anal cancer

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Cancer That Plagued a 'Housewife' Is on the Rise
'Often Neglected'
Cancer Is on
the Rise
in case you missed it

'Often Neglected' Cancer Is on the Rise

Rates of anal cancer, as well as deaths from it, increased over 15-year period, researchers say

(Newser) - The cancer that struck a Desperate Housewives star and killed Farrah Fawcett is on the rise, and certain demographics seem especially vulnerable. CNN reports on a new study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that discovered rates of anal cancer—specifically, squamous cell carcinoma in that region—increased...

Housewives Star: My Cancer Is Linked to My Husband's

Marcia Cross, Tom Mahoney both had cancer caused by HPV

(Newser) - Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross was diagnosed with anal cancer—and she says it's linked with the throat cancer her husband was diagnosed with in 2009. Doctors believe both cancers are from the same type of human papillomavirus, or HPV, which can be contracted through sexual intercourse. Cross, 57,...

Gynecologists Cleared to Treat Men
Gynecologists Cleared
to Treat Men

Gynecologists Cleared to Treat Men

Board drops 'no male patients' rule

(Newser) - The name of the profession comes from the Greek for "the study of women," but gynecologists have been cleared to treat male patients without fear of sanctions. The board that oversees obstetrician-gynecologists has eased a rule that threatened to pull certification from any gynecologists that treated men, reports...

Gays Linked to Higher Cancer Rates

Researchers scramble for an explanation

(Newser) - A US study has discovered higher reports of cancer among gays, and researchers are at a loss to explain why. The study of more than 120,000 Californians found that gay men were twice as likely as straight men to report a cancer diagnosis, which occurred, on average, a decade...

HPV: Half of Men May Be Infected With Human Papillomavirus, Study Shows
 Guys: Half of You 
 Might Have HPV 

study says

Guys: Half of You Might Have HPV

New study could be strong case for vaccinating boys

(Newser) - A whopping half of men may be infected with human papillomavirus (HPV), best known for causing cervical cancer, but also a cause of anal, penile, head, and neck cancers. Though the CDC currently recommends a vaccine for females, health officials have so far not recommended one for males. Researchers believe...

Gardasil Gets OK for Use in Preventing Anal Cancer

5,300 are diagnosed with anal cancer each year

(Newser) - As the battle rages over Gardasil and its potentially adverse effects , proponents have a new aspect to tout: The HPV vaccine has now been approved by the FDA for use in preventing anal cancer. CNN notes that roughly 90% of anal cancer is tied to HPV; manufacturer Merck determined that...

My Dad Constantly Cheated on Farrah: Griffin O'Neal

Dad is a narcissist, "faithless"

(Newser) - Ryan O’Neal was habitually unfaithful to Farrah Fawcett, but “she stayed nice all the way to the end,” Griffin O’Neal told CNN yesterday. Ryan’s estranged son discussed his mistrust of his father (“He was flirting with everybody” at the funeral) and Fawcett’s friend...

O'Neal: I Hit on My Own Daughter at Farrah's Funeral

Tatum, sadly, not surprised at this

(Newser) - Ryan O’Neal held little back in his Vanity Fair interview, including a story illustrating his “hopeless” parenting: At Farrah Fawcett’s funeral, “I had just put the casket in the hearse and I was watching it drive away when a beautiful blonde woman comes up and embraces...

Farrah Left It All to Redmond

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett left the vast bulk of her estate to her troubled 24-year-old son, Redmond, and nothing to Ryan O'Neal, sources have told KTLA-TV. Most of her $6 million estate was left in trust to Redmond in the will, which Fawcett updated in 2007. The fund will be controlled by...

O'Neal Remembers Farrah's Final Moments

Son promised her to be "good"

(Newser) - In his first interview since Farrah Fawcett’s death, Ryan O’Neal remembers her final days and son Redmond’s promise to her “of a good life. Of a life she would have been proud of,” he tells Meredith Vieira this morning on Today. Watching Fawcett’s long...

Emmy Nod Would Make Fawcett Proud

Fawcett got three acting nominations, but documentary nod would have meant the most

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett’s Emmy nomination came 3 weeks after her death at 62, but it would have made her proud, pal Alana Stewart tells the Los Angeles Times. “This would have meant so much to Farrah,” says Stewart of the outstanding nonfiction special nod for Farrah’s Story,...

Son to Attend Farrah's Funeral
 Son to Attend Farrah's Funeral 

Son to Attend Farrah's Funeral

Private service set for this afternoon

(Newser) - Redmond O’Neal was given permission to leave his California detention center for mother Farrah Fawcett’s funeral today. “That’s an absolute yes” for his attendance, his attorney tells People. The ceremony will be held in a downtown Los Angeles cathedral at 4pm, and will be closed to...

Farrah: 'America's Ideal of Itself'
 'America's Ideal of Itself'  

Farrah: 'America's Ideal of Itself'

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett’s time as a superstar may have been short, but she played her entire life—and career—with grace, Richard Corliss writes in Time. And no one can forget her 1970s heyday. “If the big, bulky computers of the day could have programmed America’s ideal of...

Fawcett 'Close to Death'
 Fawcett 'Close to Death' 

Fawcett 'Close to Death'

Friends, family gather to say final farewells as star given last rites

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett is in the final stages of her battle with anal cancer and her condition is believed to be deteriorating rapidly, the New York Daily News reports. Her loved ones, including longtime love Ryan O'Neal, have gathered at her bedside in a Los Angeles hospital and a priest has...

Farrah Hospitalized Again
 Farrah Hospitalized Again 

Farrah Hospitalized Again

Actress is not doing well, a source says

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett has been back in the hospital for at least two weeks, and is not doing well, a source tells People. “There was a moment last week when she was supposed to be released and was going home but things changed,” the source says, while Fawcett’s...

Redmond Bids Farewell to Dying Farrah

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett's incarcerated son, Redmond O'Neal, was allowed out of prison to say farewell to his dying mother, reports the New York Daily News. O'Neal, serving time on drug charges, was allowed to visit his mother at her home the evening a documentary about her battle with cancer, Farrah's Story,...

Farrah: 'It's Time for a Miracle'

(Newser) - Cancer-wracked actress Farrah Fawcett is praying for "a miracle" now that she has exhausted conventional medical treatments, reports the New York Post. "I want to stay alive, so I say to God, it is seriously time for a miracle," said Fawcett. "I know that everyone will...

Fawcett: False Tab Reports Add Pain to Cancer

Actress describes sting designed to catch leakers to Enquirer

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett’s battle with the prying media runs a close second to her battle with cancer. In an August interview with the Los Angeles Times published today, the actress slammed the National Enquirer’s often-inaccurate reporting of her condition and describes a sting she and her doctors designed to...

Fawcett's Treatment Has Ended; Golden Locks Gone

(Newser) - Farrah Fawcett’s treatment for anal cancer “has pretty much ended,” partner Ryan O’Neal tells People. The 62-year-old actress spends nearly all of her time in bed now, with doctors trying to make her as comfortable as possible. “I just don't know how to play this...

NBC to Air Fawcett Cancer Diary

(Newser) - Farah Fawcett is releasing a video diary of her struggle with anal cancer to be shown on NBC next week, Reuters reports. Fawcett has battled the disease since 2006, when she was initially diagnosed and then supposedly cured, only to relapse in 2007. The two-hour special, narrated and shot by...

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