tech companies

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Google Offers ... Really Generous Death Benefits

Googlers get one final perk

(Newser) - Google is famous for its generosity to employees, but Forbes has found a perk that Googlers get after they depart the company—and this life. If any of Google's 34,000 or so workers die while employed by the company, their surviving partner will receive half their salary every...

23 Celebs Looking to Make It Big in Tech

Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian have tech interests

(Newser) - Celebrities are increasingly getting their fingers in tech companies, including such well-known ones as Facebook and Foursquare. Huffington Post rounds up 23 Hollywood VIPs who dabble in tech on the side:
  • Leonardo DiCaprio: He invested $4 million in Mobli, a real-time visual media platform, last October.
  • Selena Gomez: The singer/actress

Facebook IPO Could Top $10B
 Facebook IPO Could Top $10B 

Facebook IPO Could Top $10B

Firm to value itself at over $100B in deal next year, sources say

(Newser) - Facebook is readying its long-anticipated initial public offering for the second quarter of next year, and it's aiming for a deal that will value the company at more than $100 billion—more than $125 for each of its 800 million users, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . The company...

IBM Surpasses Microsoft, Claims No. 2 Tech Spot

Shift illustrates tech industry's move away from PCs

(Newser) - Microsoft, once the world’s most valuable tech company, has now fallen to third place. IBM surpassed Microsoft yesterday to take the second-place spot, as its market value rose to $214 billion and Microsoft’s fell to $213.2 billion. It marked the first time IBM’s closing prices exceeded...

How 13 Big Tech Firms Got Their Names

 How 13 Big Tech Firms 
 Got Their Names 

How 13 Big Tech Firms Got Their Names

From the improbable to the top secret, it takes all kinds

(Newser) - The Business Insider figures you've also wanted to know how your favorite high tech concern got its name. Well, you're in luck! Here goes:
  1. SUN Microsystems: It's actually an acronym for Stanford University Network, the school where the founders met.
  2. Cisco: Actually not an acronym, as often assumed. It's just

Yahoo Posts $303M Loss, Beats Estimates

(Newser) - Yahoo Inc. stumbled to a fourth-quarter loss of $303 million, but the Internet company withstood the recession better than analysts had expected. Yahoo's loss—officially wrapping up the Jerry Yang era—translated into 22 cents per share, compared with a profit of 15 cents per share in the prior year,...

'Media Titan' Moves in Small (Even Empty) Websites

Little-known Internet player hitting the big time with simple idea

(Newser) - Richard Rosenblatt doesn’t work in Silicon Valley and few people, even there, know his name. But in just 2 years his Demand Media has become a huge player, backed by $355 million in private investment, and pulling in nearly $200 million in revenue this year, the Los Angeles Times...

Business Woes? Call a Corporate Psychic

Execs search farther afield for help

(Newser) - More businesses are seeking a new breed of consultant to give them guidance in tough economic times, Newsweek reports: psychics. Blue chip operations across the nation, from tech concerns to corporate law firms, are coughing up big bucks to hire “intuitionists,” with executives hoping their otherworldly expertise will...

Apple Hoards $15B&mdash;Why?
Apple Hoards $15B—Why?

Apple Hoards $15B—Why?

Fortune speculates on the tech giant's plans for cash wad

(Newser) - Regulatory filings reveal Apple has $15.4 billion stockpiled, leading to curiosity about its plans for the cash. The company itself hasn't offered much of an answer, but in its Big Tech blog, Fortune speculates Apple could acquire smaller companies, perhaps buying its way into a new area like social...

Online Boom Won't Result in Dot-Com Bust

Heady '90s excesses are more isolated; domino effect less likely

(Newser) - Today’s Silicon Valley upstarts are enjoying heady times, but without the excess and risk of their late-'90s counterparts, reports the Wall Street Journal. Sophisticated venture capitalists generally bear the risk involved in the next tech crash, and fewer and less volatile IPOs this time around mean small investors are...

Young Tycoons in Endless Pursuit of Next Project

No rest for driven Silicon Valley moguls

(Newser) - Rather than reveling in his $100 million fortune, mogul Max Levchin spent a year feeling "worthless and stupid" after he sold PayPal to eBay at the age of 27. Too young to retire, too restless to become a philanthropist, Max was like many young Silicon Valley tycoons dogged by...

Wall Street Snapping Up Losers
Wall Street Snapping Up Losers  

Wall Street Snapping Up Losers

Tech companies with no profits are enjoying hot IPOs again

(Newser) - Money-losing tech companies are enjoying overheated IPOs again. In a disconcerting echo of 1999, Forbes reports more than half the companies going public so far this year have yet to turn a profit. "The losers may be us," Quentin Hardy cautions, "a public suddenly so hot for...

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean
YouTube Trickster Comes Clean  

YouTube Trickster Comes Clean

(Newser) - An employe of the tech company that handles Barack Obama’s website admits making the notorious “Vote Different” YouTube video portraying Hillary Clinton as Big Brother – now one of the most watched videos on the web. Phil de Vellis writes on The Huffington Post that he created the ...

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