alcohol abuse

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Woman Banned From Every UK Bar Arrested for Drinking

Laura Hall also swore at a cop

(Newser) - Note to Laura Hall: Once you’ve been banned from every bar in the United Kingdom, it’s probably not a good idea to drunkenly yell at a police officer that you “want to go to the f****** offie to buy some beer!” But that is what Hall...

Woman Banned From Every UK Bar

Laura Wilson, 20, gets a 2-year timeout from booze

(Newser) - A 20-year-old woman is the first person ever banned from buying or drinking alcohol anywhere in England or Wales. The police issued Laura Hall a Drinking Banning Order, which prohibits her from entering bars, pubs, clubs, or other establishments that sell alcohol. If she does, she risks a $3,800...

TMZ Employees Do Drugs on the Job: Lawsuit

Gossip tables turn on gossip site

(Newser) - Oh, how the tables have turned: TMZ finds itself the subject of one of today's juiciest gossip items, thanks to a former producer's wrongful termination lawsuit that paints the picture of a drug-fueled workplace. Christian Shostle claims he returned from a medical leave for depression to find his co-workers drinking...

Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises
 Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises 

Teen Pot, Booze Use Rises

Numbers are up for the first time in 10 years

(Newser) - Alcohol and marijuana use among teens is on the rise, ending a decade-long decline. The number of high school students who reported drinking recently rose from 35% in 2008 to 39% last year, says an annual survey out today from the Partnership for a Drug-Free America. For pot, the number...

LiLo: I'm Clean, Happy, and... Drinking Again
 LiLo: I'm Clean, 
 Happy, and... 
 Drinking Again 

LiLo: I'm Clean, Happy, and... Drinking Again

Dishes on hitting rock bottom, wants to share experience with teens

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan has turned herself around after a prolonged brush with rock bottom, and wants to share her inspirational story with the young folk. “If I can teach others, especially teens, by sharing my experiences, then that's what I will continue to do,” she tells the Sun . She...

Rip Torn Thought Bank Was Home: Lawyer
 Rip Torn Thought 
 Bank Was Home: Lawyer 
took off hat, boots

Rip Torn Thought Bank Was Home: Lawyer

Actor was so drunk he took off hat, boots in lobby

(Newser) - When Rip Torn broke into a bank Friday night, he was so drunk he thought he was in his own home and had even taken off his hat and boots and left them by the door, his lawyer said yesterday. "Obviously, he wasn't there intending to commit a crime,...

Brits to Double Cost of Booze to Battle Binging

Authorities hope to prevent deaths by boosting prices

(Newser) - British authorities plan to as much as double the price of cheap alcohol to battle the nation's skyrocketing problem of binge drinking. The innovative scheme is intended to help prevent thousands of deaths and hospital admissions every year, according to government officials. A levy may be imposed on the alcohol...

Lakers' Artest: 'I Used to Drink at Halftime'
 Lakers' Artest: 
 'I Used to Drink at Halftime' 

Lakers' Artest: 'I Used to Drink at Halftime'

Volatile star says he kept Hennessy in locker while with Bulls

(Newser) - Ron Artest drank cognac during games in his first few NBA seasons with the Chicago Bulls, the volatile forward tells the Sporting News . “I used to drink Hennessy … at halftime,” Artest, now 30 and with the Los Angeles Lakers, says. “I (kept it) in my...

Most Boozers Sober Up Without AA
Most Boozers Sober Up Without AA

Most Boozers Sober Up Without AA

70% moderate the drinking on their own, 1% are true alcoholics

(Newser) - Most people who hit the bottle too heavily lay off the booze long before they ever have to stand up and say, "My name is Bill W and I'm an alcoholic." Shooting down conventional wisdom that climbing up on the wagon and staying there was the only way...

Army's Stress Most Obvious at Fort Hood
Army's Stress Most Obvious
at Fort Hood

Army's Stress Most Obvious at Fort Hood

Repeat deployments prompt record levels of suicide, depression

(Newser) - Fort Hood has had more suicides than any other US Army facility since the start of the Iraq war, and while Nidal Hasan, the man officials say is responsible for yesterday's massacre, likely had unique motivations, he was perhaps only the most troubled member of a volunteer force buckling under...

Popular Kids Become Healthier Adults

Classroom outcasts much likelier to suffer chronic health problems as adults

(Newser) - Children with few friends at school are much more likely to suffer poor health as adults, according to a new study. Swedish researchers asked 6th graders in 1966 which children they preferred to work with at school, then matched that data with hospital admissions between 1973 and 2003. They found...

Ankle Monitors Get a Grip on Drunk Drivers

New technology lets cash-strapped PDs free up jail space

(Newser) - In the fight against drunk driving, cash-strapped municipalities are embracing cheaper penalties than the traditional—and expensive—jailhouse, and the ankle monitor has a high-tech addition: an alcohol sensor. Repeat offenders can skip probation and even rehab if they submit to sweat-analyzing remote surveillance. “We are at a point...

Jade Goody's Widower Charged With Rape

Tweed has admitted alcohol abuse in dealing with reality star's death

(Newser) - Jack Tweed, the troubled widower of late UK reality star Jade Goody, has been charged with raping a 19-year-old woman, the Daily Mail reports. Officers arrested the 22-year-old and a friend after the woman told police the men assaulted her in a bedroom at Tweed’s rented home. Tweed, who...

Alcoholics Are Less Able to Read Your Face

Sensitivity is lower even when drinkers are sober for years: study

(Newser) - Long-term alcoholics have a diminished ability to sense others’ emotions, even if they have been sober for years, the Chicago Tribune reports. A new study used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to look at the brain activity of abstinent alcoholics and non-alcoholics while they looked at pictures of faces that...

Boozing Author/Mom Hits the Wagon

(Newser) - Stefanie Wilder-Taylor made a name for herself penning light-hearted accounts of life as a hard-drinking mom, so her blog readers were shocked when she announced that she was laying off the sauce, the New York Times reports. Drinking-while-parenting “was a way to express that we’re still fun people,...

Drug Curbs Alcoholism—but Should Addicts Drink at All?

With drug, alcoholics still drink; abstinence is traditional model

(Newser) - More and more doctors are prescribing the anti-craving drug baclofen to alcoholics, and patients describe a “switch” that suddenly allows them to resist temptation—even as they keep drinking in moderation, Time reports. While some argue this can reduce harm—one drink is better than 10—the approach is...

Raising Drinking Age to 21 'Regrettable': Key Doctor

(Newser) - A psychiatrist who was part of a presidential committee that recommended raising the US drinking age to 21 now calls those efforts “the single most regrettable decision,” the Los Angeles Times reports. Morris Chafetz, in an opinion piece being shopped for publication, says seeing the “collateral, off-road...

Drowning in Alcohol, Aborigines Split Over Booze Ban

Some see restrictions as infringement on hard-won rights

(Newser) - As the Australian government cracks down on alcohol in Aboriginal areas, some communities are taking matters into their own hands, instituting local restrictions on booze, the New York Times reports. Some indigenous leaders see alcohol as a blight on their communities, fueling child abuse and domestic violence. But others see...

Let's Teach Teens How to Drink (Wisely)
 Let's Teach Teens 
 How to Drink (Wisely) 

Let's Teach Teens How to Drink (Wisely)

(Newser) - It's time to stop treating underage drinking like a joke—5,000 deaths and 100,000 sexual assaults a year should make that clear—and give states the freedom to get creative with their laws, writes John McCardell in the Atlantic. The federal age-21 restriction only pushes the drinking underground...

UK Weighs Limits on 'Binge Bars'

Brown calls time on drink promotions in effort to reduce rowdiness

(Newser) - British pubs that offer "all you can drink" promotions may soon find themselves banned from serving alcohol under tough new measures to curb binge drinking, the Independent reports. Gordon Brown declined to introduce a minimum drink price as some activists had called for, but the PM promised that the...

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