
Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>

Cocaine Vaccine Tackles Addiction

New treatment mutes drug's effect on the brain

(Newser) - A vaccine-like treatment to fight cocaine addiction has shown promising results in early clinical trials and could pave the way for new treatments to battle nicotine and methamphetamine addiction as well, researchers say. The vaccine created antibodies that prevented cocaine molecules from reaching the brain fast enough to cause a...

UK Teen Dies After HPV Vaccination

14-year-old has 'rare but extreme reaction'; batch quarantined after others report trouble

(Newser) - A 14-year-old British girl died yesterday after receiving the vaccine against human papillomavirus, and the National Health Service has quarantined the batch after three other girls reported unpleasant side effects. Her school is telling parents the girl had a “rare but extreme reaction” to the shot, which is commonly...

Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc
 Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc 
h1n1 outbreak

Swine Flu Parties Unsafe: Doc

Exposing kids to virus is a bad idea, pediatrician says

(Newser) - Parents who are throwing “swine flu parties” to get kids together in hopes of exposing them to the virus now, while it is in a weaker form, are on the wrong track, says a prominent pediatrician. Responding to a question from a US News and World Report reader, Thomas...

Hand-Washing Might Not Help Much Against Flu

Some scientist say it's airborne, not spread by touch

(Newser) - Everyone from Elmo to President Obama is telling people to wash their hands to avoid getting the swine flu, and Disney could make a killing on “Musical Hand Wash Timers” featuring its stable of characters. But Newsweek talks to scientists skeptical of the approach: Hand-washing might be great for...

Parents Leery About H1N1 Vaccine

'Uncertainty' dominates as families mull shot

(Newser) - Concerned over unforeseen effects and unconvinced that the H1N1 virus is really anything worse than a case of the sniffles, some parents are leaning away from vaccinating their kids against it, the Los Angeles Times reports. “It's a different brand of flu, but it is still the flu,”...

Colleges Open Their Doors—to Swine Flu

Campus is 'a perfect breeding ground for disease'

(Newser) - Colleges all over the country are welcoming back students—and dealing with an uninvited visitor: swine flu, Bloomberg reports. From the South to the Plains states, schools are reporting hundreds of cases—at Mississippi State University, more than 250 people have flu-like symptoms. “Envision 200 young people being stuffed...

Swine Flu Could Kill 90K in US
 Swine Flu Could Kill 90K in US 

Swine Flu Could Kill 90K in US

(Newser) - An expected resurgence of H1N1 flu this fall could infect up tp 50% of the US population, causing up to 90,000 deaths, according to projections released yesterday. Most deaths would occur among children and young adults in a scenario involving inadequate antiviral supplies and large outbreaks at schools before...

Brit Nurses Fear Swine Flu Vaccine: Poll

One third won't have it for fear of danger; one third undecided

(Newser) - A full two thirds of British nurses are undecided about or outright against getting vaccinated for swine flu, the Telegraph reports. Some 60% of those who plan to decline say they are concerned about the safety of the untested treatment. “I would not be willing to put myself at...

Docs Warned to Watch for Brain Disease Link to Flu Vaccine

UK officials cite concern over 1976 vaccinations

(Newser) - British officials have alerted neurologists to watch out for any surge of cases of a deadly brain disease after a massive swine flu vaccination program begins, reports the Telegraph. A 1976 US swine flu vaccine was followed by an eight-fold increase in cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome, which killed 25 people...

Huffington Post: A Hotbed of Junk Medicine
Huffington Post: A Hotbed of Junk Medicine

Huffington Post: A Hotbed of Junk Medicine

Unpaid bloggers push enemas for swine flu, vaccine hokum

(Newser) - During the height of swine flu panic, a Huffington Post blogger advised dumping the Tamiflu and sticking with "deep-cleansing enemas," which will supposedly keep you influenza-free and help you lose weight, too. HuffPo is a hotbed of junk medicine, Dr. Rahul K. Parikh writes in Salon, with...

Pregnant Women Win Priority for Swine Flu Vaccine

(Newser) - Pregnant women and people who care for infants will be first in line for the swine flu vaccine this fall, the Washington Post reports. Infants, children and young adults under 24, chronically ill adults aged 25 to 64, and health care workers are the other top priority groups under guidelines...

Obama: Brace for Swine Flu Outbreak

Calls for 'vigilance,' not 'panic'

(Newser) - President Obama called for “rigorous” planning by state and local officials in anticipation of a possible swine flu outbreak this fall, CNN reports. “We want to make sure we aren't promoting panic, but we are promoting vigilance and preparation,” Obama—on a video link from the G8...

Oprah Helps McCarthy Spread Vaccine Lies

They may turn parents off of vital vaccines: Allen

(Newser) - “Chastising a celebrity is an exercise in futility,” Arthur Allen acknowledges in Slate, but he tries anyway, blasting Oprah Winfrey for giving vaccine skeptic Jenny McCarthy platforms from which to spread “dangerous misinformation that could bring some once-controlled diseases back.” McCarthy believes her son got autism...

US May Offer 3 Flu Shots in Fall

(Newser) - Americans may be getting not one but three flu shots this fall, the Washington Post reports. One would be for the seasonal flu and the other two would be for swine flu. The plan is unprecedented—health officials have never asked people to get more than one flu vaccine in...

1976 Swine Flu Scare Taught What Not to Do

Threat led to backlash against flu vaccine

(Newser) - No matter how health officials handle the possible swine flu outbreak, it's likely to go better than it did in 1976. Back then, the government ordered a mass inoculation after one man in New Jersey died of the flu and others were sickened, the Los Angeles Times reports. Within 10...

'Vaccine Court' Denies Families' Autism Claim

MMR vaccine and thimerosal don't combine to cause autism, panel finds

(Newser) - A special court has ruled that a common vaccine did not cause autism in three children, CNN reports. Three test-case families who claimed the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella in combination with the preservative thimerosal caused their children’s autism were denied compensation by the panel, which ruled that...

New Book Heats Up War Over Autism and Vaccines

'Lightning rod' pediatrician's book is latest salvo in vicious debate

(Newser) - A pediatrician’s book is making new waves in the battle over autism and vaccines, the New York Times reports. Paul Offit has received death threats from some who argue that vaccines can cause autism, but his book, Autism’s False Prophets, backs vaccines and says those who oppose them...

For Top Vaccine Doc, Autism Battle Hits Home

Expert discusses how disorder affects his family

(Newser) - For one of the country's highest-profile vaccine researchers, the accusation that the medical establishment is covering up a link between autism and vaccinations hits a nerve. Peter Hotez's 15-year-old daughter, Rachel, has autism, a fact that colors every aspect of her family's life. Her parents, Peter and Ann, declined to...

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots
 Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots 

Fewer Kids Get Needed Shots

One in four children miss vaccinations, CDC finds, spreading risk through US

(Newser) - Fewer kids in the US are getting needed vaccinations, a study by the Centers for Disease Control finds. More than one in four have skipped or received mistimed doses of important immunizations, ABC News reports. "It's really important that parents understand how important it is to get their kids...

Asia Unique in Geography of Flu Outbreaks

Climate, season seen as key in incubating strains of virus

(Newser) - Researchers have found yet another thing the West imports from China: the flu. East and Southeast Asia serve as a birthplace for new flu strains, the Times of London reports, thanks to the region’s unique mix of climates. By the time Europe and America get the sniffles six to...

Stories 221 - 240 | << Prev   Next >>