Islamic extremists

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Muslim Who Threatened South Park Pleads Guilty

Zachary Chesser admits issuing threats, supporting terrorists

(Newser) - A Virginia man who threatened the creators of South Park for their depiction of Mohammed faces up to 30 years in jail after pleading guilty to issuing threats—and providing support for Somali terrorists. Zachary Chesser, 20, also admitted posting the personal contact information of people who joined the Facebook...

5 German Terror Suspects Die in Pakistan Drone Strike

Hamburg cell believed to be behind Europe terror plot

(Newser) - An American missile attack has killed at least five German nationals suspected of being part of a terror cell training in Pakistan, Pakistani officials say. The missile hit a house in Waziristan, the region where authorities believe a terror cell training for an attack on Europe was hiding out, the...

Dozens of European Terrorists Training in Pakistan

Plus, 20 NATO oil tankers attacked

(Newser) - As Japan joined the list of countries issuing travel alerts for Europe, intelligence officials report that dozens of Muslim militants with European citizenship are believed to be training in Pakistan for terror missions—possibly in Europe. One senior Pakistani official puts the number of such extremists at "several dozen,...

US: Terror Team Already Inside Europe

Plot for Mumbai-style attack still active, officials say

(Newser) - European counterterrorism officials say they have intelligence that strongly suggests that a team of Islamic extremists is planning a Mumbai-style shooting spree in a European city center—but they have no idea which one. Drone attacks in Pakistan earlier this week were aimed at foiling the plot, but US officials...

Christians Stabbed, Beaten in Indonesia

Muslim hard-liners suspected of violence

(Newser) - Violence against Christians erupted in Indonesia yesterday, and the president—who has been criticized in the past for a failure to crack down on hard-line Muslim groups—called for immediate action and the arrest of those responsible. The Islamic Defenders Front is suspected of the attack on a worshiper and...

Pakistan Blasts Kill 42 at Sufi Shrine

Many blame attack on government support for US

(Newser) - Twin suicide blasts killed at least 42 people at a Sufi shrine in Lahore, Pakistan, late yesterday. At least 175 people were injured. Thousands were visiting the shrine, which holds the remains of a saint revered by followers of Islam's mystical tradition, the BBC reports. Many blamed the attack on...

Pakistan Convicts 5 Americans on Terror Offenses

Anti-terror court sentences Virginia men to 10 years

(Newser) - Five young Americans accused of traveling to Pakistan to join the Taliban have been jailed for 10 years. A Pakistani anti-terrorism court found the five, aged between 19 and 25, guilty of conspiring to commit terrorist attacks and of funding terrorist organizations, the BBC reports. The men were reported missing...

NY Bomb Probe Focusing on Pakistani Taliban

Militant group appears ready to go global

(Newser) - The Pakistani Taliban's claim of responsibility for the Times Square bombing was greeted with widespread skepticism, but investigators are now focusing on the group in the wake of suspect Faisal Shahzad's arrest. Shahzad has told interrogators that he received training in Waziristan—a militant hotbed in Pakistan's frontier region—and...

South Park Creators Need Protection—and Solidarity

Hollywood should step up with campaign against extremists

(Newser) - Dismissing those who threatened South Park's creators as mere cranks or fringe extremists is a potentially deadly mistake, warns a Dutch politician who received death threats herself after criticizing Islam. The warning from a radical website may not have broken the law, but it still amounts to an "informal...

Taliban Suspected in Schoolgirls' Poisoning

Militants deny involvement after 88 fall ill

(Newser) - At least 88 schoolgirls and their teachers have been hospitalized in Kunduz in northern Afghanistan over the last week because of what authorities suspect are poison gas attacks by the Taliban. The militant group, however—which isn't known for its unwillingness to own up to atrocities—firmly denies involvement, the ...

South Park Creators: We Didn't Censor Show

We always 'stand behind' our programs

(Newser) - It takes more than a threat from a radical Muslim group to spook South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone. The pair have released a statement stressing that it was Comedy Central, not them, who bleeped out the name "Mohammad" and statements from Kyle, Jesus, and Santa Claus...

Aussies Under Permanent Terror Alert

Major threat comes from homegrown jihadists, warns Rudd

(Newser) - Australia is now under a permanently high threat of terrorist attack, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced yesterday. Rudd announced new counter terrorism measures including tougher visa checks and airport face scans on people from 10 countries considered to be high-risk, the BBC reports. The biggest danger, he warned, is from...

Beware the Jihadi Intellectuals
 Beware the Jihadi Intellectuals 

Beware the Jihadi Intellectuals

Al-Balawi, Hasan, Abdulmutallab didn't rise from desperation of poverty

(Newser) - Educated, well-off Muslims who espouse jihad are far removed from illiterate Taliban warlords in almost every way—but they're proving to be just as much of a threat, writes Anne Applebaum. People like 31-year-old Defne Bayrak, proud wife of the suicide bomber who killed eight CIA agents, are eloquent, intelligent,...

In Wake of Cartoonist Attack, Denmark Veers Right

New immigration crackdown expected

(Newser) - Denmark prides itself on being a liberal, tolerant society but the recent attack on cartoonist Kurt Westergaard is the latest incident to nudge Danish society the other way. The news that the attacker was a Muslim immigrant has sparked calls from politicians for the country's immigration laws—already among the...

Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad
Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad

Muslim World Can Learn from Terror Suspect's Dad

It's time for Islam to shame suicide bombers: Friedman

(Newser) - The father of the failed underwear bomber set an example the rest of the Muslim world needs to live up to, writes Thomas Friedman. Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, by reporting his son's descent into radicalism to authorities, effectively admitted that his family system had broken down. And to defeat terrorism and...

Islam Needs a Civil War

 Islam Needs 
 a Civil War 
Thomas Friedman

Islam Needs a Civil War

Muslim majority must triumph on the ground and in 'Virtual Afghanistan'

(Newser) - Islam has become corrupted by the ideology of a "violent minority," and it's long past time that the majority of Muslims take back their religion, writes Thomas Friedman. How? It needs a "civil war," just as America needed one to overcome the ideology of slavery. "...

Pakistan: US Students Tried to Join Jihadists

Terror groups rejected Virginians who wanted to fight US

(Newser) - Five men from Virginia arrested in Pakistan tried to join extremist groups to fight US forces in Afghanistan, according to Pakistani authorities. "We are here for jihad," the men allegedly told interrogators. Police say the men managed to make contact with several extremists groups, including two linked to...

Loose FBI Rules Raise Privacy Fears

People are unfairly targeted, complain Muslim groups

(Newser) - The FBI has been given far too much leeway to gather information on individuals and groups, charge Muslim and civil liberties organizations. Guidelines in a newly disclosed FBI manual allow the bureau to probe people or organizations without any factual evidence against them. Agents are given broad powers to proactively...

Radical Muslim Cleric Killed in FBI Raid

6 others held after series of operations in Detroit area

(Newser) - The leader of a radical Islamic sect was killed by the FBI today in a shootout in a Detroit suburb, part of a series of raids against the group, said to be plotting “an offensive jihad” in order to establish a state governed by Sharia law. Luqman Ameen Abdullah,...

Clinton Backs Pakistan as Bomb Toll Hits 90

 Clinton Backs Pakistan 
 as Bomb Toll Hits 90 

Clinton Backs Pakistan as Bomb Toll Hits 90

Secretary of state says 'this is our struggle as well'

(Newser) - Offering sympathy for victims of today's terrorist bombing, Hillary Clinton praised Pakistan's offensive against extremists and pledged US support at a critical point in the country's history. "Pakistan is in the midst of a struggle against tenacious and brutal extremist groups who kill innocent people and terrorize communities,"...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>