
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

US Expected to Report 5K New Jobs

Economy adds jobs, but more than expected were lost

(Newser) - January was the second month since the recession began in December 2007 that payrolls grew instead of fell, the Labor Department is expected to say in a report due out today. Some 5,000 new jobs were likely added last month, reports Reuters . Close to 4,000 jobs were added...

1 in 5 US Men Unemployed
 1 in 5 US Men Unemployed 

1 in 5 US Men Unemployed

Recession has been especially hard on traditionally male jobs

(Newser) - Male unemployment has hit an all-time high, with a whopping 1 of every 5 working-age American men jobless, according to the latest government figures. The economic downturn has been especially brutal on traditionally male-dominated fields like construction and manufacturing, the Huffington Post explains, leading some to label it a “...

Temp Hiring Is on the Rise
 Temp Hiring Is on the Rise 

Temp Hiring Is on the Rise

Employers show confidence, but hedged with caution

(Newser) - With the economy on an upswing, employers are feeling a tad more confident—enough to bring on more temporary workers, who can easily be let go if things go south again. Temp hiring has risen for 4 months—longer than the aftermath of previous recessions, when employers started hiring permanent...

Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data
 Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data 

Dow Up 69 After Jobs Data

Oil hits $70.47, a 2-month low

(Newser) - Stocks posted solid gains today following a weekly jobs report that showed a boost in initial unemployment filings but a fall in the number of claims lasting longer than 1 week, the Wall Street Journal reports.
  • The Dow rose 68.78 points to close at 10,405.83.
  • The Nasdaq

Hey Blue Dogs, We Need a Second Stimulus
Hey Blue Dogs, We Need a Second Stimulus

Hey Blue Dogs, We Need a Second Stimulus

Rising unemployment makes it essential

(Newser) - The ever-worsening employment situation demands a second stimulus, writes former Labor Secretary Robert Reich . Yes, the first stimulus is only half-spent, but the remaining programs won’t affect mounting job losses. Blue Dog Democrats, worried about the deficit and 2010 elections, will be hard-pressed to support a second round, but...

Obama Mulls Tax Cuts, Spending to Goose Economy

Grim jobs outlook spurs talks on new stimulus measures

(Newser) - The Obama administration is examining new ways to boost the economy amid troubling unemployment statistics. The White House and Democratic leaders in Congress are considering strategies that include new transportation spending and an extension of tax credits for first-time homebuyers and small businesses struggling with operating losses. A proposal to...

Many Jobs Are Gone Forever
 Many Jobs Are Gone Forever 

Many Jobs Are Gone Forever

Employment picture likely to remain grim for years, and predicting winning industries is a challenge

(Newser) - The job market is likely to be grim for years to come—economists expect that even if job creation returned to the brisk pace of the ‘90s, unemployment wouldn’t return to 5% until 2017. And for many of the unemployed, the numbers belie the real problem: The positions...

Dow, Off 22 on Jobs, Ends Worst Week Since June

Seesaw session ends with losses

(Newser) - Stocks swung to losses after flirting briefly with gains late in today's session to close the worst week since mid-June. The news that unemployment grew to 9.8% in September depressed the markets, but analysts said so much disappointing data emerged this week that most traders had already unloaded shares....

Dow Falls 203 Ahead of Jobs Report
 Dow Falls 203 
 Ahead of Jobs Report 

Dow Falls 203 Ahead of Jobs Report

ISM report, job fears drive biggest 1-day drop since July

(Newser) - Stocks suffered broad declines today after a manufacturing report that failed to meet expectations. That report, combined with worse-than-expected weekly jobless claims, have investors worried ahead of the government's nonfarm payroll report, due tomorrow. The Dow fell 203 points to close at 9,509. The Nasdaq lost 65 points, closing...

Dow Falls 30 to End Best Quarter in 10 Years

Dow makes 15% Quarterly Gain, amid disappointing economic data for September

(Newser) - Disappointing economic data drove stocks lower today but couldn't dent strong gains for the third quarter. ADP reported bigger job losses than expected in September, and the Chicago Institute for Supply Management's business index dropped more than expected. The Dow fell 30 points to close at 9,718. The Nasdaq...

Dow Falls 34 Ahead of Jobs Data
 Dow Falls 34 
 Ahead of Jobs Data 

Dow Falls 34 Ahead of Jobs Data

Dow still on track for best quarter in 10 years

(Newser) - Stocks fell today as traders lost some of yesterday’s confidence ahead of looming job reports. ADP will release its September survey tomorrow, with weekly data due Thursday and the government’s nonfarm payrolls report coming Friday. The Conference Board’s consumer confidence index, which analysts had been expecting to...

Forget Fetching Coffee: Interns Work From Home

'Virtual internships' take among small business

(Newser) - Companies have long used internships to avoid paying young people, but increasingly they don't want to see their interns at all. "Virtual internships," where recent grads do research and sales or work with social media from home, has expanded from an unheard-of practice to "something almost every...

Outlook Bleak for Holiday Hiring

Pessimistic retailers plan to slash seasonal jobs

(Newser) - Retail jobs are expected to be in short supply even as the holiday shopping season approaches, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some 40% of retail chains surveyed say they plan to hire fewer workers this year than they did last year when the recession forced many to cut staffing levels....

Teen Unemployment Hits Record 25%

Expert sees teenagers jobless for a 'long, long, long, long time'

(Newser) - The teen jobless picture is the bleakest since the government started tracking the statistic 60 years ago, the New York Times reports. The rate hit 25.5% last month, nearly triple the rate among other workers. Analysts say teens are getting squeezed out of the workplace by college graduates, unable...

Women Gain as Recession Batters Male-Dominated Fields

Men have lost 3 times as many jobs as women since Dec. 2007

(Newser) - The US job market is closer than ever to gender equality because the recession has most heavily affected male-dominated industries, USA Today reports. Women held 49.83% of the nation’s jobs as of June. Since the recession began in December 2007, 74% of the 6.4 million jobs lost...

Help Wanted: Fed Govt. Needs 600K New Workers

270K new hires deemed critical to make up for retirement

(Newser) - The federal government must hire 600,000 people over the next 4 years to balance a wave of retirement and keep pace with President Obama’s ambitions, the Washington Post reports. Nearly half of those positions are considered absolutely essential for agencies to provide their services, a new report states,...

Law School Grads Scramble as Big Firms Slash Hiring

(Newser) - Top law school grads are competing this fall for just half the number of entry-level positions big firms offered last year, in what the New York Times calls the most difficult employment season in half a century. One of New York's biggest firms has cut its hires by more than...

Abercrombie Loses Lawsuit Over Clerk's Prosthetic Arm

(Newser) - The London woman banished to the Abercrombie & Fitch stockroom because of her prosthetic arm has been awarded more $13,000 by an employment tribunal, the BBC reports. Riam Dean wore a cardigan to cover the joint between her prosthesis and her body, but the sweater clashed with the retailer’...

US Banks Hiring Again After Layoffs, Bailouts

But headhunting 'selective,' notes banker

(Newser) - After cutting thousands of jobs over the past two years, American banks are rushing to fill them again as business picks up, Reuters reports. “Back in March and April, no one really knew if the investment banking business was going to exist again," said a search firm exec....

Today's Sexy Job: Statistician
 Today's Sexy Job: Statistician 

Today's Sexy Job: Statistician

With so much data to crunch, firms need them—and will pay up

(Newser) - Forget the nerdy image: In today’s digital world, statisticians are hot, the New York Times reports. Big firms like Google need number-crunchers to parse piles of data, and they’re willing to pay for it—a statistician with a PhD can rake in $125,000 in his or her...

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