lap dancing

10 Stories

Court: Sorry, Lap Dances Aren't Art
Court: Sorry,
Lap Dances
Aren't Art

Court: Sorry, Lap Dances Aren't Art

It was a nice try, but New York strip clubs will have to pay taxes

(Newser) - Lap dances are taxable because they don't promote culture in a community the way ballet or other artistic endeavors do, New York's highest court concluded today in a sharply divided ruling. The court split 4-3, with the dissenting judges saying there's no distinction in state law between...

College Paper Goes 'Topless' Over Stripper Story

La Salle's Collegian protests university ban on story above the fold

(Newser) - A Philadelphia college newspaper has gone topless to publish a story alleging a professor used exotic dancers in a business seminar. La Salle University students say administrators would not let them print the story above the fold on the front page, so the top half of Thursday's Collegian is...

Strippers Give Lap Dances at College's Biz Symposium

La Salle University investigating claims

(Newser) - Philly college students shelled out $150 to attend a symposium on "the application of Platonic and Hegelian ethics to business"—which somehow managed to involve strippers and lap dances. La Salle University assistant professor Jack Rappaport reportedly hired the strippers, and allegedly applied a little "Hegelian ethics"...

Boston Team Sorry for Halftime Lap Dance

Lacrosse team's mascot stars in risque show

(Newser) - Scorch the mascot certainly wasn't complaining, but some Boston Blazers fans weren't too happy about a raunchy halftime show involving the lacrosse team's mascot. The team has apologized for the show, in which scantily clad female dancers competed to give the mascot the best lap dance, the BBC reports.

1 in 4 Lap Dancers Is a College Grad

Study finds high levels of job satisfaction in adult industry

(Newser) - Lap dancers are often better-educated and better paid than the guys they're dancing for, according to a British study. The researchers found that a quarter of the women in the industry have undergraduate degrees, and a third are dancing to fund their studies, the Independent reports. Educated women were attracted...

Zac Efron Drops $2K on Vodka, Strippers

 Zac Efron 
 Drops $2K 
 on Vodka, 

Zac Efron Drops $2K on Vodka, Strippers

Just another Sunday night with Corbin Bleu

(Newser) - Guess their High School Musical days are over: Zac Efron and co-star Corbin Bleu racked up $2,000 in lap dances and vodka at a New York strip club Sunday night. “They were interacting a lot with the girls and reaching out and showering money on them,” a...

Kid Rock's Strip Club Tab: $3K
 Kid Rock's Strip Club Tab: $3K 

Kid Rock's Strip Club Tab: $3K

And that was before all the lap dances...

(Newser) - Oh, the life of a rock star: Kid Rock accomplished an impressive feat Tuesday at New York’s Scores Gentlemen’s Club. He and his 20-person entourage racked up a $3,000 tab before splitting up into separate private rooms…where they “ordered lap dances and partied until 2:...

Miley Lap Dance Caught on Video
 Miley Lap Dance 
 Caught on Video 
he's 44, she was 16

Miley Lap Dance Caught on Video

Cyrus bumps and grinds—a lot—with Adam Shankman

(Newser) - A 16-year-old’s graphic dirty dancing with a 44-year-old man is caught on video: Sounds shocking until you realize that Miley Cyrus is the 16-year-old in question. The 44-year-old is Adam Shankman, the openly gay producer of The Last Song, who famously tweeted provocative photos of himself and Miley last...

Strip Clubs, Lap Dances Part of Corporate Life in UK

Report finds widespread use of strip clubs for entertaining is 'threatening equality'

(Newser) - The sex industry has become a mainstream part of corporate culture in Britain and is damaging workplace equality, a report from a  women's group finds. Researchers found that many firms authorize the use of expense accounts for entertaining clients in lap dancing and strip clubs, and that most strip clubs...

Strip Clubs Look to Score at Super Bowl

Super Bowl venue is lap dance capital

(Newser) - The road to Super Bowl XLIII is paved with Tampa's 43 strip clubs, and their owners are expecting a bonanza, the AP reports. Some are going the extra mile to attract free-spending Super Bowl tourists, spiffing up their interiors, hiring extra dancers, and keeping doors open around the clock. Although...

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