British Petroleum

Stories 301 - 316 | << Prev 

Thank Dick Cheney for Gulf Oil Spill

Blogger connects dots and finds arrow pointing to ex-VP

(Newser) - The scope of the Gulf oil spill is far from clear, but the finger-pointing is already under way, and a lot of fingers ought to be aiming at Dick Cheney, Alex Pareene blogs for Salon . Connecting the dots that begin with a Wall Street Journal exposé, we learn that Cheney's...

BP Promises to Pay for Oil Spill

But adds it 'wasn't our accident'; Transocean ran the rig

(Newser) - BP CEO Tony Hayward says his company will “absolutely be paying for the cleanup operation” in the wake of the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. “There's no doubt about that. It's our responsibility—we accept it fully,” he told NPR , promising to pay all...

Op-Ed Columnist - Oil Drilling, Disaster and Denial -
Gulf Spill Will Make Us Care About the Planet Again
Paul Krugman

Gulf Spill Will Make Us Care About the Planet Again

Paul Krugman finds a silver lining in changing public opinion

(Newser) - We can't begin to guess the full devastation of the Deepwater Horizon disaster, but Paul Krugman finds an unexpected silver lining: Environmental destruction has become "photogenic again." Just as Earth Day was born four decades ago of an America sickened by images of Santa Barbara beaches coated in...

Obama on Gulf Coast: 'BP Will Be Paying the Bill'

In Louisiana, president gets firsthand look at effects of ruptured oil well

(Newser) - President Obama visited Louisiana this afternoon, seeing for himself the effects of the continuing oil spill and promising an "all-hands-on-deck" reaction, the Times-Picayune reports. "BP is responsible for this leak. BP will be paying the bill," he said. "But as president of the United States, I...

Napolitano: We Were on Oil Spill 'From Day 1'
 We Were 
 on Oil Spill 
 'From Day 1' 

Napolitano: We Were on Oil Spill 'From Day 1'

Heads off criticism of White House's reaction

(Newser) - Some Sundays you might as well sleep in, but the talk shows today were abuzz with the Gulf oil spill, Times Square car bomb, and Arizona's immigration shenanigans. Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano had her fingers in each pie, and headed up a list of White House honchos storming the...

Gulf Coast Dreads Oil's Creep to Shore

Scope of disaster could be epic

(Newser) - President Obama headed for the Gulf Coast today, where all eyes are focused on the massive oil slick threatening to swallow the environment and economy of American shores from Louisiana to Florida. With tourist beaches, fragile marshes, marine life, and lush fishing grounds at stake, experts tried in vain to...

BP Deemed Spill 'Unlikely,' Didn't Prepare

Plan filed with feds predicted 'no significant adverse impacts'

(Newser) - The worst US oil spill in decades reached into precious shoreline habitat along the Gulf Coast as documents emerged showing British Petroleum downplayed the possibility of a catastrophic accident. In a plan filed with the federal Minerals Management Service, BP conceded a spill would impact beaches, wildlife refuges, and wilderness...

Feds Press BP on Funding Gulf Cleanup

Homeland Security, Interior secretaries tour oil spill area

(Newser) - BP is not doing enough to remedy the effects of the oil spill created when one of its offshore drilling facilities exploded, and the federal government plans to pressure the company to fund and complete the cleanup of the crude-choked Gulf of Mexico. "We cannot rest and will not...

Obama: I Still Like Drilling, But ...

The Gulf spill shows why it must be done 'responsibly'

(Newser) - In the wake of the spill off the Louisiana coast, how goes President Obama's plan to expand offshore drilling? After statements from the president and a top aide, it amounts to: We'll see. The president reiterated today that he likes the idea as part of an overall energy plan. "...

Oil Spill Sends Foul Smell to New Orleans

Strong winds complicating cleanup efforts

(Newser) - The oil spill oozing ashore in Louisiana is making life miserable for residents of New Orleans because of the stench. Complaints are jamming city phone lines, and officials say they can only assume the odor is coming from the Gulf, reports the Times-Picayune . Andrew Sullivan, meanwhile, posts this from a...

Protecting Wildlife Will Be 'Mind-Boggling' Job
Oil Spill: Protecting Wildlife Will Be 'Mind-Boggling' Job
slick hits shore

Oil Spill: Protecting Wildlife Will Be 'Mind-Boggling' Job

As oil reaches land, scientists worry about marshes

(Newser) - Migrating birds, nesting pelicans, and river otter and mink living along Louisiana's fragile coastline are in the path of the oil oozing ashore after the massive oil spill in the Gulf Coast. Louisiana's coastal islands and barrier marshes are home to hundreds of species. Protecting the ecosystem will be a...

Oil Spill 5 Times Worse Than Thought

New leak found at Gulf oil rig explosion site

(Newser) - A new leak has been discovered at the site of the Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion, and oil is gushing into the Gulf of Mexico at 5 times earlier estimates, according to the Coast Guard. Some 5,000 barrels of oil a day are now believed to be pouring into...

Hunt for Survivors Nears End; Rig Not Leaking Oil

Coast Guard sees no spillage from ocean floor

(Newser) - Rescuers are prepared to call off the search today for the 11 missing crew members of the sunken oil rig off the Louisiana coast, reports the New Orleans Times-Picayune . Meanwhile, crews working to contain any environmental damage got good news from the Coast Guard this morning: The rig does not...

Minister Who Freed Lockerbie Bomber Has Bro in Oil Biz

Kenny MacAskill's brother has pitched oil business to Libya

(Newser) - The Scottish government minister who freed the Lockerbie bomber has a brother who works in the oil industry and has pitched oil business to Libya, reports the Wall Street Journal. Kenny MacAskill's brother, Allan, spent 20 years at BP, which admits that it lobbied for a prisoner-transfer agreement between the...

BP Discovers Huge Oil Store in Gulf of Mexico

Firm drills world's deepest oil well, finds 3B barrels

(Newser) - BP discovered a massive oil cache under the Gulf of Mexico after drilling the world’s deepest exploration well, Bloomberg reports. The discovery at Tiber Prospect may hold reserves equivalent to 3 billion barrels. In order to find it, BP engineers drilled to a total depth of 35,055 feet—...

In Televised Auction of Oil Contracts, Iraq Plays Hardball

Oil ministry plays hardball on prices

(Newser) - The Iraqi oil industry has been nationalized since 1972, but today the country is awarding the first contracts in decades to private petroleum companies—live on television. So far a joint bid by British Petroleum and a Chinese firm has won the first contract, for a 17 billion-barrel field in...

Stories 301 - 316 | << Prev