
Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Linked to 32 Deaths

Teen-targeted Gardasil also tied to blood clots, fainting in gov't study

(Newser) - Gardasil, the cervical cancer vaccine marketed to teen girls, has been linked to 32 deaths and other serious side effects including fainting and blood clots, according to a government report released yesterday. Since 2006, several complications of the vaccine have been reported, ABC News reports, ranging from neurological disorders to...

Brit Nurses Fear Swine Flu Vaccine: Poll

One third won't have it for fear of danger; one third undecided

(Newser) - A full two thirds of British nurses are undecided about or outright against getting vaccinated for swine flu, the Telegraph reports. Some 60% of those who plan to decline say they are concerned about the safety of the untested treatment. “I would not be willing to put myself at...

Docs Warned to Watch for Brain Disease Link to Flu Vaccine

UK officials cite concern over 1976 vaccinations

(Newser) - British officials have alerted neurologists to watch out for any surge of cases of a deadly brain disease after a massive swine flu vaccination program begins, reports the Telegraph. A 1976 US swine flu vaccine was followed by an eight-fold increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, which killed 25 people...

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet
Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Birther Queen Has Some Bees in Her Bonnet

Taitz shares theories on Obama (he's gay), conspiracies, flu shots

(Newser) - President Obama or one of his operatives has tried to kill birther leader Orly Taitz many times—according to Taitz. The lawyer/dentist/real estate agent gives Gabriel Winant of Salon an earful of accusations, including:
  • Obama may have had his gay lovers killed. Taitz says a few homosexuals from Obama’s

US Braces for Round 2 of Swine Flu

(Newser) - The US and other northern nations are steeling for a possible explosion in swine flu cases as the weather cools, the Washington Post reports. Experts believe the second round of H1N1 cases could cause a major disruption and strain the health care system. "The virus is still around and...

Don't Close for Swine Flu: Feds to Schools

Shutting down is 'last resort' if 'high numbers' of students fall ill

(Newser) - Health officials issued new guidelines today to help schools handle swine flu cases, advising them to close only if "high numbers" of students fall ill, USA Today reports. Closing down should be “a last resort, not a first resort,” US Education Secretary Arne Duncan said. The...

Pregnant Women Win Priority for Swine Flu Vaccine

(Newser) - Pregnant women and people who care for infants will be first in line for the swine flu vaccine this fall, the Washington Post reports. Infants, children and young adults under 24, chronically ill adults aged 25 to 64, and health care workers are the other top priority groups under guidelines...

EU Moves to Fast-Track Swine Flu Vaccine

Rushed vaccine could be dangerous, WHO flu chief warns

(Newser) - In a drive to inoculate people against swine flu before winter, many European governments say they will fast-track the testing of a new flu vaccine, arousing concern among some experts about safety and proper vaccine doses. Europe's top drug regulator is accelerating the approval process for swine flu vaccine, and...

Swine Flu Vaccine Trials to Hit 8 Cities in Aug.

(Newser) - The National Institutes of Health will supervise a nationwide test of a swine flu vaccine in eight cities starting in August, the Seattle Times reports. Test subjects will be drawn from Seattle, Baltimore, Iowa City, St. Louis, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Houston, and Nashville. Thousands will receive “a vaccine you can't...

Obama: Brace for Swine Flu Outbreak

Calls for 'vigilance,' not 'panic'

(Newser) - President Obama called for “rigorous” planning by state and local officials in anticipation of a possible swine flu outbreak this fall, CNN reports. “We want to make sure we aren't promoting panic, but we are promoting vigilance and preparation,” Obama—on a video link from the G8...

Giving Away Billions Feels Great: Gates

Microsoft founder touts philan-therapy for world's rich

(Newser) - Bill Gates is touting the feel-good benefits of giving away money, telling a crowd in Oslo that “all billionaires should give away the vast majority of their fortunes.” Leave enough for the kids, he says, but, “I’m a great believer that great wealth should go from...

UK Unravels Genetics of Euro Swine Flu Strain

Better understanding of virus 'significant step' toward vaccine

(Newser) - Researchers in the UK have mapped the complete genetic fingerprint of the strain of H1N1 virus affecting Europe, bringing scientists a step closer to creating a vaccine, the BBC reports. By comparing the blueprint with genetic data from the North American strain, experts hope to better understand how the virus...

Squeamish Feds Learn From 1976 Swine Flu Debacle

Panic and Gerald Ford caused hundreds to receive unnecessary shot

(Newser) - Federal health officials are hoping to avoid a catastrophic case of déjà vu as they develop plans to inoculate Americans against swine flu, the Washington Post reports. A vaccine released during the 1976 flu outbreak left dozens dead and hundreds reporting serious side effects like blindness and paralysis. Now,...

Asia Unites Against Swine Flu Threat

Health ministers from 13 countries pledge increased cooperation

(Newser) - Health chiefs from 13 Asian countries met in Bangkok yesterday to hammer out a unified response to the H1N1 virus, Reuters reports. The ministers pledged to step up cross-border cooperation, establish joint response teams, and share essential supplies. A statement called for Asia to establish the capacity to produce vaccines,...

Flu-Phobic Consider Intentional Infection

(Newser) - With panic over the H1N1 flu virus on the wane, some Americans are pondering allowing themselves to become infected in hopes of building immunity against potentially more virulent strains, the New York Times reports. Doctors are split on the idea. "I think it's totally nuts," says a flu...

Seasonal Flu Strain May Have Mutated

Canadian researchers say H3N2 virus mutated from vaccine strain

(Newser) - A mutated version of the seasonal strain of flu targeted by this season's vaccine has surfaced in a traveler entering Canada from Mexico, Reuters reports. The development complicates the tracking of the virus in Mexico, which has suffered the majority of infections and deaths. The variant was previously found in...

US May Offer 3 Flu Shots in Fall

(Newser) - Americans may be getting not one but three flu shots this fall, the Washington Post reports. One would be for the seasonal flu and the other two would be for swine flu. The plan is unprecedented—health officials have never asked people to get more than one flu vaccine in...

Making Swine Flu Vaccine Now Could Backfire
Making Swine Flu Vaccine Now Could Backfire

Making Swine Flu Vaccine Now Could Backfire

Move could cause global shortage of seasonal flu vaccines

(Newser) - The world's leading flu vaccine maker is on standby, ready to start cranking out a swine flu vaccine—but doing so might not be the smartest move, Carol Matlack writes in BusinessWeek. Vaccine makers can't shift or expand production easily, Matlack notes, meaning that a switch now could lead to...

CDC Prepares Swine Flu Vaccine

(Newser) - The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has prepared a seed stock of vaccine for the swine flu that has killed dozens in Mexico and infected a handful of Americans, Time reports. The CDC has not begun mass production of the vaccine, opting instead to see if the outbreak reaches...

Case on Vaccines Far From Closed: Carrey

Scant, biased evidence not enough to rule out dangers

(Newser) - The media act as though questions about vaccines’ potential harm to children have all been answered, but that’s based on “a huge leap of logic,” Jim Carrey writes for the Huffington Post. The court convened to rule on the vaccine cases said vaccines hadn’t caused autism...

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>