Iranian election

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Ahmadinejad 2nd Term Blessed, Iran TV Airs 'Confessions'

(Newser) - As his adversaries faced a mass court hearing condemned as a show trial, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was formally endorsed today for a second term as president of Iran. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei conducted the ceremony, which Mir Hossein Mousavi and other opposition figures boycotted. The endorsement came after state television screened courtroom...

Former Iranian Prez Lashes 'Show Trial'

Khatami accuses government of murdering protesters

(Newser) - The reformist former president of Iran blasted the country's extraordinary mass trial of activists and protesters as a sham that would undermine the country's ruling regime, reports the AP. Mohammad Khatami, president from 1997 to 2005, said he hoped the "show trial" would not "lead to ignorance...

Police Beat Neda Mourners, Turn Mousavi Away

(Newser) - Iranian police beat demonstrators gathered in a Tehran cemetery to mourn victims of post-election violence, including Neda Agha-Soltan—the 26-year-old whose killing was witnessed by hundreds of thousands on YouTube. A witness told Reuters that some mourners were arrested. Opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi defied threats from the Revolutionary Guards...

Ahmadinejad Defies Ayatollah, Refuses to Sack Vice Prez

In-law stays despite pro-Israel comments

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has defied a direct order from Ayatollah Ali Khamenei to dismiss his vice president, opening a rift between Iran's president and supreme leader, reports the Los Angeles Times. Ahmadinejad's newly chosen VP, who is his son's father-in-law, has infuriated hardliners by making favorable remarks about Israel. But Ahmadinejad...

Dozens Arrested at New Tehran Protest

(Newser) - Dozens of Iranians were arrested today when riot police violently dispersed a protest in Tehran, Reuters reports. Hundreds chanted slogans like “Ahmadinejad—resign, resign,” and “Death to dictators,” witnesses said, before police, some in plainclothes, descended on the demonstration, beating and detaining the protesters. Some witnesses...

Reformers Teargassed as Iran's Top Cleric Demands Change

(Newser) - Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the former Iranian president and most powerful supporter of Mir Hossein Mousavi, addressed thousands of young reformists in green today in a highly anticipated sermon that may trigger further protests. The visibly upset cleric demanded that all political prisoners be freed and lamented that "we had...

Mousavi Will Attend Public Services Friday

(Newser) - Iranian opposition leader Mir Hossein Mousavi vowed not to let the blood of protesters killed in postelection crackdown go in vain as he met with the family of a young man shot to death during the turmoil, a reformist Web site reported today. He also announced that he will attend...

Iranian Police Suppress Student Protest

(Newser) - Riot police swarmed around Tehran University today, dispersing anyone attempting to gather in protest with batons, shields, and pepper spray, the Washington Post reports. “There are 300 of us in a small alley, and we are under attack by dozens of security forces,” one witness reported. Others say...

Iran Opposition Calls for Release of Protesters

(Newser) - Iranian opposition candidates issued a statement today demanding an end to the “savage, shocking attacks” against protesters, and calling for the release of innocent people arrested in the government’s post-election crackdown, the New York Times reports. “The useless wave of arrests must end immediately,” read the...

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize
 Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize 

Twitter Deserves a Nobel Prize

(Newser) - Twitter’s been so instrumental in giving Iranians a voice that it, and its creators, deserve Nobel Prize consideration, writes Mark Pfeifle for the Christian Science Monitor. Scoff all you want at the 140-character “time waster.” “In the past month, 140 characters were enough to shine a...

Mousavi's Options Dwindle as Time Ticks Away

Beaten on the streets, reformer takes uphill battle to the elite

(Newser) - The Iranian protest movement is running out of time and options as the regime continues its brutal crackdown, Time reports. Government forces have full control of the streets of Tehran, hundreds of political opponents are in jail, and Western journalists have been packed off. Mir Hossein Mousavi now has no...

UK Embassy Staff Will Face Trial in Iran

Leading cleric also accuses Britain of instigating protests

(Newser) - Some of the detained Iranian staffers of the British Embassy in Tehran will be put on trial, the leader of the country's powerful Guardian Council said today. Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati also accused Britain of a role in instigating widespread protests that erupted over the country's disputed presidential election. Yesterday, the...

Jailed Newsweek Journo Confessed to Conspiracy: Iran

State-run TV shows reporter confessing to filing biased reports to create unrest

(Newser) - A Newsweek reporter who was arrested in Iran last month has confessed to filing "biased" news reports to stir unrest as part of a conspiracy to undermine the country's government, according to Iranian state-run media. Maziar Bahari made the alleged confession at a press conference Tuesday, Bloomberg reports. "...

Bon Jovi Launches Iran Protest Video in Farsi

(Newser) - Jon Bon Jovi has released a music video in support of Iran protesters in which he sings Stand by Me in Farsi with exiled Iranian singer Andy Madadian, reports Reuters. "It's not for sale," said a producer of the video, which was first released on "...

Iran Council Confirms Ahmadinejad Win

Top council makes decision

(Newser) - After partially recounting ballots, Iran’s top legislators have confirmed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the victor in the country’s presidential election, the BBC reports. The decision by the 12-member, conservative-controlled Guardian Council was announced on state television and follows weeks of protests in which some 17 are believed to have...

Iran Still 'Interrogating' 4 of 9 British Embassy Staffers

Four still held as UK decries 'harassment'

(Newser) - Four of the nine staff members arrested at the British embassy in Tehran are still "being interrogated," reports the BBC, for what Iranian media described as collusion with the protests. The Iranian regime has condemned Britain throughout the crisis for meddling in the country's affairs.

Iran Detains British Embassy Staff

Says 8 local employees had taken part in election protests

(Newser) - Iranian authorities have detained several local employees of the British Embassy in Tehran, a move that Britain's foreign secretary today called "harassment and intimidation" and reflected a hardening of the regime's stance toward the West. Iranian media said eight local embassy staff were detained for an alleged role in...

Ahmadinejad Blasts Obama, Again
Ahmadinejad Blasts Obama, Again

Ahmadinejad Blasts Obama, Again

He says the US president's statements endanger talks

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad fired back at Barack Obama yet again today, saying that he’d “made a mistake” that would threaten talks. He threatened that Western leaders who make “insulting and irrelevant comments will be put on a fair trial” by Iran at every “international gathering.” Ahmadinejad...

China, Cuba Censor News From Iran

(Newser) - Authoritarian regimes around the world, including Burma, China, and Cuba, have been censoring some or all news coverage from Iran, afraid the rebellious sentiment may spread, the Washington Post reports. But news is trickling through anyway, inspiring small acts of defiance. In China, political bloggers have compared it to the...

Mousavi Backers Tortured, Told to Confess Foreign Plot

Regime seeks to force 'confessions' implicating reformist in conspiracy

(Newser) - Iran's opposition says prominent supporters have been tortured in an effort to extract "confessions" that foreign forces in league with Mir Hossein Mousavi are plotting against the Islamic republic, the Guardian reports. Amnesty International, citing "very credible sources," says screams have been heard from reformist politicians jailed...

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