
16 Stories

Microplastics in Testicles May Be Affecting Sperm
There Are Likely
Microplastics in
Your Testicles

There Are Likely Microplastics in Your Testicles

Discovery suggests microplastics can breach special blood barrier, impact sperm counts

(Newser) - Tiny plastic particles have reached parts of our bodies once thought impossible, including placentas and breast milk and, as researchers show in a new study, every human testicle analyzed. The discovery, researchers say, could help explain why sperm counts are declining around the world. Microplastics were discovered in all the...

Tucker Carlson Drawing Comparisons to Gwyneth
Tucker Carlson Drawing
Comparisons to Gwyneth
the rundown

Tucker Carlson Drawing Comparisons to Gwyneth

He's put 'testicle tanning' in the spotlight

(Newser) - There's just no avoiding the phrase "testicle tanning" this week, and credit/blame goes to Tucker Carlson of Fox News. The details:
  • The clip: As Mediaite reports, all this stems from the new episode of Tucker Carlson Originals, in which he interviews an advocate of the idea that men

Identical Twin Gives His Brother a Testicle

It's only the 3rd such operation, in part because of ethical issues

(Newser) - Doctors in Serbia have accomplished a rare feat in the field of transplants: They removed a testicle from a donor and implanted it into his identical twin brother, reports the New York Times . The 36-year-olds are doing fine, and the procedure should allow the recipient not only to have more...

This Is the Weirdest, Grossest Camel Story You'll Ever Read

It went down at a truck stop in Louisiana last week

(Newser) - A Florida woman escaped from under a camel by biting its testicles after she crawled into the animal's pen to rescue her dog and the camel sat on her, authorities say. That's pretty much the story. If you crave more details, though, they're out there, including that...

How Bieber's Testicles Led to Fired Hospital Worker

Employee suing for wrongful termination says she never met him, didn't access his records

(Newser) - Justin Bieber's emergency room visit to treat a twisted testicle is the subject of a lawsuit, though it's not (exactly) over the pop star's privates. People reports hospital ER staffer Kelly Lombardo is suing Northwell Health on Long Island for wrongful termination after she was sacked in...

Man's Right Testicle Hurt for 15 Years. Doc Removed Left One

Jury awards man $870K in medical malpractice case

(Newser) - A Pennsylvania man is $870,000 richer after a jury ruled his urologist committed "reckless indifference" when he removed the wrong testicle from his patient, PennLive.com reports. Steven Hanes' right testicle had been causing him intense pain for 15 years. According to Fox 43 , it was about half...

Zika Virus Ravages Testicles of Male Mice
Zika Virus Ravages
Testicles of Male Mice

Zika Virus Ravages Testicles of Male Mice

Just 2 weeks post-infection, their testes shrank visibly

(Newser) - The Zika virus has been linked to microcephaly, or shrunken heads, in the infants of pregnant women who contract the virus, but it also decimates the testicles of males—at least in mice, report researchers in the journal Nature . Little is currently known about the impact of an infection on...

Man Pleads Guilty to Rogue Testicle Surgery

He allegedly removed another man's left testicle in an Australian motel room

(Newser) - What are the three most horrifying words in the English language? Wrong. The correct answer is "amateur testicle surgery." The BBC reports 56-year-old Allan Matthews pleaded guilty Wednesday to removing another man's left testicle at an Australian motel despite not being qualified to practice medicine. The unsanctioned...

Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle
Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle
in case you missed it

Yep, the Rumors Are True: Hitler Only Had One Testicle

A German professor says medical records from 1923 can put the rumors to rest

(Newser) - Good news for the many on the planet weirdly fascinated by rumors about Adolf Hitler's genitals: It has long been suggested that Hitler only had one testicle—there's even a British schoolyard song that mocks him for it—and that it was a shrapnel casualty in World War...

What Loud Males May Be Saying About Their Balls

Primatologist lays it all out in 'calls-and-balls' paper

(Newser) - You know what they say: the louder the calls, the smaller the balls. OK, so maybe they don't say that, but they could start following research published Thursday in Current Biology . The Salt Lake Tribune reports researchers discovered the smaller a howler monkey's testicles, the deeper and louder...

Lululemon's Pants Now Testicle-Friendly

Sales of 'anti-ball crushing' pants soar in Q4

(Newser) - After offending some of its female customers , Lululemon has begun branching out into menswear. Or as CBC News plainly puts it, the Canadian company has "shifted its focus from butts to balls." For the past eight months, Lululemon has been marketing "anti-ball crushing" pants for men, made...

Japanese Artist Serves Up Own Cooked Genitals

Mao Sugiyama charged $250 a plate

(Newser) - A Japanese artist recently cooked and served up his own genitals for diners at $250 a plate—to raise awareness about sexual minorities and pay for his hospital bills, the AFP reports. Mao Sugiyama, who calls himself asexual, had his private parts removed this spring and kept them frozen until...

Jiminy Cricket! Insect Has World's Biggest Cojones

It's got biggest testicles, in terms of body weight

(Newser) - Even the most well-endowed men have nothing on the tuberous bushcricket, or katydid, which UK biologists say holds the world record for the creature with the largest testicles—at least in relation to the weight of its body. At 14% of body weight, this would be equivalent, in human terms,...

Blundering Surgeon Lops Off Patient's Testicle

Routine op goes awry for doc fond of sedatives

(Newser) - Men everywhere will be glad to hear that a blundering surgeon who cut off a man's entire testicle when he was supposed to be removing a cyst is likely to lose his license. Nurses told a hearing in England that Dr. Sulieman Al Hourani appeared "rather surprised" as he...

Jealous Wife Scalds Hubby's Privates

He denies cheating; her lawyer claims abuse

(Newser) - A New York woman went a little bit Lorena Bobbitt on her husband yesterday, allegedly pouring scalding water over his genitals as revenge for suspected cheating, the Post reports. “By the time I woke up, the skin was falling off,” says Emmanuel Ojofeitimi, who was treated for burns...

Blowfish Testicles Poison 7 Diners in Japan

Chef served dangerous dish without license, cops say

(Newser) - World travelers, take note. Blowfish testicles prepared by an unauthorized chef have sickened seven diners in northern Japan, three of whom remain hospitalized. The owner of the Tsuruoka restaurant had no license to serve blowfish and was being questioned on suspicion of professional negligence. Blowfish poison, called tetrodotoxin, is nearly...

16 Stories