Thomas Kinkade

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Those We Lost in 2012
 Those We Lost in 2012 

Those We Lost in 2012

Whitney Houston, Joe Paterno, Dick Clark, Ravi Shankar

(Newser) - Neil Armstrong would always be taking that first step onto the moon, and Dick Clark was forever "the world's oldest teenager." A look at some of the notables who died in 2012:
  • Etta James, 73. Blues singer best known for her enduring classic "At Last."

Kinkade's Wife, Girlfriend End Fight With Secret Deal

No details on settlement between Nanette Kinkade, Amy Pinto

(Newser) - And just like that, the drama surrounding Thomas Kinkade's estate has come to an end. Kinkade's estranged wife, Nanette, has settled with Amy Pinto, Kinkade's girlfriend who had been living with him and refused to leave his house after he died. There are no details about who...

Girlfriend Holed Up in Thomas Kinkade House

She claims painter willed it to her; widow says she's squatting

(Newser) - Thomas Kinkade's girlfriend is still living in his $7 million Monte Sereno mansion, blissfully ignoring demands from Kinkade's estranged wife for $12,500 a month in rent, the San Jose Mercury News reports. Amy Pinto says she and Kinkade were engaged when he died, and she has two...

Thomas Kinkade Died of Booze, Valium OD: Coroner

Santa Clara coroner calls death 'accidental'

(Newser) - Painter Thomas Kinkade died of an accidental overdose of alcohol and Valium , according to a California coroner's report. "Mr. Kinkade died of respiratory depression as a result of a high concentration of ethanol combined with benzodiazepine use," the Santa Clara County Coroner's Office determined in a...

Kinkade's Wife to Girlfriend: Keep Your Mouth Shut

Nanette Kinkade files restraining order against Amy Pinto-Walsh

(Newser) - Thomas Kinkade's wife doesn't want his girlfriend dishing dirt on the recently deceased artist. Wife Nanette has filed a restraining order against live-in girlfriend Amy Pinto-Walsh, designed to stop her from saying or doing anything that would cast a negative light on Kinkade, the Los Angeles Times reports....

Kinkade's Lover Threatens to Reveal Family Secrets

Amy Pinto has documents that could hurt Kinkade family, businesses: complaint

(Newser) - The Daily , which apparently has an inside line on all the depressing details surrounding Thomas Kinkade's death, reports that the painter's girlfriend is threatening to reveal information that will hurt Kinkade's family. On the morning Kinkade died, Amy Pinto showed a family friend of the artist...

Kinkade 'Drinking All Night' Before Death: 911 Call

Girlfriend Amy Pinto apparently told dispatcher

(Newser) - Earlier this week, Thomas Kinkade's girlfriend told the San Jose Mercury News that the artist "died in his sleep, very happy, in the house he built, with the paintings he loved, and the woman he loved." But another depressing article in The Daily paints a very different...

Kinkade $9M in Debt When He Died

'Painter of light' had legal, personal troubles

(Newser) - Thomas Kinkade was known as the "Painter of Light," but the last few years of his life seem to have been fairly dark: The Daily reports that Kinkade owed about $9 million to at least 165 creditors when he died . Claims range from the huge ($2.4 million...

Kinkade Paintings Selling for $150K

One gallerist sold more in a day than he sells in 2 weeks

(Newser) - Galleries that sell the work of Thomas Kinkade are reporting a surge in sales following the popular painter's death at age 54 —a surge so big that outlets across the country say they're calling in extra help to handle unprecedented demand from customers placing orders in person,...

'Painter of Light' Thomas Kinkade Dead at 54

His sentimental works are generally hated by critics, loved by the public

(Newser) - America's best-selling artist Thomas Kinkade died unexpectedly yesterday in his California home at age 54, reports the San Jose Mercury News . The family said the death appeared to be of natural causes, but authorities will not know officially for a few days. "Thom provided a wonderful life for...

'Painter of Light' Busted on DUI Suspicion

Bankrupt Thomas Kinkade impaired but 'very polite': cops

(Newser) - "Painter of Light" Thomas Kinkade was arrested Friday on suspicion of DUI after being pulled over near his California home. Kinkade is having a rough month, Scripps Howard notes—his company has filed for bankruptcy in the wake of a multimillion-dollar federal fraud claim against him. "Tom is...

Kinkade's Art Firm Loses Court Battle

'Painter of light' must pay two 'duped' gallery owners $2.1M

(Newser) - Hugely popular painter Thomas Kinkade claims God is his art agent, but a federal appeals court has ruled against his company for putting art gallery owners through financial hell, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The plaintiffs accused Kinkade and his firm of exploiting their Christian faith to lure them into...

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