
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

CDC: Boys Should Get HPV Shot, Too
CDC: Boys Should Get
HPV Shot, Too

CDC: Boys Should Get HPV Shot, Too

Vaccine will protect boys from some cancers, and lower transmission risk

(Newser) - A CDC committee voted overwhelmingly today to recommend the HPV vaccine for boys as well as girls, reasoning that it will protect them from some cancers of the penis and rectum, while also preventing them from transmitting HPV to the people they sleep with. Twelve panel members voted for the...

Feds Mull Testing Anthrax Vaccine on Kids

But many doctors say anthrax risks too low to justify vaccine

(Newser) - If you thought the HPV vaccine debate was lively (or, a couple of years ago, N1H1 ), just imagine what is going to happen with anthrax. The government is debating whether children should be inoculated against anthrax, to protect against possible bioterrorism, reports the Washington Post . “At the end...

Meet the Teacher Who Fueled Perry's HPV Fight

Heather Burcham devoted life to raising awareness

(Newser) - After she was diagnosed with cervical cancer, Houston teacher Heather Burcham decided to devote her life to raising awareness of the disease and the HPV vaccine—and one man she inspired was Rick Perry. The Texas governor befriended Burcham following his executive order that girls should receive the vaccine, the...

Bachmann: I Just Passed On Stranger's Vaccine Fear

'I wasn't attesting to her accuracy' she tells AP

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann is again backing off her vaccine scare story , admitting she really didn't know what she was talking about when she linked the HPV vaccine to a risk of retardation. She was simply passing on the concerns of a stranger who approached her. "All I was doing...

Doctors Offer $11K for Proof of HPV Story

Bachmann implied vaccine caused 'mental retardation'

(Newser) - Doctors are so outraged over the scare story about the HPV vaccine that Michele Bachmann told this week—and so sure it’s baseless—that they’re offering a hefty reward for anyone who can prove it’s true. In two interviews, Bachmann said a crying mother had approached her...

Perry Swipes Back at Bachmann's HPV Allegation

Mental retardation claim has 'no basis in fact,' he says

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann made waves this week by claiming that the HPV vaccine can cause mental retardation, and now more critics are piling on—one of whom is Rick Perry. Perry, of course, was the target of Bachmann's original statement; she disagrees with the executive order he issued requiring Texas...

Consensus Say Michele Bachmann Got Her Mojo Back

 Michele Got Her 
 Mojo Back 
Consensus Says:

Michele Got Her Mojo Back

Bachmann's HPV attack on Perry turned heads

(Newser) - Pundits seemed to all agree that Michele Bachmann was on the ropes heading into last night’s Tea Party debate—and now they all seem to agree that she fought her way back in with her scathing indictment of Rick Perry’s HPV vaccination program. Here’s what people are...

Vaccine Doesn't Cause Autism: Latest Panel

New report not likely to change minds

(Newser) - Once again, a panel of experts has determined that a vaccine isn’t to blame for autism—but the latest findings aren’t likely to sway those who disagree, notes the New York Times. The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine, at the center of the debate, “doesn’t cause...

Scientists Crack Code of Kangaroo's DNA

Decoding could lead to new antibiotics, hope for wombats

(Newser) - What makes the kangaroo hop? That’s just one of the questions answered by international researchers who’ve decoded the genome of a kangaroo species, the BBC reports. The genome research team—the first to be led by Australian scientists—sequenced the genome in 2008 but finally completed its analysis...

CIA's bin Laden Vaccine Hoax Sparks Anger

Some fear it will deter Pakistanis from getting kids vaccinated

(Newser) - The CIA is experiencing quite the backlash over the fake vaccination program they used to try to get DNA from Osama bin Laden’s children. International health advocates are furious, because they believe the operation will foster paranoia about vaccination programs, particularly in already hard-to-vaccinate places like Pakistan, Politico reports....

Girl, 8, Beats Rabies Without Vaccine

Only the third in the US to have done so

(Newser) - An 8-year-old girl in Northern California has survived rabies—without receiving antiviral inoculations immediately after becoming infected. She’s only the third person in the US to have conquered the disease without getting the usual series of shots, hospital officials say. Precious Reynolds was likely bitten by a feral cat...

UN Won't Destroy Last Smallpox Samples —for Now

Health agency delays decision until 2014

(Newser) - Health ministers from around the world agreed today to put off setting a deadline to destroy the last known stockpiles of the smallpox virus for three more years, rejecting a US plan that had called for a five-year delay. After two days of heated debate, the 193-nation World Health Assembly...

HPV: Half of Men May Be Infected With Human Papillomavirus, Study Shows
 Guys: Half of You 
 Might Have HPV 

study says

Guys: Half of You Might Have HPV

New study could be strong case for vaccinating boys

(Newser) - A whopping half of men may be infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), best known for causing cervical cancer, but also a cause of anal, penile, head, and neck cancers. Though the CDC currently recommends a vaccine for females, health officials have so far not recommended one for males. Researchers believe...

Coming Soon: Universal Flu Vaccine

Drug is successfully tested on humans for the first time

(Newser) - Soon, you may be able to forget about getting a flu shot each year—because just one jab could cover you for all strains of the illness. Oxford University scientists tested a universal flu vaccine on humans for the first time, and found it to be successful, the Guardian reports....

Swine Flu Vaccine Could Cure All Flu for Life

Those who've been hit with virus seem immune to other flus

(Newser) - Swine flu might hold the key to an all-purpose vaccine that could, with a single injection, protect patients from all flus for the rest of their lives. Researchers in Chicago and Atlanta are set to publish a study finding that those who develop antibodies against swine flu appear to be...

Cocaine 'Vaccine' Could Help Addicts Kick Habit

Researchers trick body's immune system into attacking the drug

(Newser) - A vaccine that diminishes the high of cocaine in rats could someday help human addicts kick the habit, LiveScience reports. Researchers created the vaccine by combining a virus associated with the common cold—for its ability to trigger the body's immune system—with a cocaine-like molecule. It showed promise when...

Brits Running Out of Killer Flu Vaccine

They've just got enough for pregnant women, doc warns

(Newser) - Nervous UK health care providers are running out of the vaccine for a scary swine flu strain that has claimed 39 lives. Manufacturers have warned they have no supplies left in the wake of a surge of new cases, reports the Telegraph . "There's enough vaccine for pregnant women who...

Smallpox Vaccine Slows HIV
 Smallpox Vaccine Slows HIV 

Smallpox Vaccine Slows HIV

Study raises hope for a new tool against pandemic

(Newser) - People exposed with the smallpox vaccine may gain a measure of protection against the HIV virus. Researchers from George Washington University exposed white blood cells taken from vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals and exposed them to HIV. In the smallpox-vaccinated cells, HIV replicated itself significantly slower than in those from non-vaccinated...

US May Toss 75M Doses of Swine Flu Vaccine

Unused shots are near expiration date

(Newser) - More than 71 million doses of the H1N1 vaccine purchased by the federal government to combat an expected flu pandemic will have to be discarded if they go unused, which seems increasingly likely. Those doses were packaged for individual use, which dramatically decreases their shelf life. Of the 229 million...

New Vaccine Patch Promises Painless Injections

Microneedles dissolve just 0.5 millimeters into skin

(Newser) - The needle-based vaccine could soon go the way of the 8-track, thanks to a new, painless vaccine “chip” invented by a Japanese pharmacokinetics professor. The half-inch patch can contain as many as 300 microneedles, but you won’t feel them—they dissolve after penetrating just 0.5 millimeters into...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>