
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney
Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Ex-CIA Chief Blasts Cheney

Tenet's new book says "there was never serious debate" about going to war in Iraq

(Newser) - George Tenet offers a scathing attack on Dick Cheney and other architects of the war in Iraq in a new book to be released Monday, the New York Times reports.  The former CIA director alleges that "there was never serious debate" about whether Iraq was an imminent threat...

Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill
Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Senate Passes Troop Pullout Bill

Move sets stage for second veto of Bush's presidency

(Newser) - The Senate approved the Iraq funding bill 51-46 early this afternoon, conferring its expected stamp of approval on an October troop pullout. But the vote fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to avoid a promised veto. Democrats are already ruminating on post-veto counter-proposals, including replacing the rigid timetable with...

Bush Calls Withdrawal Plan 'An Invitation to Attack America'

Mud-slinging on Iraq gets even uglier

(Newser) - President Bush yesterday accused the Democrats of “offering an invitation to our enemies to attack America.” With the House and Senate poised to vote this week on a war funding bill with a troop drawdown deadline, the Washington Post reports, the dispute between Congress and the White House...

Dems Stick With Deadline For Withdrawal

Spending bill dares President to veto

(Newser) - Congressional Democrats are forcing the White House's hand on Iraq, agreeing on a version of the spending bill that sets a timetable for withdrawing troops by next March—and daring the President to veto it. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid called the move a "long overdue effort to put...

Attack on GIs Kills Nine, Wounds 20
Attack on GIs Kills Nine, Wounds 20

Attack on GIs Kills Nine, Wounds 20

Outpost assault is deadliest in almost two years for U.S. troops

(Newser) - A truck bomb attack on a U.S. military outpost killed nine American infantrymen in the Iraqi province of Diyala yesterday, and wounded 20 more. The attack was one of the deadliest ground assaults on American troops since the war began, raising the question whether the 10-week-old counterinsurgency strategy is...

Al-Sadr Preaches Peace — But Not Toward U.S.

Urges Iraqis to unite against "occupiers"

(Newser) - Firebrand cleric Muqtada al-Sadr called on Iraqis Sunday to stop killing each other—and join together to rid their country of Americans. On the eve of the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad, he urged both Iraqi forces and insurgents to direct their fight against "the occupiers,"...

Resisting Captors Was "Not an Option"

Brit sailors say they were threatened, psychologically tortured

(Newser) - Britain's freed sailors say they were blindfolded, psychologically tortured, and isolated from each other during their captivity in Iran. They were lined up while weapons were cocked, and told that if they did not say they were in Iranian waters when they were caught, they would face seven years in...

Britons Ask: Were Captives Too Cozy With Iranians?

Co-operation called, "Bloody Shambles"

(Newser) - As the euphoria over the homecoming of the 15 British captives subsides, some Britons are charging that the sailors and marines went overboard in co-operating with their captors. Lt. Gen. Sir Michael Gray tells London’s Daily Mail: "In my days you would have got name, rank and serial...

British Sailors Come Home
British Sailors Come Home

British Sailors Come Home

(Newser) - The fifteen British sailors captured by Iran are back in the UK. As soon as the British Airways jet touched down as Heathrow, Blair traded his measured diplomatic tone  for harsher words, warning the "elements of the Iranian regime" were still arming insurgents inside Iraq."

Support The Troops With A War Tax
Support The Troops With
A War Tax

Support The Troops With A War Tax

Dems should insist on paying, not borrowing, for war

(Newser) - If the Democrats want to support the troops but call the question on the war, they should pass a "war tax,"  writes Richard Hall in the Detroit Free Press. They could adopt the supplemental appropriations, but attach an income tax surcharge to finance it. Would the president...

U.N.'s Worthless If It Can't Get Tough on Iran

U.N. Lawyers outraged at anemic repsonse to hostage-taking

(Newser) - Iran's taking hostages, and the the United Nations is merely "gravely concerned"? Two U.N. lawyers, writing in the LA Times, are disgusted. "The international community's failure to show immediate outrage at Iran's action is deafening," say David Rivkin and Lee Casey. "Ancient legal principles...

The Capitol Arms For The War Over the War

(Newser) - With Congress and the president now officially at war over Iraq, all parties scrambled yesterday to gear up for the coming firefight. The President promised to veto the spending bill with troop withdrawal deadlines attached, seeming to relish the fight ahead. Tthe newly aggressive and unified Democrats, notes the New ...

Iraqis Flee on the "Highway From Hell"

With the border to Jordan closed, 1,000 Iraqis a day hazard an escape to Syria

(Newser) - Every day, more than a thousand Iraqis risk their lives on a nightmarish journey from Baghdad to crowded, chaotic border crossings into Syria. Ambushes, murders, roadside bombs and kidnappings are common hazards along the 340-mile road   "Highway From Hell."

Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal
Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal

Saudi King Calls Iraq War Illegal

Latest evidence of breach with ally

(Newser) - King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia fired a warning shot at the Bush administration yesterday, calling Iraq “an illegal foreign occupation” and urging Arab leaders to unite to prevent U.S. domination of the region.  The Saudis "are telling the U.S. they need to listen to their...

Tillman's Mom Wants Hearings On Cover-Up

"This was an attempt to dupe the public and to promote this war."

(Newser) - Congress should investigate the Army's cover-up of Pat Tillman's friendly-fire death, his mother told ESPN Radio yesterday. A military inquiry concluded Monday that nine high-ranking military officials would face "corrective action," not criminal charges, for their role in claiming Tillman was killed by enemy fire long after they...

Brits Prove Captured Sailors Were in Iraqi Waters

Iran can't stick to a story

(Newser) - The 15 British sailors captured by Iran last week were inside Iraqi waters, British evidence released today shows. The craft's GPS system put it 1.7 nautical miles outside Iranian territory, which a British military helicopter confirms. The Iranian government revised its own version of the location Monday, when its...

Senate Backs Troop Pullout Timetable

Bill ties troop funding to March 2008 withdrawal deadline

(Newser) - Democrats in the Senate  pulled off a surprise victory yesterday in their bid to force President Bush to bring troops home from Iraq—deflecting a GOP effort to kill the troop withdrawal plan. The Democrats’ proposal sets a March 2008 deadline for ending the conflict and is folded into a...

War Games Should Include Media, Civilians

"I yearn for the days when 'Battleship' reflected real war"

(Newser) - Modern warfare calls for modern war games, and that means the players can't be just armies and navies, but also civilians, the media, and the international community. Gary Anderson, the Marines' first director of war gaming, writes that victory in post-Cold War combat is no  longer determined by battlefield fighters,...

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck
Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

Bush Is Worse Than a Lame Duck

(Newser) - The FT catalogs a litany of the obstacles for President Bush achieving anything meaningful in his last 22 months in office. At the core of it all is the Iraq war, which has reduced Bush’s popularity to the point where he has no more political capital to spend.

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary
Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Records Reveal Hawkish Hillary

Iraq vote may not have been anomaly

(Newser) - Hillary  may be more hawkish than liberal supporters realize, Michael Crowley concludes after a lengthy look at the senator's history. Many assume she supported the Iraq war to look tough and won’t back down to avoid the label of flip-flopper. But long before 9/11, she was scornful of those...

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