drug use

Stories 61 - 75 | << Prev 

US Tour? Winehouse Says 'No, No, No.'

Troubled 'Rehab' singer needs to 'address her health,' publicist says

(Newser) - Another overseas import has been held up due to a high level of suspicious substances -- Amy Winehouse has canceled her U.S. tour to address her "health problems." A publicist's statement made no mention of rehab, but said the chanteuse was advised by doctors to shelve her...

WWE Wrestles With Drugs, Lifestyle
WWE Wrestles With Drugs, Lifestyle

WWE Wrestles With Drugs, Lifestyle

Untimely deaths, widespread abuse appear to be linked

(Newser) - Chris Benoit's murder-suicide last June spotlighted the disproportionate number of early deaths among professional wrestlers; one activist has counted more than 60 dead before reaching 50 over the past 10 years. And a taxing, drug-addled lifestyle plays a big role.

Lance&rsquo;s Team Bites the Dust
Lance’s Team Bites the Dust

Lance’s Team Bites the Dust

Biking outfit loses sponsorship amid doping scandals

(Newser) - Lance Armstrong’s former cycling team is shutting down after failing to find a new corporate sponsor. The Discovery Channel squad would normally have no trouble staying afloat after one of its riders won the Tour de France this summer, the New York Times reports. But  doping scandals have...

FBI Mellows Out on Drug Standards
FBI Mellows Out on Drug Standards

FBI Mellows Out on Drug Standards

Holistic approach to applicants gives casual users a break

(Newser) - The FBI no longer disqualifies applicants who admit to past drug use, the Washington Post reports. The agency previously turned away wannabes who acknowledged smoking marijuana more than 15 times, but times have changed. Potential employees must still swear they have not partaken in recent years, and the FBI's policy...

Reefer Madness: Marijuana Ups Psychosis Risk

New study reveals that pot smokers have a 41% increased chance of psychosis

(Newser) - Smoking pot increases your risk of developing schizophrenia and other forms of psychotic illness later in life, according to a new study. Partakers had a 41% higher chance of developing psychosis with hallucinations or delusions—a risk that only increased with heavy use. The findings may push the UK to...

Time To Roll It Up, Tour Critics Charge

Even performance by new leader is called "suspicious"

(Newser) - The Tour de France limped along yesterday under a growing storm of criticism and calls that the event be halted. Three top riders were booted in 30 hours this week in a growing doping scandal. Even the performance by the race's new leader, Spain's Alberto Contador, was called "very...

Al Gore III Arrested on Drug Charges

Ex-VP's son nabbed (in a Prius) with pot, prescription drugs

(Newser) - Al Gore III was arrested on drug charges early this morning after being pulled over for doing 100 mph on a California freeway. An Orange County deputy allegedly smelled marijuana, CBS 2 in LA reports, and a search turned up an ounce of pot as well as Valium, Xanax, Vicodin,...

Majority of Alcoholics Are Young Adults

Study splits drinkers into 5 categories; 2 largest are in 20s

(Newser) - More than half of all alcoholics in the United States are young adults, reveals a new study that surveyed 1,484 US adults. The study, reported by CBS, divided problem drinkers into five types. Despite the stereotype of the alcoholic as middle-aged, the average age in the two largest groups—...

Giambi Gives in to Steroids Meeting
Giambi Gives
in to Steroids Meeting

Giambi Gives in to Steroids Meeting

Slugger will field Mitchell's questions on 'history' of drug use

(Newser) - Yankees DH Jason Giambi acceded to a meeting with former Senate Majority Leader and steroids investigator George Mitchell, to discuss the power-hitter's possible use of performance-enhancing drugs. Giambi had initially balked at the official probe, but caved under pressure from Commissioner Bud Selig, who says the meeting will occur "...

Texas Owner: Juan-Gone "Probably" Doped

Gonzalez is Rangers' boss biggest regret

(Newser) - Texas owner Tom Hicks says he suspected slugger Juan Gonzalez had used steroids, judging from his body's early and expeditious breakdown. Hicks bemoaned his $24 million, two-year investment, which resulted in 152 games and 32 home runs during 2002-03. "We just gave that money away," he said.

Doping Scandal Takes a Turn for the Tabloid

Witness LeMond describes intimidation by Landis' manager

(Newser) - Floyd Landis' doping hearing vaulted from procedural to lurid yesterday with an allegation of harassment and acknowledgment of sexual abuse by a fellow American Tour de France winner. In an attempt to keep Greg LeMond from taking the stand, Landis' manager phoned him on Wednesday and impersonated the uncle who...

West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too
West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too

West Coast Breeds Weed Snobs, Too

Cannibus connoisseurs take their place next to finicky wine lovers

(Newser) - Cannabis is accruing its own class of sophistocates, particularly in California, where medical legalization and lax enforcement have made connoisseurship marginally acceptable. Advanced palates judge their weed on taste, smell and quality of high, reports the Chronicle—a far cry from the 70s, when users joked that there "were...

Hamilton Gets A Second Chance
Hamilton Gets A Second Chance

Hamilton Gets A Second Chance

Reds centerfielder Josh Hamilton took a detour into drug addiction

(Newser) - Josh Hamilton was supposed to be a star. A North Carolina kid with Justin Timberlake  looks and astonishing skills at the plate and on the mound, he was so focused on the game he couldn't be bothered to go to the senior prom. But then he discovered cocaine. The drugs...

Swank Rehab Center Sues Courtney Love

The court forced her into rehab. Now will it make her pay the bill?

(Newser) - Courtney Love, mother to Francis Bean, widow to Kurt Cobain, and unexplainable guest at Comedy Central's Pamela Anderson roast, is in the courts again. No drugs or assault on the docket this time: Beau Monde International, a plush rehab facility where Love spent three months in 2005, is trying to...

Bong Case 4 SCOTUS
Bong Case

Bong Case 4 SCOTUS

A Supreme Court case weighs student's right to "glorify" drug use

(Newser) - A student glorifying illegal drug use shouldn't be protected by the First Amendment, Ken Starr argued before the Supreme Court yesterday in the case of a high school student suspended for displaying a banner reading "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" during the Winter Olympics Torch Relay in Juneau, Alaska in...

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