Environmental Protection Agency

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Popular Flea Collar Linked to Pet Deaths, Human Injuries

EPA says Seresto flea and tick collars remain safe enough for sale

(Newser) - Hundreds of pet deaths and thousands of injuries to pets and humans have been linked to one of the most popular flea and tick collars in the US, according to documents from the EPA. However, there has been no warning about the Seresto collar made by Bayer and sold by...

Trump Administration Won't Tighten Air Quality Standards

EPA scientists were among the experts who wanted a change

(Newser) - Despite evidence of the harmful effects of air pollution on people with COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses, the Trump administration has decided against tightening soot standards. The Environmental Protection Agency instead will lock in limits put in place by President Obama's administration in 2012 for another five years. Experts...

EPA Would Change Focus in Second Term

Andrew Wheeler says the agency will return to its previous approach

(Newser) - Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler on Thursday defended the Trump administration's record on protecting the nation's air and water and said a second term would bring a greater focus on pollution cleanups in disadvantaged communities and less emphasis on climate change. In a speech marking the agency'...

Plan to Release GMO Mosquitoes Moves Ahead

Florida approves experiment, though a last hurdle remains

(Newser) - A plan to set loose 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes in Florida and Texas will move forward despite concerns from environmentalists who liken it to a "Jurassic Park experiment." The non-biting male Aedes aegypti mosquitoes developed by British biotechnology company Oxitec contain a protein, passed to biting female...

Water Protections in Place for Decades to Be Gone Within Days

Lawsuits expected to follow rule change under Trump

(Newser) - In the end, government scientists couldn't sway him. President Trump's administration is expected to finalize a change to an Obama-era regulation protecting many US wetlands and streams as soon as Thursday. "More than half the nation's wetlands, and hundreds of thousands of small waterways" will lose...

Trump: EPA's Looking Into Toilets That Need Repeat Flushes

What also has apparently gone down the toilet: chance WH lawyers show at impeachment hearing

(Newser) - The White House has RSVP'd, sort of, to an invite to send lawyers to the next impeachment hearing before the House Judiciary Committee. "House Democrats have wasted enough of America's time with this charade," White House counsel Pat Cipollone wrote Friday in a note to committee...

Deputy AG Who Defied Nixon During Watergate Dead at 87
Man Who Defied Nixon
During Watergate Dead at 87

Man Who Defied Nixon During Watergate Dead at 87

Doyle Ruckelshaus famously quit his job in the US Justice Department

(Newser) - William Doyle Ruckelshaus, who famously quit his job in the US Justice Department rather than carry out President Richard Nixon’s order to fire the special prosecutor investigating the Watergate scandal, has died. He was 87. Ruckelshaus served as the first administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency. The lifelong...

Fired EPA Scientists to Issue Air Quality Findings Anyway

Group says remaining government panel isn't qualified

(Newser) - Scientific experts who were kicked off an EPA panel last year assessing air quality standards are going to issue their report on pollution anyway. The EPA plans to issue its findings reached without these experts later this month, NBC reports. The 20 scientists and researchers now working independently said the...

Trump Administration Dropping Obama-Era 'Clean Water Rule'

EPA chief calls it an 'egregious power grab,' but environmentalists are concerned

(Newser) - The Trump administration is revoking an Obama-era regulation that shielded many US wetlands and streams from pollution but was opposed by developers and farmers who said it hurt economic development and infringed on property rights. Even before the official announcement, scheduled for later Thursday, environmental groups blasted the administration's...

Good News for the 99.9% of Commenters Against Cyanide Bombs

EPA backtracks on its interim decision

(Newser) - The Environmental Protection Agency is reversing course just a week after reauthorizing use of "cyanide bombs" to kill wild animals that pose a threat to livestock. Public outcry followed the decision to continue to allow the spring-loaded devices that spray sodium cyanide into the mouths of coyotes, foxes, and...

EPA Mandate to City: Hand Out Bottled Water ASAP

In Newark, NJ, filters to keep lead out didn't work, leading to recommendation for bottled water

(Newser) - In what the New York Times calls "an echo of Flint," a New Jersey city that's handed out nearly 40,000 filters to help protect residents whose water flows through old lead pipes now says those filters might not be working and is moving to Plan B....

EPA Makes Contentious Decision on 'Cyanide Bombs'

Trump administration reauthorizes M-44 traps to kill predator wildlife

(Newser) - The Environmental Protection Agency has just reupped authorization of a controversial device designed to protect livestock from predators, but which critics call a "safety menace" against other animals and humans. CBS News reports the EPA has given the green light for the USDA's Wildlife Services, as well as...

Trump Administration Replaces Landmark Obama Climate Rule
Obama's Landmark
Climate Rule Is Dead

Obama's Landmark Climate Rule Is Dead

EPA chief Andrew Wheeler signed replacement rule Wednesday

(Newser) - The Trump administration on Wednesday completed one of its biggest rollbacks of environmental rules, replacing a landmark Obama-era effort that sought to wean the nation's electrical grid off coal-fired power plants and their climate-damaging pollution. EPA chief Andrew Wheeler, a former coal industry lobbyist, signed a replacement rule that...

Watchdog: Massive Spending on Pruitt's Security Not Justified

Office of the Inspector General report released

(Newser) - A whopping $3.5 million was spent on round-the-clock security for former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, one of many agency expenditures that made waves before Pruitt departed the role in July—and a new report from the EPA's internal watchdog says the agency failed to prove the security spending...

Pruitt Placed Single Call From His $43K Phone Booth

How many incoming calls the former EPA head received is unknown

(Newser) - Scott Pruitt is no longer head of the Environmental Protection Agency, but the saga of his $43,000 phone booth isn't quite over. The Washington Post is out with one last financial tidbit courtesy of the Sierra Club, which sued the EPA to access records related to Pruitt. It...

Weed-Killing Chemical Found in Popular Breakfast Foods

Traces fall below EPA limits

(Newser) - You could be ingesting the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup for breakfast, per a report identifying traces of the chemical glyphosate in Cheerios, Quaker Old Fashioned Oats, and Great Value Instant Oats, plus more products marketed to kids. The nonprofit Environmental Working Group tested 45 oat-based products like granolas...

'Law and Order' Trump Is Softer On One Class of Offender

Public Citizen sees profound drop in corporate penalties

(Newser) - While Donald Trump has positioned himself as a tough, "law and order" president, he has mostly excluded one group of offenders from his sights: those of the corporate class, according to a report released Wednesday by Washington-based watchdog Public Citizen . The report found that in 11 of the 12...

Watchdog to EPA: You Need to Do Better After Flint Crisis

Federal watchdog calls on EPA to strengthen its oversight of state drinking water systems

(Newser) - A federal watchdog is calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to strengthen its oversight of state drinking water systems in the wake of the lead crisis in Flint, Michigan, the AP reports. The EPA's Office of Inspector General says in a report that the agency must take steps now...

Pruitt&#39;s Departure: His Decision or Forced by Trump?
Was an 'Embarrassing'
Story Pruitt's Undoing?

Was an 'Embarrassing' Story Pruitt's Undoing?

And more on EPA administrator's sudden 'resignation'

(Newser) - There was no "final straw" that led to the departure of Scott Pruitt from the EPA, per President Trump, who says it was Pruitt who asked to step down, the Hill reports. "It was very much up to him," Trump said when pressed by reporters about Thursday'...

Woman With Toddler Confronts Pruitt During Lunch

She tells EPA chief he should resign

(Newser) - Scott Pruitt became the latest Trump administration official to have an uncomfortable dining experience when he was confronted Monday by a woman—and her 2-year-old son. Kristin Mink says Pruitt was three tables away from her when she had lunch at the Teaism restaurant in Washington, DC, and she decided...

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