Elizabeth Edwards

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Edwards' Daughter: Dad's Affair 'Devastated' Me
 Cate Edwards: Dad's 
 Affair 'Devastated' Me 

Cate Edwards: Dad's Affair 'Devastated' Me

First interview since father's trial

(Newser) - In her first interview since her father's campaign finance trial, John Edwards' eldest daughter doesn't mince words about his affair. When he told her about it, "I was devastated. And I was disappointed. I mean, these are my parents," Cate Edwards tells Savannah Guthrie. "I...

I Can't Stop Thinking About Cate Edwards
 I Can't Stop Thinking 
 About Cate Edwards 
Frank Bruni

I Can't Stop Thinking About Cate Edwards

Frank Bruni still speculating about the dutiful daughter's motives

(Newser) - At this point, we've heard so much more than we ever wanted to about John Edwards and Rielle Hunter and Andrew Young. But Frank Bruni of the New York Times is still fixated on a bit player in the saga. "What was Cate Edwards thinking?" he writes. Cate...

Aide: Edwards' Wife Believed Lies About Paternity

Prosecution to rest without calling Rielle Hunter

(Newser) - Until he finally came clean, John Edwards' dying wife desperately continued to believe his claims that he hadn't fathered a child with mistress Rielle Hunter, a former aide said at his trial yesterday. Jennifer Palmieri testified that she told her close friend Elizabeth Edwards that she believed John was...

101-Year-Old Donor Had Crush on Edwards
101-Year-Old Donor Had Crush on Edwards
Latest Testimony

101-Year-Old Donor Had Crush on Edwards

Interior designer testifies about how 'Bunny' Mellon funneled cash to Edwards

(Newser) - Rachel "Bunny" Mellon didn't just throw money at John Edwards because she liked his liberal platform. A close friend of the 101-year-old testified yesterday that the millionaire heiress had something of a crush on the senator, the New York Post reports. "She liked how he looked, what...

Edwards' Betrayed Wife Tore Off Shirt, Collapsed: Aide

Ex-aide testifies about confrontation over Rielle Hunter affair

(Newser) - After learning that John Edwards had lied about breaking off his affair with Rielle Hunter, wife Elizabeth had a meltdown at an airport in North Carolina, a former aide testified at his trial yesterday. Edwards, who was dying of breast cancer, "stormed off and collapsed into a ball in...

Ignore Candidates' Spouses
 Ignore Candidates' Spouses 

Ignore Candidates' Spouses

You have no way of knowing what their marriage is like: Frank Bruni

(Newser) - Ann Romney has been out on the campaign trail recently, attempting to deflate any flip-flopper accusations directed her husband's way. "You want constancy? They’ve been married since the Mesozoic era," quips Frank Bruni of the New York Times . But he’s not impressed. The candidate’s...

John Edwards' Daughter Cate Marries Trevor Upham
 Cate Edwards Gets Married 

Cate Edwards Gets Married

John Edwards' daughter marries college sweetheart Trevor Upham

(Newser) - If anybody has reason to steer clear of the institution of marriage it's probably Cate Edwards, but John Edwards and his oldest daughter marched down the aisle yesterday nonetheless. With a candle at the altar lit in memory of mom Elizabeth, Cate Edwards married her college sweetheart Trevor Upham...

In Spite of It All, Cate Edwards Stands by Her Dad

Insiders say she's the glue that holds Edwards clan together

(Newser) - Those who have followed the John Edwards saga were probably surprised to see daughter Cate by his side as he entered a North Carolina federal courthouse last week to plead not guilty. But—despite the fact that dear old dad cheated on Cate’s cancer-stricken mother and then kept his...

Feds to Indict John Edwards in Mistress Cover-Up

Illegal contributions used to hide affair, officials charge

(Newser) - Former presidential contender John Edwards will be charged with accepting illegal campaign contributions that he used to cover up an affair with his mistress, Justice Department sources have revealed. Federal prosecutors will aim to prove that the intent of over $1 million in donations from a pair of wealthy backers...

Elizabeth Edwards Leaves Kids $1.5M Estate

They'll likely receive more in a trust she set up; no estate taxes, either

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards’ three children are set to receive an estate worth almost $1.5 million, reports Raleigh's News & Observer . The family won’t have to pay estate tax because the law expired last year, when she died. Edwards owned two homes, one valued at $6.75 million and the...

Elizabeth Edwards Cut John From Will

Will doesn't mention husband, leaves everything to children

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards' will has been released, and there no mention of estranged husband John Edwards in it. He was sliced from a new will that was signed less than a week before Edwards' death from breast cancer last month at the age of 61. It leaves all of her possessions...

Elizabeth Edwards' Eulogy: No Words 'Good Enough'

Daughter Cate remembers her mom

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards' funeral took place today at the same Raleigh church where her 16-year-old son Wade was remembered in 1996. "There aren't words that are good enough," said daughter Cate, 28, in her eulogy. "She could bring out the brave in anyone." A small group of...

Daughter's Engagement 'Thrilled' Elizabeth Edwards

Cate, 28, gave her mom the news in her final days

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards had a nice moment of cheer in her final days, reports People . Daughter Cate, 28, delivered the news that she and physician/boyfriend Trevor Upham got engaged over Thanksgiving. "Elizabeth was thrilled," a friend tells the magazine. The two met at Princeton, and Upham helped the family...

John Edwards Will Be at Funeral, but Won't Speak

Estranged hubby 'will never forgive himself,' says friend

(Newser) - Elizabeth Edwards’ funeral is tomorrow, and her estranged husband will be there. "Elizabeth would want it this way. She hated what John did but never stopped loving him," a family friend tells PopEater . "She died in the home she built with John, surrounded by loving memories of...

Westboro Church to Protest at Elizabeth Edwards' Funeral

You stay classy, Fred Phelps

(Newser) - America’s least-favorite protest group is at it again. The Westboro Baptist Church will picket the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards, it announced today on its website, the charmingly named godhatesfags.com. The church didn’t elaborate on Edwards' specific transgression, but given that its ultraconservative congregation usually gets its jollies...

Elizabeth Edwards Taught Us Something New About Cancer

...what it means to be a 'non-survivor'

(Newser) - Even in the brief final days of her life, Elizabeth Edwards—a woman whose public battle with cancer provided so many "educational moments"—continued to teach us a precious lesson, writes Dr. Barron Lerner for the New York Times : "What it means to be a cancer 'non-survivor....

Here Come Pundits Pretending They Loved Elizabeth Edwards

Mark Halperin is surely just the first of many to phonily eulogize her

(Newser) - Now that Elizabeth Edwards has died, it's time for the "DC establishment types who hated her when she was alive to pretend they admired and liked her," predicts Max Read on Gawker . Edwards wasn't popular among the DC pundits, and even if she was a "difficult" person,...

Elizabeth Edwards Dead at 61
Elizabeth Edwards
Dead at 61
breaking news

Elizabeth Edwards Dead at 61

Wife of John Edwards dies of breast cancer

(Newser) - A day after the news that doctors were stopping treatment of her breast cancer, Elizabeth Edwards died this morning in North Carolina at age 61. "Today we have lost the comfort of Elizabeth's presence but she remains the heart of this family," said a family statement. Estranged husband...

Elizabeth Edwards Isn't 'Losing a Battle'
Elizabeth Edwards
Isn't 'Losing a Battle'

Elizabeth Edwards Isn't 'Losing a Battle'

Tired cliche does a disservice to those with cancer, writes Mary Elizabeth Williams

(Newser) - News that Elizabeth Edwards is stopping cancer treatment has led to the usual cliche about how she's losing her battle with the disease, writes Mary Elizabeth Williams. Please skip this "tired metaphor," writes Williams, herself diagnosed with malignant melanoma. It "reduces the experience of cancer to one...

John Edwards Moves Home to Be by Elizabeth's Side

She's been given just weeks to live

(Newser) - As Elizabeth Edwards' friends and family gather at her side as her cancer spreads, a little clarification on who that group includes: The News & Observer reports that John Edwards has moved home to care for his estranged wife and their two young children during her final days. She has...

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