Paul Ryan

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Where Are the Adults in DC?
 Where Are the Adults in DC? 

Where Are the Adults in DC?

Both parties are 'incompetent and cowardly,' says Kristof

(Newser) - Both the Democrats and Republicans are acting like squabbling adolescents, slams Nicholas Kristof in the New York Times . "It’s unclear where the adults are, but they don’t seem to be in Washington," he says, adding "it’s painful how vapid the discourse is and how...

Paul Ryan's Budget Plan Is 'Cruel'—or Maybe Brilliant: Paul Krugman vs. Charles Krauthammer
 Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' 
 —or Maybe Brilliant 
krugman vs. krauthammer

Paul Ryan's Plan Is 'Cruel' —or Maybe Brilliant

Krugman and Krauthammer weigh in on GOP budget plan

(Newser) - The battle lines around Paul Ryan's budget plan are pretty well laid today in columns from Paul Krugman, who calls it both "ludicrous" and "cruel," and Charles Krauthammer, who sees it as "brave and profoundly forward-looking." Excerpts:
  • Krugman, New York Times : For starters, it relies

Ryan's Medicare Plan Screws the Young
 Ryan's Medicare 
 Plan Screws the Young 

Ryan's Medicare Plan Screws the Young

Current program a giant 'welfare' program for boomers

(Newser) - Paul Ryan’s ambitious Medicare overhaul proposal might be a good idea, if not for one glaring flaw: “It asks for a whole lot of sacrifice from everyone under the age of 55 and little from everyone 55 and over,” complains David Leonhardt of the New York Times...

OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

 OK, Obama: 
 This Is Your 
 'Moment of 
Brooks, Maddow

OK, Obama: This Is Your 'Moment of Truth'

Paul Ryan's budget plan raises big questions: David Brooks, Rachel Maddow

(Newser) - However you feel about Paul Ryan's controversial budget plan to drastically cut government spending and redefine Medicare and Medicaid, it's clear this is not your usual dry debate about numbers:
  • David Brooks, New York Times : Brooks praises Ryan's political courage and says he's stepping to the "vacuum created by

Paul Ryan Unveils Massive Cuts in GOP Budget

At the same time, it would lower taxes on corporations, the rich

(Newser) - Republicans unveiled a bold 2012 budget proposal today that, architect Paul Ryan boasts in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, “moves the debate from billions in spending cuts to trillions.” Ryan’s budget comes in at $3.53 trillion , or $179 billion less than President Obama’s . But he...

New GOP Budget Would Cut $4T

Plan would drastically slash Medicare

(Newser) - In an attempt to reframe the budget debate, Republicans are proposing a 2012 budget that features $4 trillion in spending cuts over the next decade—and would end Medicare as we know it, reports the Wall Street Journal . Democrats won’t likely support the 2012 plan, helmed by House Budget...

GOP Freshmen Learn Basics at 'Budget Camp'

Their homework: sell the plan in their own districts

(Newser) - Senior Republicans have an assignment for their 87 freshmen: Sell the party’s budget plan in your home districts. To that end, party leaders have been running a “boot camp” to teach the budget basics, with “listening sessions” run by senior lawmakers, Politico reports. But in a fiscally-focused...

Donald Rumsfeld on Osama bin Laden: He Would Have Gone to Guantanamo

 Rumsfeld: I 
 Would Have 
 Sent Osama 
 to Gitmo 

Rumsfeld: I Would Have Sent Osama to Gitmo

But defense secretary wouldn't have gone to visit

(Newser) - If the US had ever come up with Osama bin Laden, the al-Qaeda honcho would likely have headed straight to Gitmo: “He’d probably be subjected to a military commission,” Donald Rumsfeld told CNN today. But the defense secretary says he wouldn't have visited: "No. He's not...

Boehner: 'We're Broke'
 'We're Broke' 


Boehner: 'We're Broke'

But he thinks Obama handled 'difficult' situation in Egypt

(Newser) - Uncle Sam's wallet is so empty, it's enough to make John Boehner cry: "We’re broke," he told Meet the Press today. "What’s really dangerous is if we do nothing...We’re going to deal with the entitlement problem." Furthermore, with Tea Partiers in the...

House GOP Eyes Medicare Privatization

Voucher plan would apply to those 54 and under

(Newser) - House Republicans slammed Democrats for making cuts to Medicare, but now the GOP is mulling a renewed effort to privatize the program, the AP reports. House budget leader Paul Ryan is assessing support for his voucher-based system, in which the government would give seniors a fixed payment; they’d then...

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future&mdash;or WTF
Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF
state of the union

Palin: Obama's Theme Is Winning the Future—or WTF

Get it? Get it? Also, we need to cut 'fluffery' spending on NPR

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, not surprisingly, wasn’t a fan of President Obama’s State of the Union address . She joked with Greta Van Susteren last night that his theme “was the WTF, you know, winning the future ,” which was appropriate because “there were a lot of WTF moments...

Paul Ryan: We're at a Dangerous 'Tipping Point'
 Paul Ryan: We're at a 
 Dangerous 'Tipping Point' 
gop response

Paul Ryan: We're at a Dangerous 'Tipping Point'

Obama's policies have us on a path similar to Greece's

(Newser) - When President Obama addressed the economy in general and the deficit and debt in particular tonight, "some of his words were reassuring," said the GOP's Paul Ryan in his party's official response. (Full text here from CBS.) But that was about all the praise he could muster:...

Obama to Push Spending on Energy, Roads, Schools
Obama to Push Spending on Energy, Roads, Schools
state of the union

Obama to Push Spending on Energy, Roads, Schools

Republicans will no doubt be thrilled

(Newser) - This will give GOP deficit hawk Paul Ryan plenty to talk about in his official response to President Obama's State of the Union address: The president will call for new spending in areas he says are critical to job growth and competitiveness, namely renewable energy, rebuilding roads, and revamping education,...

Paul Ryan Will Give GOP's State of the Union Response

Young budget wonk is a rising star of the party

(Newser) - GOP up-and-comer Paul Ryan will deliver the Republican response to President Obama’s State of the Union address next week , reports the Washington Post . Ryan is chair of the House Budget Committee, and he'll speak from the panel's hearing room to underscore a message of fiscal discipline, say party leaders....

GOP: OK, We Do Have to Raise the Debt Ceiling

Tim Geithner warns of catastrophe if Republicans cause default

(Newser) - Tim Geithner sent a letter to Congress yesterday warning of the dire consequences the country will face if Republicans don’t raise the debt ceiling before the US hits it—and newly minted Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan conceded that he was right. “Will the debt ceiling have to...

Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan
Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan
paul krugman

Stop Worshiping at the Altar of Paul Ryan

His praised financial plan is a 'fraud' that helps only the rich

(Newser) - Paul Ryan has been getting glowing press coverage of late, the kind that portrays the Republican congressman as one of his party's deep thinkers on fiscal matters. And then there's Paul Krugman's column today: "The Ryan plan is a fraud that makes no useful contribution to the debate over...

Winners and Losers of the Health Care Summit

Obama, Coburn looked good, Reid and McCain looked bad

(Newser) - Neither side came away with what it wanted after yesterday’s bipartisan health care summit, but there were plenty of winners and losers. Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post breaks it down:

Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears
Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears

Washington Is Waking Up to Public's Spending Fears

GOP needs to build consensus for cuts—and win back White House

(Newser) - President Obama may be just trying to save his political life with the creation of a bipartisan commission on government spending but the move shows Washington is waking up to the public's worries, writes Peggy Noonan. Concerns about federal spending and its implications for America's future have, just in time,...

Dems Should Be Scared of This Man—and His Budget

Rep. Paul Ryan is offering a way to avoid deficit disaster

(Newser) - President Obama's outreach to the GOP is looking pretty hollow these days: Soon after Obama told Rep. Paul Ryan that there were some aspects of his budget blueprint he agreed with, Democratic lawmakers and progressive groups slammed the radical plan as a vicious, privatizing assault on Social Security and Medicare,...

Enough Already! Stop Trying to Grow Government
Enough Already! Stop Trying to Grow Government
noonan to obama:

Enough Already! Stop Trying to Grow Government

We're already too crowded with social problems; no room left

(Newser) - The Obama administration hasn't just misjudged the national mood by trying to push through health care reform in the middle of a recession, it's misjudged the whole era we're living in, writes Peggy Noonan. This isn't the '30s, when income tax was new and the federal government was still lean,...

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