
10 Stories

Murdaugh Quoted as Saying, 'I Did Him So Bad'

But others aren't so sure of the recording in South Carolina double-murder trial

(Newser) - As the high-profile double-murder trial of Alex Murdaugh continues in South Carolina, an investigator told the court on Monday of a potentially crucial statement Murdaugh made during an interview. It came during the testimony of state investigator Jeff Croft, who recalled showing Murdaugh graphic photos of his slain wife and...

Suit: Snapchat CEO Said App Was 'Only for Rich People'

Evan Spiegel didn't want to expand in 'poor countries like India and Spain': complaint

(Newser) - Snapchat's "elusive" CEO may want to stay under the radar until the latest hubbub surrounding something he supposedly said clears up. Business Insider reports that Snap chief Evan Spiegel is being sued by Anthony Pompliano, who worked for the company for just a few weeks in 2015, with...

UVa Staff, Students to President: Stop Quoting Jefferson

Teresa Sullivan was trying to unite community after election, but quote backfired

(Newser) - "Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today" was one of Thomas Jefferson's "canons of conduct," and so faculty and students at the college he founded, the University of Virginia, wasted little time in responding to an email from the school's president that...

The Best Quote of 2012 Is...
 The Best Quote 
 of 2012 Is... 
in case you missed it

The Best Quote of 2012 Is...

Mitt Romney's '47%' remark

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's comments about 47% of the population being dependent on the government and "binders full of women" topped this year's best quotes, according to a Yale University librarian. "Debate remarks and gaffes actually seemed to play an important role in the ups and downs of...

How to Make a Memorable Movie Quote

First, come up with a weird word...

(Newser) - What is it that makes certain movie quotes stick with you forever? Cornell University researchers figured it out, the Washington Post reports: a combination of uncommon words ("Inigo Montoya") and general, rather than definite, syntax ("a" or "an" rather than "the") make movie quotes...

Quote of the Year Is Occupy Wall Street's 'We Are the 99%'
 And the Quote of the Year Is... 

And the Quote of the Year Is...

'We are the 99%' ... plus 9 more memorable utterances

(Newser) - It's been a good year for quotes inspiring, inept, and inscrutable. A Yale librarian has compiled his annual list of the year's 10 key quotations, and topping this year's selection is Occupy Wall Street's rallying cry: "We are the 99%." The runners-up:
  1. Lines from

These 'Cheery, Pithy' Quotes Are Fake
 These 'Cheery, Pithy' 
 Quotes Are Fake 

These 'Cheery, Pithy' Quotes Are Fake

And they muddle the true message of great leaders: Brian Morton

(Newser) - Perhaps you live by the words of Henry David Thoreau: “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you’ve imagined.” Or Gandhi: “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” If so, Brian Morton has bad news for you: Neither...

The Top 10 Quotes of 2010
The Top 10
Quotes of 2010

The Top 10 Quotes of 2010

We're not witches, either

(Newser) - Remember when Christine O'Donnell solemnly looked into our eyes and declared, "I'm not a witch"? That little gem has topped (well, tied for tops) 2010's list of most memorable quotes, according to the Yale Book of Quotations. Giving O'Donnell a run for her money was Tony Hayward's "...

20 Best Homer Simpson Quotes
 20 Best Homer Simpson Quotes 
No. 1: 'D'OH!'

20 Best Homer Simpson Quotes

(Newser) - In honor of tonight's 20th-anniversary celebration of The Simpsons, Washington Post comics columnist Michael Cavna offers his list of the top 20 Homer Simpson quotes. Of course, No. 1 is "D'oh!" Selected other gems:
  • "Oh, everything looks bad if you remember it."
  • "I'm going to

Obit Editors Fall for Fake Wikipedia Quote

Papers printed Maurice Jarre gem, but he didn't say it; Irish student did

(Newser) - An Irish college student managed to prank the world media in an attempt to illustrate lax fact-checking in today’s 24-hour news cycle, the AP reports. When French composer Maurice Jarre died March 28, Shane Fitzgerald fabricated a delicious quote and put it on the Jarre Wikipedia page. The citizen...

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