gay marriage

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Protest Precedes Vote on Same-Sex Marriage
Thousands Demand
Same-Sex Marriage

Thousands Demand Same-Sex Marriage

Only civil unions are legal in Switzerland now

(Newser) - Tens of thousands protested in Switzerland on Saturday for the legalization of same-sex marriage in the Alpine country. The protests came ahead of a national referendum Sept. 26 on the legalization of gay marriage, which has already been introduced in European countries including Germany, Austria, France , and the Netherlands, the...

Samuel Alito Gave Quite a Speech
Samuel Alito
Gave Quite a Speech
the rundown

Samuel Alito Gave Quite a Speech

Supreme Court justice worries about religious freedoms, pandemic restrictions, gay marriage

(Newser) - Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito gave a 30-minute speech via video to conservative lawyers with the Federalist Society on Thursday, and his comments on issues ranging from religious freedom to gay marriage to COVID restrictions were getting lots of attention on Friday. The details:
  • COVID: Alito stressed that he didn'

A Film That Premiered Today Holds Big Statement From Pope

In it, Francis endorses same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope

(Newser) - Pope Francis endorsed same-sex civil unions for the first time as pope while being interviewed for the feature-length documentary Francesco, which had its premiere at the Rome Film Festival on Wednesday. The papal thumbs-up came midway through the film that delves into issues Francis cares about most, including the environment,...

As a Congressman, He Fought LGBT Rights. Now, a Big Reveal

'I am gay,' announced ex-GOP Rep. Aaron Schock of Illinois

(Newser) - A GOP congressman from Illinois who resigned in 2015 amid charges of defrauding the government voted against same-sex marriage and other LGBT-positive laws during his four-term tenure. Which is why Aaron Schock's Thursday announcement on social media was shocking. "I am gay," he wrote on Instagram and...

Putin Wants Constitution to Ban Same-Sex Marriage

He proposes amendment defining marriage as between a man and a woman

(Newser) - Like George W. Bush before him, Vladimir Putin is supporting a constitutional amendment to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. Unlike the American leader, the Russian president is highly likely to see the amendment become the law of the land. Russian lawmakers said Monday that Putin'...

Hallmark Reinstates Ads With Same-Sex Couples

Company is 'truly sorry' for 'wrong decision'

(Newser) - The Hallmark Channel, reversing what it called a "wrong decision," said Sunday it will reinstate commercials featuring same-sex couples that it had pulled following a complaint from a conservative group . The earlier decision by Crown Media, the Hallmark Channel's parent company, to pull several ads for the...

Chick-fil-A Halts Donations to 3 Christian Charities

Chain moves away from anti-gay marriage groups

(Newser) - Chick-fil-A is ending donations to three groups that oppose gay marriage in an effort to halt protests and broaden its customer base. But the move has angered some of the fast food chain's fans. The Atlanta-based company said Monday that starting next year, it will focus its giving on...

Chick-fil-A Just Opened First UK Restaurant. It's Already Closing

The Chick-fil-A in Reading is shutting down after protests related to LGBTQ+ issues

(Newser) - On Oct. 10, the first-ever Chick-fil-A in the UK opened its doors. On Oct. 18 , the announcement was made that it would not be staying there. After the US fast food chain opened a branch in the English town of Reading, the LGBTQ+ advocacy group Reading Pride started organizing protests...

Conservatives Prevail in Methodist LGBT Vote

Church will strengthen ban on same-sex marriage

(Newser) - The United Methodist Church, America's second-largest Protestant denomination, faces a likely surge in defections and acts of defiance after delegates at a crucial conference voted Tuesday to strengthen the faith's divisive bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBT clergy. Emotions were high throughout the third and final...

Governor to Kim Davis: You're Great, but You May Owe $225K

Battle over who must pay legal fees in gay marriage fight plays out in Kentucky court

(Newser) - Kim Davis became the most famous county clerk in the nation a few years ago when she refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples in Kentucky. Current Gov. Matt Bevin considers Davis, who is no longer in the job, an "inspiration" for what she did. In court, however,...

Gay Wedding Is a First for NFL
Gay Wedding
Is a First for NFL

Gay Wedding Is a First for NFL

Former Dallas Cowboy Jeff Rohrer will be first NFLer to marry same-sex partner

(Newser) - A former Dallas Cowboys linebacker is about to become the first known NFL player to marry a same-sex partner. Jeff Rohrer came out as gay this week, revealing plans to marry his partner of two years, celebrity aesthetician Joshua Ross. The 53rd overall pick in the 1982 draft tells the...

Bishop Flouts Episcopal Church, Bans Gay Marriages

Same-sex unions not allowed in his diocese, Rev. William Love says

(Newser) - An Episcopal bishop in upstate New York says the church has been "hijacked by the 'Gay Rights Agenda'" in a directive barring same-sex marriages in his diocese, the AP reports. The pastoral directive from The Rev. William Love, who is based in Albany, New York, highlights lingering...

Anti-Gay Marriage Clerk Kim Davis Loses
Clerk Who Turned Away Gay
Couples Loses in Kentucky

Clerk Who Turned Away Gay Couples Loses in Kentucky

Kim Davis defeated by Democratic challenger

(Newser) - Kim Davis, the Kentucky county clerk briefly jailed in 2015 for refusing to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples, is out of the license-issuing game. The Republican lost her re-election bid in Rowan County to Democratic challenger Elwood Caudill Jr. by around 54% to 46%, the Hill reports. Davis—who...

US Denies Visas to Diplomats' Gay Partners

Unless they're legally married, a high hurdle for many

(Newser) - A new State Department mandate that a rep says will "help ensure and promote equal treatment" between heterosexual and same-sex couples is attracting no shortage of critics, with one former US ambassador calling it "needlessly cruel & bigoted." Foreign Policy reports that under the new policy, the...

Supreme Court Backs Baker Who Refused Gay Couple
Gay Cake Case:
How a 7-2
Is 'Narrow'
the rundown

Gay Cake Case: How a 7-2 Decision Is 'Narrow'

Supreme Court sides with baker, but didn't settle big question of gay rights vs. religious liberty

(Newser) - In one of the most closely watched cases of its current term, the Supreme Court sided with a baker who refused to make a cake for a gay couple. But even though the decision was 7-2 in favor of Colorado baker Jack Phillips, the ruling is seen as a narrow...

Small-Town Paper Omits Son's Husband From Mother's Obit

The publisher of the 'Olton Enterprise' in Texas is also a Baptist pastor

(Newser) - A small-town Texas newspaper is catching heat after a Dallas man says his same-sex partner was left out of his mother's obituary. According to KDFW , Barry Giles and John Gambill said the Olton Enterprise in the town of Olton, outside Lubbock, cited "religious and ethical" reasons for the...

Australia's First Same-Sex Marriage Wasn't Who You Think

Queensland couple was granted a waiver, married Dec. 15

(Newser) - It was initially reported that the first same-sex couples to wed after Australia legalized gay marriage last year did so on Dec. 16—but it has now been revealed that Jo Grant and Jill Kindt were actually the first couple to marry under the new legislation, on Dec. 15. Grant...

This Country Is the First to Repeal Same-Sex Marriage

It's a first that shames Bermuda, critics say

(Newser) - The number of countries in the world allowing same-sex marriage has gone down rather than up with the passage of a new law in Bermuda. The island—technically still a self-governing British territory—legalized gay marriage last year in a Supreme Court ruling, but the right was rolled back after...

Same-Sex Couples Tie the Knot in Australia

Two couples made history this weekend

(Newser) - Two female couples tied the knot in Australia's first same-sex weddings under new legislation allowing gay marriages, the AP reports. Jan. 9 had been expected to be the first possible date for same-sex weddings due to a four-week waiting period since the landmark law was passed, but the two...

She Denied Gay Man a Marriage License. Now He Wants Her Seat

David Ermold is taking on Kentucky clerk Kim Davis in next year's election

(Newser) - The Kentucky county clerk who made headlines two years ago for refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples is up for re-election next year—and one of the men she denied a license to has announced plans to run against her. Reuters reports that David Ermold of Morehead will...

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