congressional Republicans

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Qatar Should Reimburse US for Bomb Scare: GOP Rep.

Incident cost military, law enforcement thousands

(Newser) - The government of Qatar should foot the bill for the bomb scare aboard a Denver-bound airliner, a top Republican congressman says. “A lot of people kicked into action last night based on a perceived threat,” Michigan Rep. Pete Hoekstra, the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, noted...

GOP Senators Gum Up Hearings With 2PM Rule

They refuse consent to continue, invoking obscure rule

(Newser) - Senate Republicans furious over the passage of health care reform are doing anything they can to keep Democrats from implementing more of Obama's agenda. Their latest move (used by Democrats in the past) is to invoke a little-known rule that requires unanimous consent for Senate hearings to continue past 2pm....

GOP Repeal Chances Little Better Than Snowball in Hell

Need big gains in Congress ... and GOP president

(Newser) - While the idea of repealing the health-reform measure passed last night has Republicans buzzing nationwide, the actual chances of it happening are tiny, Nate Silver writes. At very least, nothing happens before January 2013, and that’s if President Obama and his veto are out of office. So from there,...

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers
 Health Care Reform 
 Winners and Losers 

Health Care Reform Winners and Losers

Obama, Pelosi, GOP come out looking good; flip-floppers, not so much

(Newser) - The winners and losers of the health care reform battle will take years to determine, but Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post has some early choices. The winners:
  • President Obama: "He ran on doing big things and now will have health care to show for that pledge when he

GOP's Take on 'Deem and Pass' Is Sheer Hypocrisy

They used it 35 times, writes Norman Ornstein

(Newser) - Hey, Wall Street Journal editorial board and other Republican “acolytes” and apologists: There is nothing remotely novel or “unconstitutional” about House Democrats using “deem and pass” to push through health care legislation, writes Norman J. Ornstein. You’ve already achieved “a ridiculous level of misinformation and...

Arizona Rep.: Blacks Better Off as Slaves

Current policy killing community, GOP's Trent Franks says

(Newser) - Asked today by a conservative blogger about the role of race in the hyper-partisan, talk-radio-addled atmosphere in Washington, Republican Rep. Trent Franks took the opportunity to say that he thinks African Americans were better off under slavery. Go here for the full interview. Some excerpts:

Mag Names Most Liberal, Conservative Lawmakers

Rankings show ideology trumping Obama's change agenda

(Newser) - National Journal 's rankings of the most liberal and conservative lawmakers confirm that President Obama's first term has had little effect on the partisan atmosphere in Congress. Most members stick to the ideological positions they've staked out for most of their careers, with Sherrod Brown, John Kerry, and Chris...

Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit
Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit

Obama Spoke 119 Minutes, Dems 114, GOP 110 at Summit

That's a 233-110 advantage, if you're keeping track

(Newser) - While the winners and losers of today’s Washington health summit depend on your angle of view, there’s no debate about who used the most oxygen: President Obama, with 119 minutes on the microphone. (OK, perhaps there will be some debate on this, since it’s the Republicans’ “...

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit
GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie'
at Obama Health Summit

GOP Needs to Say 'You Lie' at Obama Health Summit

Not challenging president will turn summit into PR exercise

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans should be a little more respectful than Joe Wilson but they shouldn't shy away from correcting the president if he makes false statements at today's health care summit, writes Karl Rove. It's only by turning the summit into a debate and challenging the president on his claims about...

White House Details Health Summit
 White House Details 
 Health Summit 

White House Details Health Summit

Republicans still suspicious of Feb. 25 gathering

(Newser) - The White House today sent out invitations for its Feb. 25 health-reform summit, detailed the format for the televised proceedings, and said it would post its own proposal online ahead of time. The leaders of both parties in the House and Senate are on the list, and tasked with choosing...

GOP to Push Gradual, Market-Based Health Reform

Party will offer clear alternatives at summit with Obama

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans will likely bring a well-developed alternative road map to health care reform to their summit with President Obama, based on an examination of past actions. The GOP favors a far more market-oriented and less comprehensive approach to reform, according to a New York Times analysis of bills the...

Murtha Leaves Huge Shoes ... and Big Chance for GOP

Republicans have long eyed the Pa. seat for takeover

(Newser) - The death today of Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha leaves some huge shoes to fill, and presents a great chance for Republicans. The Atlantic rounds up what’s being said about the Democrat, and what the future might bring:
  • He was the “king of pork.” Murtha used his position

Obama Calls GOP's Bluff With Health Care Summit

President thinks Republican ideas will look worse in the spotlight

(Newser) - President Obama threw Washington a curve yesterday when he invited the GOP to a televised bipartisan health care discussion, and even though he might wind up right back where he started, it’s a good move. “It is a call-the-bluff moment, with the president daring Republicans to put their...

Obama Will Host Bipartisan Health Care Talks—on TV

GOP, Dem leaders to hash out reform with president

(Newser) - President Obama will discuss the future of health care reform with both Republicans and Democrats in a televised meeting later this month. Obama is looking to make good on two campaign pledges that critics say he has neglected since taking office: engaging in meaningful bipartisan negotiations and doing so with...

Steele Book Tour Has GOP Steamed
 Steele Book Tour Has 
 GOP Steamed 
'Get Him to Stop'

Steele Book Tour Has GOP Steamed

RNC chair predicted party won't take back Congress in 2010

(Newser) - GOP lawmakers are so irate over loose-canon Michael Steele's pronouncements on his book tour—including a prediction Monday that Republicans will not win back the House and Senate in 2010—that they had their aides give his aides a dressing down on a conference call Wednesday. “You really just...

Dems Slam GOP Hypocrisy Over Detroit Terror

Bush's shoe bomber response took 6 days; no one complained

(Newser) - Congressional Republicans hammering President Obama for a "72-hour" delay in responding publicly to the Christmas Day attempted airline bombing seem to be forgetting something: It took President Bush six days to respond to a parallel situation, Politico reports. In December 2001, shoe bomber Richard Reid was foiled by passengers...

Pa. Dem Chris Carney Rejects GOP Overtures

Despite McCain call, he'll remain with Dems

(Newser) - Despite a Republican full-court press that included a call from Sen. John McCain, Pennsylvania Rep. Chris Carney won’t jump ship from the Democratic Party, he tells Roll Call . The GOP has gotten “nibbles” from Carney, a source told Politico earlier, leading to the call from McCain, a fellow...

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year
Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

Dems Treat Obama Like GOP Did Bush in Final Year

... and shoulders will get colder as mid-terms near

(Newser) - President Obama’s support among his fellow Democrats—yep, looking at you, Howard Dean —is in a steeper dive than his opinion-poll numbers, and reminds David Broder of the last months of George W. Bush’s administration. But that was 7 years in for Republicans, he writes in the...

Obama Honors Senate Trailblazer Brooke

Republican senator wins Congress' highest honor

(Newser) - Hundreds of people packed into the Capitol Rotunda yesterday to honor Edward Brooke, the Massachusetts politician who in 1967 became the first black senator since Reconstruction. Now 90, Brooke was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, the legislature's highest honor. Sitting to his right was another trailblazer—President Obama, who had...

Even Dems Say Grayson's Nuts
Even Dems Say Grayson's Nuts

Even Dems Say Grayson's Nuts

'One fry short of a Happy Meal' after he calls Fed adviser 'a K Street whore'

(Newser) - Rep. Alan Grayson has irked Republicans over the past month or so with his sharp tongue—saying the GOP health plan was for Americans to “die quickly,” then, last week, comparing Dick Cheney to a vampire—but even fellow Dems are up in arms after an interview surfaced...

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