terror alert system

16 Stories

US Puts European Bases on Highest Alert in Years

Step usually is taken when military considers a terrorist attack likely

(Newser) - A handful of US military bases in Europe are on a heightened state of alert over new fears of a terrorist attack. Among the installations is the Army garrison in Stuttgart, Germany, where US European Command is headquartered. It was put on condition "Charlie" on Sunday. One military official...

We're Getting a New Terror Alert System

It's the 3rd so far

(Newser) - The Obama administration will announce a new terror alert system "in the coming days," Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Monday. Johnson said the new alert system will better inform the public about threats to the United States, but he did not provide specific details. This will be...

Obama Promises NSA Reforms; Says Snowden No Patriot

Calls for better oversight, more transparency on surveillance

(Newser) - President Obama says he's heard the concerns about the nation's surveillance programs and will work with Congress to get reforms in place. "We can and must be more transparent," the president said at an afternoon news conference. Among other things, he promised "additional safeguards" in...

US Issues Travel Terrorism Alert
 US to Global Travelers: Beware 

US to Global Travelers: Beware

State Department urges caution throughout August

(Newser) - If you were planning to travel this month, the Obama administration thinks you should be nervous. The State Department today issued a global travel alert , warning US citizens that "al-Qaeda and affiliated organizations" may be planning to strike "in the period between now and the end of August....

France Puts Toulouse on Top Terror Alert

Sarkozy says riot police will secure region until 'this criminal' is caught

(Newser) - French President Nicolas Sarkozy says authorities are raising the terrorism alert to its highest level across a swath of southern France where a gunman opened fire on a Jewish school before fleeing. Sarkozy said today's attack in Toulouse , which killed three children and a rabbi, was the worst-ever school...

US Replaces Color-Coded Terror Alert System

New warnings will be specific and have exipiration dates

(Newser) - The nation's color-coded terror alert system will be gone next week. In its place will be what Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano describes as a more efficient system that will issue specific alerts with expiration dates, reports the Wall Street Journal . DHS will issue the alerts via public announcements...

For Terror Alerts, Check Facebook

New system will reportedly be in place by April 27

(Newser) - Details of the new terror alert system are out, and it looks like Twitter and Facebook are in. As previously reported , the government is replacing its color coding system: In its place will be a two-level system—"elevated" and "imminent"—and alerts might be sent to Americans...

New Terror Threat Targeting France

Intercepted message uncovers rumblings from al-Qaeda in Arab Peninsula

(Newser) - Saudi intelligence agents have warned European leaders of yet another new terror threat, this time from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and apparently aimed particularly at France. The new information was discovered in an intercepted message indicating that the terror branch was active or about to become activated. "The...

Obama's Terror Alert Pure Politics: Pakistani Diplomat

European officials complain as well

(Newser) - A senior Pakistani diplomat launched a broadside at the Obama administration today, accusing it of issuing its European terror alert for political purposes. The vague warning of potential plots in Britain, France, and elsewhere was issued to justify escalating US drone and helicopter attacks in Pakistan, high commissioner Wajid Shamsul...

UK Scrambles Fighter Jets After Alerts on US Flights

RAF jets respond to alarms from 2 transatlantic flights

(Newser) - Britain's Royal Air Force has scrambled fighter jets twice this month after receiving warnings of possible attempts to hijack American passenger jets, defense sources say. Both incidents proved to be false alarms but they have put fresh focus on Britain's post 9/11 counterterrorism procedures for commercial aircraft, the BBC reports....

UK Boosts Terror Alert Level
 UK Boosts Terror Alert Level 

UK Boosts Terror Alert Level

Second-highest designation means attack 'highly likely'

(Newser) - The British government raised its terror threat level to the second-highest designation today, signifying that an attack is "highly likely"—but officials swiftly added that terrorist aggression is not considered imminent. The upgrade from "substantial" means Brits must be "more aware," the Home Secretary said....

'Attempted Act of Terrorism' Triggers Higher Alert Level

White House: In-flight incident was 'attempted act of terrorism'

(Newser) - The US government has raised the terror alert level for airline flights to orange, the second-highest designation, after today’s incident involving a passenger on a Detroit-bound jet that the White House says was "an attempted act of terrorism." Earlier, a 23-year-old Nigerian claiming ties to al-Qaeda tried...

Stadiums, Hotels Told to Watch for Terrorists

(Newser) - Counterterrorism officials have issued security bulletins to police around the nation about terrorists' desire to attack stadiums, entertainment complexes, and hotels, the latest in a flurry of such internal warnings as investigators chase a possible bomb plot in Denver and New York. In the two bulletins—sent to police departments...

Bush Officials Deny Ridge Terror Claim

(Newser) - Members of President Bush’s administration today denied accusations by former Homeland Security secretary Tom Ridge in an upcoming book that the White House pressed him to raise the terror threat level ahead of the 2004 election. Former White House chief of staff Andrew Card and former homeland security adviser...

Ridge: Bush Wanted Terror Threat Raised for Election

Ridge tell-all dangles shocking revelation

(Newser) - The publisher of Tom Ridge's forthcoming book has dropped a potential bombshell: It says the Bush White House pressured the Homeland Security chief to arbitrarily raise the terror threat alert level on the eve of the 2004 election, ostensibly to boost its chances, reports US News and World Report. Ridge...

Feds Review Terror Alert System

(Newser) - The Homeland Security Department will review the multicolored terror alert system created in the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has created a task force to determine in 60 days how effective the current system is. The system could get an overhaul—or could be...

16 Stories