Smithfield Foods

14 Stories

92 Tons of Popular Topping Recalled
92 Tons of Popular
Topping Recalled

92 Tons of Popular Topping Recalled

Smithfield issues warning on 185K pounds of ready-to-eat bacon bits

(Newser) - Better check those bacon bits before you sprinkle them on your salad. WKRC reports there's a "massive" recall underway after Smithfield Packaged Meats Corp. warned its ready-to-eat topping may be contaminated with metal. Per a release from the USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service, the 5-pound packages...

We Probably Didn't Have a Meat Shortage After All

House panel report: Tyson, other meat-processing companies made 'baseless' claims of scarcity

(Newser) - Workers at meat-processing plants were forced to clock in to work during the early days of the pandemic, thanks to an executive order out of the Trump administration deeming them essential workers amid what was said to be a beef and pork shortage. Except now it seems that last part...

Activist Impersonates Meat CEO in Fox Interview

'We have been punked,' Maria Bartilomo admitted

(Newser) - "It appears we have been punked," Maria Bartiromo said at the end of her Fox Business Network show Wednesday after learning the meat company CEO she had interviewed was actually an animal rights activist. Matt Johnson of Direct Action Everywhere impersonated Dennis Organ, new CEO of Smithfield Foods,...

Governor Opposed Stay-at-Home Order. Now, a Virus Hot Spot

644 COVID-19 cases tied to Smithfield Foods meat plant in Sioux Falls, SD

(Newser) - The shuttered Smithfield Foods pork plant in Sioux Falls, SD, is now the largest single source of coronavirus cases in the country. Eighty more employees were confirmed to have COVID-19 on Wednesday, bringing the employee total to 518. State health officials say another 126 people who had contact with an...

As Employees Get Sick, Meat Plants Are Closing
A Dire Warning as
Meat Plants Start to Close
the rundown

A Dire Warning as Meat Plants Start to Close

Workers are getting sick, and supply chain could be disrupted

(Newser) - Employees at meat processing plants are getting the new coronavirus—and some of the facilities are shutting down, including one of the country's biggest pork processing facilities. Bloomberg reports there's been a "spike" in coronavirus infections at such plants, with hundreds of new cases last week. Plants...

$50M Awarded to Neighbors Over Feces-Spraying Pork Farm

Smithfield Foods says it will appeal

(Newser) - The 10 North Carolina plaintiffs who say a pork farm near their homes is endangering their health by, among other things, spraying hog urine and feces onto nearby fields , have won a big victory. A federal jury has awarded each plaintiff $5 million in punitive damages and $75,000 in...

Neighbors Sue Pork Giant That 'Sprays Feces, Urine'

Smithfield Foods' farm is under fire

(Newser) - A low-cost, high-volume livestock-rearing method pioneered in North Carolina came under fire Tuesday as jurors began hearing a lawsuit from neighbors who say the world's largest pork corporation is endangering their health and making their lives miserable. The legal action is the first in a string of federal lawsuits...

The Chinese Takeover of Smithfield Stinks—Literally

More pigs will produce more poop, basically

(Newser) - If regulators approve the sale of Smithfield Foods to a Chinese company, the US will soon be producing more pigs to feed China's growing appetite for all things porcine. And more pigs will produce more poop. Smithfield—America's (and the world's) largest producer of pork—already produced...

Innocent BBQ Joint Hit by Deen Fallout

Smithfield’s Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q gets 'intense' messages

(Newser) - Leave Smithfield’s Chicken 'N Bar-B-Q alone. It isn't the same Smithfield that dropped Paula Deen in the wake of her racism scandal . One is a small restaurant chain from Smithfield, NC. The other is a huge pork producer from Smithfield, Va. But that distinction hasn't stopped...

Yet Another Company Drops Paula Deen

Plus: The apology tour begins?

(Newser) - Yet another company has dropped Paula Deen in the wake of the Food Network giving her the boot and QVC apparently thinking about doing the same. Smithfield, a major pork company (that was recently purchased by a Chinese company ), says it will no longer partner with Deen for her...

How Ham Can Prevent War With China
How Ham Can Prevent War With China

How Ham Can Prevent War With China

Noah Feldman on the need to tread lightly in the coming 'cool war'

(Newser) - China and the US are not-so-secretly on the verge of, if not a new cold war precisely, at least a cool one. When someone steals your top weapons secrets , then says they want a "new type" of relationship, you "start thinking he was planning to drink your milkshake,...

Chinese Firm Gobbles Up Top US Pork Company

These days, China demands meat

(Newser) - In the biggest acquisitions ever of a US company by a Chinese one, Shuanghui International Holdings has agreed to buy Smithfield Foods Inc, the world's largest producer of pork. It's a fascinating purchase, and not just because of its huge size and the involvement of bacon. The deal...

McRib Pork Supplier Smithfield Keeps Pigs in Appalling Conditions: Humane Society
McRib Pigs' Conditions Appalling: Humane Society 

McRib Pigs' Conditions Appalling: Humane Society

Supplier misleading about animals' condition, group says

(Newser) - Your much-hyped McRib sandwich may have a dark past. The Humane Society has filed a complaint with the feds that McDonald’s pork supplier, Smithfield Foods, has misled consumers regarding how it treats its animals. Smithfield, which has won a “supplier sustainability” award from the restaurant chain, calls its...

Rumors as Virulent as Swine Flu Itself

Theories implicate everyone from Smithfield Foods to al-Qaeda as responsible

(Newser) - Rumors about the origins of the swine flu outbreak are spreading faster than the virus itself, with theories ranging from a group of slaughtered pigs in China to an al-Qaeda conspiracy, Reuters reports. China’s government was actually prompted into making a formal statement by international media reports suggesting that...

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