
Stories 41 - 46 | << Prev 

Bush Pardons 19 More, But Not Libby (Yet)

President's tally still pales in comparison to Clinton, Reagan

(Newser) - Another round of presidential pardons today might not be the last, the Washington Post reports. “The president has maintained his authority to do that until his last day,” a spokesman said. No big names, such as Scooter Libby, were announced, but President Bush did issue a rare posthumous...

Big Names Await News on Pardons

Gonzales, Clemens could be excused from future accusations

(Newser) - President Bush continues to be stingy with pardons, but some big names will be hoping for clemency in December, the AP reports. Among the 2,000 applicants are junk-bond king Michael Milken and American-born Taliban soldier John Walker Lindh. Bush also could excuse potential future convicts such as pitcher Roger...

Conrad Black Asks Bush for Clemency
Conrad Black Asks Bush for Clemency

Conrad Black Asks Bush for Clemency

Doing time for fraud, media giant wants sentence commuted

(Newser) - Onetime media mogul Conrad Black is seeking clemency from President Bush in hopes that his 6½-year jail sentence will be commuted, the CBC reports. Black, the former chair of newspaper firm Hollinger International, was convicted on fraud and obstruction of justice charges in 2007 for channeling $6 million from...

Requests for Pardons Flood White House

Petitioners include the American Taliban, but not Scooter Libby

(Newser) - President Bush is nearing the end of his term, and felons are coming out of the woodwork in historic numbers to ask for pardons and reduced sentences, the New York Times reports. It is not unusual for there to be a spike in pardons granted by a president in his...

Commutation Decision Marks Serious Shift

As Texas governor, Bush seldom overruled court decisions

(Newser) - In six years as governor of Texas, George W. Bush issued 20 pardons and commuted one death sentence. As president, he seemed to be hewing to the same standard, granting 113 pardons (against more than 1,000 appeals) and commuting just four sentences. The fourth commutation sends the Times in...

Bush, Cheney Should Quit Over Scooter

Resignation, impeachment the only options, argues Olbermann

(Newser) - MSNBC's Keith Olbermann came out swinging last night, demanding the resignation of both the president and VP—"two men who are now perilous to our democracy." Drawing on both John Wayne and James Madison, the anchor donned his commentator hat to contend that commuting Scooter Libby's sentence was...

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