
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

&#39;Sensual&#39; Phones Kiss, Cuddle
 'Sensual' Phones Kiss, Cuddle 

'Sensual' Phones Kiss, Cuddle

Don't hang up on me, baby

(Newser) - Here's a cellphone that's got your number. In pursuit of more "emotional" and "sensory" phones, a designer at the Berlin University of the Arts has come up with three different touchy-feelie models that will blow on your neck, coo, and even kiss, reports the Los Angeles ...

Romance and Relationships Study: Nearly 25% of Men Take Just 'Seconds' to Fall in Love
 1 in 4 Men 
 Fall in Love 
 in 'Seconds' 
study says

1 in 4 Men Fall in Love in 'Seconds'

Guys fall more frequently and are first to say 'I love you': study

(Newser) - Forget notches on the bedpost: When it comes to true love, men fall hard fast. Most think they can tell whether it’s “the real thing” after a single date, whereas women aren’t certain until the sixth, a study finds. For nearly a quarter of men, things move...

Lonely Emma: Men Fear My Fame

Her advice: Be brave

(Newser) - Poor Emma Watson. She doesn't have a guy and she thinks it's because men are frightened by her fame. "I find it hard to believe I would be intimidating," she says. "It must be the fame wall, the circus that goes around me." Guys...

How to Sync Up Your Heartbeat With Loved One's

Just watch them walk over burning coals

(Newser) - Want your heart and your lover's to beat as one? Well, it’s simple: Just have one of you walk over burning coals. In a recent study, researchers monitored people’s heartbeats while they watched their friends or relatives take part in a fire-walking ritual, National Geographic reports. They...

In Pain? Look at a Picture of Your Lover

Study shows photos can help ease discomfort

(Newser) - In pain? Don’t reach for the Tylenol—reach for the picture of your significant other. Researchers at Stanford University found that looking at the image of a romantic partner reduces pain by between 36% and 44%--or about as much as narcotics like cocaine, the Daily Mail reports. Even “...

Why I Married a Murderer
 Why I Married a Murderer 

Why I Married a Murderer

Columnist Amy Friedman fell for man during jail visits

(Newser) - We hear stories about women who write love letters to convicted murderers, women in love with inmates—pieces that label the women “crazy ladies.” The fact is, you don’t have to be crazy to marry a murderer, writes Amy Friedman in Salon . She should know: she did...

How Economics Can Save Your Sex Life

Lower costs, increase transparency, become a "rabbit"

(Newser) - Forget the usual advice on reawakening your love life: more foreplay, sex journals, role-playing. Instead, try economics. Today’s couples can’t afford “excess time and energy,” write Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson in the Daily Beast . Drop the cost, and you’ll increase demand, “as any...

Warm and Fuzzy Oxytocin Has Its Limits

Hormone fuels good vibes but only towards 'in' group

(Newser) - Oxytocin is a hormone most commonly associated with the close feelings of trust and companionship that lovers and family members feel. But the chemical may have a dark side: new research shows there are limits to the affection it can stimulate, the New York Times reports. Experiments by University of...

To Improve Your Marriage, Travel Alone

You'll reconnect with yourself and miss your spouse

(Newser) - In a marriage, sometimes the most romantic getaway is a solo vacation, writes Neal Pollack for Salon . “Stagnation is marriage's greatest enemy, so sometimes Regina and I go on trips without each other.” For her 40th birthday, he held down the fort while she had a blast visiting...

Beau Waterboards 'Cheating' Girlfriend

Trevor Case tackled lover in 'terroristic' assault, say cops

(Newser) - A Nebraska man who suspected his girlfriend of cheating has taken a page from the CIA manual on relationships and waterboarded his lover to punish her, say cops. Trevor Case, 22, was busted after allegedly tackling his girlfriend when she returned to their home, tying her up, stuffing socks in...

2/3 of Americans Believe in Soulmates

Sadly, that belief doesn't always work out...

(Newser) - America is captivated by "soulmate stories," and a whopping two-thirds of Americans believe in the idea of soulmates—ie, two people who are "destined to be together," according to a new poll. The only problem is that those hopeless romantics are 150% more likely to divorce...

Man Literally Paralyzed By Love
 Man Literally Paralyzed By Love 

Man Literally Paralyzed By Love

Matt Frerking suffers from narcolepsy with cataplexy

(Newser) - Love paralyzes Matt Frerking—quite literally. The 39-year-old scientist suffers from a rare condition called "narcolepsy with cataplexy" that leaves him paralyzed every time he has 'warm and fuzzy' feelings for his wife or stepchildren, looks at old pictures, or watches movie previews, finds ABC News . He tries to...

Love Is ... an Addiction
 Love Is ... 
 an Addiction 
in case you missed it

Love Is ... an Addiction

Our brains get hooked on romance, say researchers

(Newser) - Researchers have figured out what pop songs have always known: Love is an addiction. Scientists gathered a group of recently broken-up men and women, hooked them up to brain scans, and showed them photos of the people they still pined for. Sure enough, the photos triggered areas of the brain...

These Castles Were Built for Love
 These Castles Were 
 Built for Love 

These Castles Were Built for Love

Going away for Valentine's Day? Check out these castles built by lovers

(Newser) - Aren’t castles romantic? Each of the classy abodes pictured in this photo gallery was built in the name of love, says , so take a gander and read their passionate and, more often than not, tragic back stories.

Office Romance Comes Out of the Supply Closet

More employees see no reason to hide their love, and bosses are on board

(Newser) - The stigma of office romance is swiftly slipping away, bringing a time-honored—and surprisingly traditional—method of courtship out into the open. A recent survey shows 67% of employees see no reason to pretend they’re not dating a coworker, up from 54% in 2005. And no wonder. “The...

What It Means When Straight Girls 'Marry'

Decoding today's teenage love vocabulary is a difficult task

(Newser) - A generation ago, gay teens hid their sexual orientation from everyone around them—now, straight girls “marry” each other on Facebook and write each other love poems, while parents struggle to catch up with the language of today’s love. “Was there a difference between going out, hanging...

Makeout Movie Heats Up City of Light

Kisses from Paris targets young lovers

(Newser) - A short film by a well-known director of a couple making out in parks, under bridges and on the streets of Paris is the city's latest attempt to seduce tourists. The 3-minute movie, Kisses From Paris, debuts on YouTube today. The quickie film features a smooching woman lamenting to her...

Tell This Website Where You've Had Sex

Let the world know where you've made whoopee on

(Newser) - A new website lets you share your carnal experiences with the world: uses a modified version of the Google Maps engine, on which users can mark an address where they just did the horizontal tango—or see where others have done it. The site asks for some details:...

Facebook Sparks 'Retrosexual' Romance

Finding long-lost love just got a whole easier—and more high-tech

(Newser) - When it comes to reconnecting with a long-lost love, high school reunions are so 20th century. Many instead are turning to Facebook to track down a former flame, Time reports. “Facebook makes it easier for you to take that first step of finding someone again," says a Columbia...

Want to Be a Chick Magnet? Stop Showering

Smelling chemical in sweat makes women consider men cuter

(Newser) - Men, if you want to win over your date, maybe you should skip the shower. A chemical found in both sexes' sweat attracts women, a study suggests. A researcher in Scotland dabbed a bit of the testosterone-derived chemical on female subjects’ upper lips before a speed-dating session, the Independent reports....

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>