
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Kidman: Hollywood Hurting Women

It contributes to violence by portraying them as weak sex objects

(Newser) - Violence against women can "probably" be blamed in part on Hollywood's depiction of them as weak sex objects, Nicole Kidman says. The actress—and goodwill ambassador for the UN Development Fund for Women—testified before a House subcommittee to promote humanitarian efforts to relieve such violence overseas. She was...

Daily Sweets Linked to Violence

Violent adults are more likely to have eaten candy as kids, study finds

(Newser) - Think twice before buying your child that chocolate bar—new research by psychiatrists shows that children who eat candy every day are more likely to grow into violent adults. The research, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found that 69% of children in the study later convicted of a...

Tearful Pelosi Fears Rhetoric Could Lead to Violence

Speaker tears up while recalling late '70s political violence

(Newser) - Fighting back tears, Nancy Pelosi said today she fears the inflammatory rhetoric surrounding current political debate could lead to violence, the Hill reports. “I have concerns about some of the language that is being used because I saw…I saw this myself in the late '70s in San Francisco,...

Milwaukee Cops Arrest Suspected Serial Killer

Man linked to murders of 9 women from 1986-2007

(Newser) - Authorities in Milwaukee said tonight they have arrested a man they suspect in the murders of at least nine women during the past 21 years, the Journal Sentinel reports. Walter E. Ellis, 49, is charged with two counts of first-degree murder, and his DNA was found on nine women killed...

Town Hall 'Paranoia and Violence' a Liberal Fantasia

(Newser) - To listen to the Obama camp and the liberal media, the anti-Obamacare protesters at last month’s town halls are a grave threat to our way of life, Mary Katharine Harn writes in the Weekly Standard. But “the climate of paranoia and violence that enveloped our political system this...

Now Who Needs Health Care?
Now Who Needs Health Care?

Now Who Needs Health Care?

SoCal rally turns ugly when reform opponent has finger bitten off; perp on the lam

(Newser) - A pro-health care reform event in southern California turned surreally bloody last night, NBC Los Angeles reports. Opponents of the effort turned out to oppose supporters organized by, and when a supporter crossed the street to challenge the other group, a brawl ensued. During the fisticuffs, a 65-year-old...

Nigerian Rebel Leader Dies in Police Custody

(Newser) - The leader of an uprising set on introducing Islamic law in Nigeria died in custody today, the BBC reports. Mohammed Yusuf was captured in his in-laws’ goat pen in Maiduguri—and was later seen standing and with no visible injuries by a Reuters reporter. “He has been killed,”...

Drug Gunmen Attack Mexican Police Bases

Five dead as violence spikes in western state after recent arrests

(Newser) - Gunmen attacked federal police bases in at least six Mexican cities, killing three police officers and two soldiers, the BBC reports. The burst of violence follows arrests and gun battles on Friday in Morelia, where 40 men armed with assault rifles and grenades carried out the raid on the police...

I Fantasize About Killing Ex: Manson

Plus more fun tidbits from his latest disturbing interview

(Newser) - Marilyn Manson, that fine upstanding Goth rocker, offers his fans a little TMI in the latest issue of Spin—including the admission that, when it comes to ex Evan Rachel Wood, he fantasizes “every day about smashing her skull in with a sledgehammer.” Other highlights:
  • On the Christmas

Obama: World 'Appalled' by Iran Violence

(Newser) - President Obama today declared the United States and the entire world are "appalled and outraged" by Iran's violent efforts to crush dissent, a clear toughening of his rhetoric as Republican critics at home pound him for being too passive. Obama condemned the "threats, beatings, and imprisonments of the...

30 Dead in Fresh Wave of Iraq Violence

(Newser) - Bombings and shootings killed more than 30 people across Iraq today, including high school students on their way to final exams, in a new round of violence ahead of next week's deadline for US troops to withdraw from urban areas. The attacks came two days after the year's deadliest strike,...

Boys Stomp Newborn Fawn to Death
Boys Stomp
Newborn Fawn to Death

Boys Stomp Newborn Fawn to Death

(Newser) - British police are on the hunt for three boys who stomped a newborn fawn to death, reports the BBC. A dogwalker, too frightened to confront the violent gang, witnessed the attack in a park in Dorset. "In 23 years I have never seen anything quite as barbaric and horrendous...

Afghanistan Attacks at Record High

(Newser) - Violence in Afghanistan is the worst it’s been since 2001, the US commander of forces in the region announced today. Insurgents staged more than 400 attacks during the past week, compared to less than 50 per week in January 2004, the BBC reports. Gen David Petraeus said allied forces...

17 Dead in Acapulco Shootout
 17 Dead in Acapulco Shootout 

17 Dead in Acapulco Shootout

Violence further damages resort's tourism industry

(Newser) - A fierce, 2-hour gun battle between drug agents and Mexican authorities in Acapulco has left 15 gunmen and 2 soldiers dead, the BBC reports. After receiving a tip, troops ambushed a house in the resort town last night, as gunmen hurled grenades and crashed their cars trying to flee. Upon...

Hamas-Police Gunfight Kills 6

(Newser) - Palestinian forces loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas stormed a Hamas hideout in the West Bank and set off a fierce gun battle that left six dead today, the worst violence since the factions fought a pitched battle over Gaza 2 years ago. Militants lobbed grenades and fired automatic weapons to...

India Riots Bust Out After Austria Temple Killing

Punjab erupts in violence after Sikh guru's murder

(Newser) - Riots have broken out in dozens of cities across the Indian state of Punjab after a Sikh guru was killed in a temple in Austria yesterday. Thousands of protesters have damaged public property and set trains on fire, and in one city four people were injured when police fired on...

It Was Gauguin Who Cut Off van Gogh's Ear

Historians say Dutch painter loss his ear in a fight

(Newser) - Vincent van Gogh's fame derives not only from his paintings, but from the legendary story that he sliced off his own ear and presented it to a prostitute. But two art historians now say that the Dutch painter didn't mutilate himself. After a decade of research, they argue that Paul...

First Twitter Arrest: FBI Nabs Man Posting Threats

(Newser) - Another Twitter first: An Oklahoma City man has been arrested by the FBI after tweeting threats of a bloody rampage against the government at last week’s "tea party” in that city, Wired reports. “START THE KILLING NOW! I am willing to be the FIRST DEATH!” wrote...

Violence Plummets as Mexican Army Polices Juárez

But human rights violations said to be rampant

(Newser) - Since Mexico’s army took over for police in the drug haven of Ciudad Juárez, killings have dropped: In 2009’s first two months, there were 434 drug-related murders. In March, 5,000 troops arrived—and murders plummeted to 51, the Washington Post reports. With 10,000 soldiers now...

1st Amendment v. Dogfight Video: High Court to Decide

Conviction rests on First Amendment status of animal abuse tapes

(Newser) - The Supreme Court agreed today to hear that pits the First Amendment against the production and sale of dogfighting videos, the Chicago Tribune reports. The case involves a man jailed for selling several brutally explicit videos of pit bulls fighting. A federal appeals court overturned his conviction on grounds that...

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