
3 Stories

Woman Calls Cops on Guy Whistling 'Closing Time'

Oregon police don't know if it was the song or the whistling in general that offended

(Newser) - Every week, Capt. Mark Herb of Oregon's Forest Grove Police Department pulls together what Time calls the department's "always entertaining" police log , and the last item in the most recent installation didn't disappoint. For the week of Nov. 20 through Nov. 26 listed in the Oregonian ...

Court Orders Whistling Man: Walk Around More

He thinks his whistling is free speech, but local businesses disagreed

(Newser) - A Maine man charged with disorderly conduct for his loud whistling in downtown Portland has reached a deal with the city—he can whistle, but he can't linger in one spot. Robert Smith has been cited by police twice in the past year after businesses complained. He pleaded guilty...

Whistling Orangutan Surprises Scientists

Her talent may help explain how human speech evolved

(Newser) - An orangutan at Washington's National Zoo has pleased her caretakers with a unique skill—she's taken up whistling. Researchers have previously taught apes to do so, but Bonnie is different in that she started on her own, apparently by mimicking zookeepers, NPR reports. (She also imitates workers sweeping floors and...

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