Environmental Protection Agency

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Court: EPA Can't Delay Obama-Era Methane Rule

Pruitt overstepped authority, DC court says

(Newser) - A federal appeals court ruled Monday that the head of the Environmental Protection Agency overstepped his authority in trying to delay implementation of an Obama administration rule requiring oil and gas companies to monitor and reduce methane leaks. In a split decision, the three-judge panel from the US Court of...

Study's Message to Americans: 'Our Air Is Contaminated'

Relaxing standards will 'kill a lot of people,' experts warn

(Newser) - Just because air pollution falls below legal limits does not mean you're safe. Indeed, there is no "safe" level of air pollution as pollutants cause an increased risk of premature death even when detected at a fraction of the legal limit set by the EPA, a new study...

EPA Chief Met With Dow CEO Before Pesticide Decision
EPA Chief Met With Dow CEO
Before Pesticide Decision

EPA Chief Met With Dow CEO Before Pesticide Decision

Rep downplays meeting; Pruitt says he nixed push for ban based on 'meaningful science'

(Newser) - The EPA has faced no shortage of criticism over the past several months, but reproaches appear to be growing louder based on a slew of revelations this week. The AP reports on a previously undisclosed meeting EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt had with Andrew Liveris, the CEO of Dow Chemical, three...

EPA Boots 5 Scientists From Advisory Panel

EPA chief Scott Pruitt may replace them with industry reps

(Newser) - At least five scientists on the EPA's 18-member Board of Scientific Counselors were dismissed Friday, part of the agency's directive under President Trump to tamp down the agency's regulatory powers, per the New York Times . "The administrator believes we should have people on this board who...

Environmentalists Sue EPA to Ban Pesticide

EPA recently reversed its decision to ban chlorpyrifos

(Newser) - Environmental groups first asked the Environmental Protection Agency to ban chlorpyrifos back in 2000. Fifteen years later, the EPA agreed to move forward with a ban on the pesticide, which has been linked repeatedly to problems including autism, attention deficit disorders, and developmental delays in children. But the ban hadn'...

EPA Release Was Meant to Laud Trump. Things Went Awry

'Recklessly bury his head in the sand' not supposed to be there

(Newser) - It's a classic example of he said/she said, or maybe an instance of he said what she never said. The confusion comes courtesy of an EPA press release that was meant to quote a GOP senator who had glowing things to say about President Trump's recent climate-change rollbacks...

Monsanto Under Fire Over Alleged Risks of Roundup
Under Fire
Over Alleged
Risks of Roundup

Monsanto Under Fire Over Alleged Risks of Roundup

But company also got some good news out of Europe

(Newser) - Monsanto has had a big—and mostly bad—week, with lots of headlines revolving around something called glyphosate, the key ingredient in its popular herbicide Roundup. Here's what's happening:
  • On Friday, Monsanto lost a court fight to prevent California from labeling glyphosate a carcinogen, reports the Fresno Bee

EPA Chief: Carbon Dioxide Not Primary Cause of Global Warming

Scott Pruitt's view is at odds with mainstream climate science

(Newser) - The new chief of the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday he does not believe that carbon dioxide is a primary contributor to global warming, a statement at odds with mainstream scientific consensus and his own agency. EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said measuring the effect of human activity on the climate...

Arsenic-Spewing Smokestack Plagues Town Decades Later

Residents say EPA botched cleanup of contaminated soil, water

(Newser) - In Montana, there's a smokestack preserved as a state park that nobody can visit because of pollution at the site. Residents rallied to keep the stack, which can be seen from a viewing area about a mile away, as part of the legacy of southwestern Montana's mining days,...

Dems Couldn't Stop It: Pruitt New Head of EPA

Oklahoma AG confirmed in 52-46 Senate vote

(Newser) - After a rough couple of days in the stocking of President Trump's administration, the Senate got back to business and pushed at least one more through. Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt will head the Environmental Protection Agency, the Hill reports, after a Friday Senate vote confirmed him 52-46. As promised...

GOP Senator Will Vote No on Trump's 'Dangerous' EPA Pick

Susan Collins has 'considerable doubts' about Scott Pruitt

(Newser) - One Republican senator is breaking ranks to vote against President Trump's nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency, who has sued the EPA 14 times. Maine's Susan Collins says she "has significant concerns" about issues affecting her state that Scott Pruitt has opposed the EPA on, "...

Trump Freezes All EPA Contracts, Grants

Staffers banned from discussing move, source says

(Newser) - The Environmental Protection Agency is stuck in what insiders call a "holding pattern" after a Trump administration order that freezes all EPA grants and contracts. "New EPA administration has asked that all contract and grant awards be temporarily suspended, effective immediately,” an email obtained by the Washington ...

Like VW, Fiat Chrysler Now in Trouble for Emissions

EPA accuses automaker's software of cheating on emissions levels

(Newser) - Less than 24 hours ago, Fiat Chrysler was anticipating hitting its 2018 financial targets. On Thursday, the automaker came under fire from the EPA, per Reuters , with the agency alleging Fiat Chrysler cheated on diesel emissions—just a day after six Volkswagen honchos were indicted in that company's own...

Environmentalists Horrified by Trump's Pick to Run EPA

Oklahoma AG Scott Pruitt has been busy suing the EPA

(Newser) - Environmentalists who thought Donald Trump's meeting with Al Gore might signal a more moderate environmental policy had those hopes crushed Wednesday with the news that Trump wants Oklahoma's attorney general to head the Environmental Protection Agency. Scott Pruitt, whose official biography calls him "a leading advocate against...

GMO Spuds Could Fend Off Another Irish Potato Famine

USDA OKs JR Simplot varieties that include resistance to late blight

(Newser) - Two potato varieties genetically engineered to withstand the bacteria that caused the Irish potato famine could soon be heading to dinner tables. The Department of Agriculture has approved planting of JR Simplot's Ranger Russet and Atlantic varieties of Innate potatoes, reports the AP . The potatoes—which have only potato...

1st US Criminal Charge Filed in VW Emissions Scandal

Engineer James Liang pleads guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud

(Newser) - The first US criminal charge over the Volkswagen emissions scandal has been filed. Bloomberg reports VW engineer James Liang pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit fraud on Friday. Liang, a German citizen, has worked for VW since 1983, first in Germany and then in the US, according to WDIV . He...

Millions of Americans Drink Bad Water: Report

Crisis in Flint, Michigan, could spread to other cities

(Newser) - Flint, Michigan, isn't the only city in a water crisis —but residents of other US cities just don't know they're in a water crisis, the Guardian reports. According to watchdogs and government documents, water boards in several cities have designed questionable tests that violate EPA regulations...

One of America's Most Toxic Places: a Town Called Picher

Only 3 residents remain

(Newser) - The former lead and zinc mining boomtown of Picher, Okla., has seen better days. It swelled to some 14,000 residents when bullet demand rose during both World War I and II, with Wired reporting previously that "most" of the lead found in bullets used by America during those...

VW's Dieselgate Now Spreads to Audi

Company's luxury brand says 2.1M of its cars also had emissions cheat

(Newser) - The dust was just starting to settle on Volkswagen's emissions-cheating software on its US diesel vehicles, but new revelations show the hubbub spreading to Audi. The company's luxury brand reported Monday that 2.1 million of its vehicles—including 13,000 in the US—had the same cheat...

EPA Changing Emissions Tests So It Can't Be Duped Again

Volkswagen scandal spurs change

(Newser) - The US Environmental Protection Agency said today that it will launch sweeping changes to the way it tests for diesel emissions after getting duped by clandestine software in Volkswagen cars for seven years. In a letter to car manufacturers, the EPA said it will add on-road testing to its regimen,...

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