news toward your desired electoral goal?" he...

Two Opposite Views on Obama the Communicator
Two Opposite Views on Obama the Communicator
opinion roundup

Two Opposite Views on Obama the Communicator

He's 'resurrected'! No, he's lost his touch

(Newser) - Are these guys listening to the same speeches? Fellow Washington Post columnists come to very different conclusions about President Obama:
  • EJ Dionne: He thinks the Milwaukee-Cleveland "one-two punch" shows a "resurrected" president ready to take on Republicans on matters of substance, indeed, on the very "philosophical underpinnings"

GOP Tweets Democratic Staffers' Home Addresses

Perriello-Hurt race in Virginia takes nasty turn

(Newser) - A nasty congressional race in Virginia has gotten a little nastier, via Twitter. A National Republican Congressional Committee spokesman tweeted the home addresses of several Democratic campaign staffers, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reports. He posted the addresses of staffers working for Rep. Tom Perriello's campaign after the Perriello camp called his...

Gallup Generic: Now They're Tied at 46%

Republicans' 10-point lead is gone, for now

(Newser) - Last week, conservatives and Tea Party activists had a field day with the generic poll from Gallup showing a 10% lead over a generic Democratic candidate. This week, Republicans and Democrats are tied at 46% among registered voters. Has the tsunami fizzled out? Was last week's surge just a polling...

Drumbeat of Bad News Continues for Dems

Forecast sees GOP takeover of House

(Newser) - Democrats better fasten their rally caps. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report has for the first time in this election cycle projected a GOP takeover of the House, notes Taegan Goddard's Political Wire blog . "We are revising our House forecast to a Republican gain of at least 40 seats, the...

Sorry, Dems, Gallup's Poll Can't Be Dismissed
 Sorry, Dems, Gallup's 
 Poll Can't Be Dismissed 
nate silver

Sorry, Dems, Gallup's Poll Can't Be Dismissed

GOP's lead on the generic ballot the 'new normal'

(Newser) - If Democrats were hoping that stats guru Nate Silver would dismiss the new Gallup poll —which shows a record 10-point lead for Republicans on the generic ballot—as an aberration, they're out of luck. It's true that the poll is probably what he calls an "outlier"—that...

Poll: Dems Hit Record Low
 Poll: Dems Hit Record Low 

Poll: Dems Hit Record Low

Gallup puts GOP 10 points ahead in generic ballot

(Newser) - Things have never looked worse for the Democrats heading into midterm elections, according to the latest Gallup poll. The "generic ballot" test—which asks whether voters would prefer a Republican or Democratic congressional candidate—put the GOP ahead by 10%, the highest margin since Gallup started asking the question...

Establishment in Trouble? A Definite Maybe
Establishment in Trouble?
A Definite Maybe

Establishment in Trouble? A Definite Maybe

Good luck finding a pattern in last night's tea leaves

(Newser) - Pundits looking to wrap up last night's election results in a tidy little bow got thrown for a loop, writes Dan Balz in the Washington Post . The establishment vs. outsiders theme yielded at best a "mixed verdict." John McCain proved an establishment figure can prevail, while Lisa Murkowski's...

RNC Has Only $5.5M Left for Midterms

It raises worries about get-out-the-vote push

(Newser) - With Republicans giddy about their prospects in the midterm elections, the national committee should be rolling in cash, right? Not so much. The RNC has the relatively small sum of $5.5 million in hand for the critical final stretch, about half the amount of the Democrats' national group, reports...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>