Bill Thompson

5 Stories

De Blasio Will Be Dems' NYC Mayoral Candidate

After Bill Thompson concedes

(Newser) - New York City mayoral candidate Bill Thompson conceded the Democratic primary race to frontrunner Bill de Blasio today, averting a runoff and clearing the way for de Blasio to campaign for the general election. Thompson endorsed de Blasio at City Hall, saying he was proud to support him as the...

De Blasio Wins NYC Primary; Runoff Unclear

Recount looms as Thompson refuses to concede

(Newser) - As expected, Bill de Blasio will easily finish first in New York City's Democratic primary for mayor, reports the AP . What's unclear is whether he will get the necessary 40% to avoid a runoff with the second-place finisher. With 97% of returns in, de Blasio had 40.02%,...

NYC Mayoral Candidates Debate: Should Trains Run Over Kittens?

Joe Lhota says yes, Weiner says he would rescue them himself

(Newser) - Two New York subway lines were shut down for several hours this week because of a couple of kittens on the track . So New York magazine asks the city's prospective mayoral candidates the tough question: Should the trains have just run over them? Republican Joe Lhota (notably, the city'...

Bloomberg Squeaker Embarrasses Obama, Dems

Many bemoan tepid support of Thompson

(Newser) - No one thought Bill Thompson had a prayer against Michael Bloomberg—no one, that is, except voters. Bloomberg did indeed win yesterday, but it was a moral defeat for the mayor, who spent $90 million and won by just 5%. And it’s an even bigger embarrassment for Democrats, who...

Bloomberg Drops $18.7M on Campaign

(Newser) - New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg has already spent $18.7 million in his bid for a third term, outpacing his own 2005 campaign by 55%, the New York Daily News reports. The billionaire's three main competitors have spent a combined total of about $2.5 million, with controller William Thompson...

5 Stories
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