domestic violence

Read the most recent news stories about domestic violence and abuse on

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Rihanna, Chris May Reunite on Oprah

Singer reportedly wants public apology from alleged abuser

(Newser) - Rihanna and Chris Brown may be reuniting—on Oprah’s couch, Hollyscoop reports. Rihanna has been talking to Oprah since the talk show queen famously begged her not to take Brown back, sources tell Look magazine, and a public apology may be in the works.

Rihanna Still Working With DA
 Rihanna Still 
 Working With DA 

Rihanna Still Working With DA

Attorney, DA rep confirm cooperation

(Newser) - Rihanna is cooperating with the Los Angeles District Attorney in the case against Chris Brown—and reports otherwise are “totally incorrect,” her attorney tells E! A rep for the DA’s office also confirms Rihanna is “a cooperating victim” in the domestic-violence case, although she will not...

Merde! French Rapper Sparks Feminist Fury

Lyrics threaten to break lovers arm, legs

(Newser) - A French musician's rap about beating his girlfriend has so enraged activists that they're lobbying to have him banned from an upcoming rock festival, the Guardian reports. OrelSan sings about a broken arm, broken legs, and a wished-for miscarriage and "slow death" for his lover in his song Sale ...

Bruised Pic Leads to Push for 'Rihanna's Law'

Plus, Chris Brown cancels court meeting

(Newser) - The now-ubiquitous photo of a battered Rihanna has propelled an advocacy group to push for “Rihanna’s Law,” which would deter law enforcement employees from releasing exploitative photos of crime victims, the Los Angeles Times reports. “We can no longer tolerate the leaking of private information when...

PSA Re-enacts Rihanna Beating
 PSA Re-enacts Rihanna Beating 

PSA Re-enacts Rihanna Beating

Activist organization launches new campaign

(Newser) - Rihanna’s alleged assault by Chris Brown is re-enacted in a new PSA, AP reports. Actors play out the scene while a narrator reads details from the police affidavit. “There was no need to sensationalize things. It was bad enough,” says the CEO of, adding that...

Runway Finalist Charged With Hurling Cat at Ex-Beau

Way to have a hissy fit

(Newser) - Way to have a hissy fit. Quirky Project Runway finalist Kenley Collins was arrested last night after hurling her cat at an ex-boyfriend in her Brooklyn apartment, reports the New York Daily News. The catty season-five contestant also lobbed a laptap, apples, and a glass of water, police said. She...

Teen Fans Blame...Rihanna
 Teen Fans Blame...Rihanna 

Teen Fans Blame...Rihanna

Experts stress need for education

(Newser) - Who deserves the blame for Chris Brown’s alleged attack on Rihanna? Not Brown, say many teens. A recent survey showed 46% blame Rihanna, while 52% placed blame on both parties, the New York Times reports—and the level of support has parents worried. "She probly ran into a...

Rihanna 'Too Ashamed' to Go Public With Chris

Singer won't comment on case, wants it forgotten

(Newser) - Rihanna isn’t ready to confirm she's back on with Chris Brown, for fear of fan backlash, reports Bang Showbiz. The singer told a pal, “I’m too ashamed to go public yet.” And not just about her relationship—don’t expect Rihanna to mention anything about the...

Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah
 Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah 

Rihanna Feels Unworthy: Oprah

It's a sign of low self-esteem, she says

(Newser) - Rihanna took back her abusive boyfriend because she feels bad about herself, Oprah said on her show yesterday. "If you go back with a man who hits you, it is because you don't feel you're worthy of being with a man who won't," she said. Guest Tyra Banks...

Brown to Ax Manager; She Denies Affair

Brown upset with his entire team

(Newser) - Chris Brown is ready to fire his manager, the New York Post reports—but not because of their rumored affair. Brown is upset his apology over the alleged assault of Rihanna was issued late and sounded “insincere,” an insider says, and the singer is ready to replace his...

Chris Brown Bails on Kids' Award Show

Rep cites pending charges as reason

(Newser) - Amid growing protests over his inclusion in the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards, Chris Brown has withdrawn from the event, TMZ reports. Just yesterday, the network defended Brown's right to contest his two nominations, but with the singer facing charges for allegedly beating Rihanna, parents groups were skeptical about the decision...

Chris Brown's Manager Sent Sexy Text That Sparked Fight

TMZ says pair had sexual relationship

(Newser) - The woman who left a three-page text on Chris Brown’s cell phone, inciting Rihanna’s fury and Brown's aggression, was none other than Brown’s manager, TMZ reports. Rumor has it Brown and Tina Davis, 40, had a relationship when Brown was 16, though both have denied it. The...

Rihanna Case a Wake-Up Call for Teens

Young people becoming more aware of domestic violence

(Newser) - The Rihanna-Chris Brown saga provides an important “teachable moment” for kids, USA Today reports. One in four teen relationships involves violence and this highly visible case is bringing awareness to those who thought “it can’t happen" to me—especially after a photo of Rihanna's battered face was...

Brown, Rihanna Record Duet
 Brown, Rihanna 
 Record Duet 

Brown, Rihanna Record Duet

Plus, details of two prior incidents emerge

(Newser) - Rihanna and alleged abuser Chris Brown are recording a duet slated for Brown’s new album, E! reports. The pair has been holed up in a California recording studio with an award-winning producer. Another source confirmed Rihanna is recording again, using music as “her refuge.” Meanwhile, the New ...

Oprah to Rihanna: 'He Will Hit You Again'

But 'she hit me first,' Brown claims

(Newser) - As Chris Brown tries to negotiate a misdemeanor plea, Oprah Winfrey spoke to battered girlfriend Rihanna through her show Friday, telling the battered singer, “If a man hits you once, he will hit you again. He will hit you again.” An expert on her show compared Brown to...

Brown Still Blogging, Partying
 Brown Still Blogging, Partying 

Brown Still Blogging, Partying

More from singers' friends, families

(Newser) - Chris Brown may have been charged with two felonies, but he still wants you to vote for him to win the Kids’ Choice Awards, Us reports. The singer posted a blog yesterday asking for votes and thanking fans for the support. The charges also weren’t enough to stop him...

Brown Charged with 2 Felonies
 Brown Charged with 2 Felonies 

Brown Charged with 2 Felonies

(Newser) - Singer Chris Brown is being charged with two felonies in the beating of girlfriend Rihanna, Los Angeles authorities announced today. Brown, 19, is expected to appear in court this afternoon to enter a plea in the Feb. 8 incident, People reports, in which he faces counts of assault and making...

Evidence Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown
Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown

Evidence Stacks Up Vs. Chris Brown

LA authorities have bloody gown, more gruesome photos

(Newser) - Even if Rihanna refuses to testify against Chris Brown, the evidence—including Rihanna’s bloodstained gown and a blow-by-blow police report—is powerful. Police notes obtained by a Los Angeles TV station reveal Brown bit Rihanna and shoved her head against a car window, TMZ reports, adding that photos of...

Brown's Lawyers Seek Plea Deal

Singer due in court today over alleged assault on Rihanna

(Newser) - Chris Brown's lawyers are in talks with prosecutors about a plea deal that could see the singer hit with probation instead of jail time for his alleged assault on Rihanna, insiders tell E! Online. Brown would plead guilty to a misdemeanor under the deal. Prosecutors have been looking for evidence...

Usher to Brown: Quit Living It Up, Show Some Remorse

'Show some remorse, man,' he urges

(Newser) - A stunned Usher yesterday blasted the luxurious lifestyle and high-spirited smiles of Chris Brown relaxing in Miami just weeks after he apparently viciously beat girlfriend Rihanna, reports the New York Daily News. "Come on, Chris, have a bit of remorse, man," said Usher. "The man's on jet...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>