
Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>

Hundreds of NYE Partiers Injured in Philippines

Official campaign warns of amputations, mangled hands

(Newser) - Officials in the Philippines tried to curb the usual tide of injuries this New Year's Eve and even had some success, the New York Times reports. Hundreds of people are injured there every New Year's by fireworks, fighting, and celebratory gunfire—so officials recently mounted a campaign, running...

See Whole Show's Worth of Fireworks Go Off in 1 Minute

Community will get free show to make up for awesome, but brief, display

(Newser) - It may not have gone exactly as planned, but a Scotland community fireworks display was pretty spectacular nonetheless. Due to a technical glitch, a show that was scheduled to be about 30 minutes long was instead over in less than one, as every single firework was set off simultaneously on...

CBS Airs Fake Views of Boston Fireworks

Network showed images that couldn't really exist

(Newser) - Something was off about the broadcast of Boston's Fourth of July celebration—a few miles off. CBS aired footage of fireworks exploding behind the State House, Quincy Market, and Fenway Stadium, but astute viewers soon realized such views would have been physically impossible from where the fireworks were launched....

Teen Straps Camera to Fireworks

Spy cam gives rocket-eye view in this viral video

(Newser) - Ever wondered what July 4 looks like from a firework's perspective? Well wonder no longer. Just watch this clip from 19-year-old videographer Jeremiah Warren, who strapped a tiny spy camera onto a series of fireworks. The little 808 #11 camera miraculously survived multiple flights, and provided some pretty high-quality...

Man Killed in New Year's Fireworks Accident

Police not sure yet if alcohol was involved

(Newser) - An Illinois man got a little too excited about the new year, and paid for it with his life. Robert Freund, 31, decided to celebrate by lighting a large firework shortly after midnight this morning, reports Chicago Breaking News . It went off, injuring him in the head and chest, and...

Oil Cleanup Spoils Gulf's July 4th Parties

Tourism crisis, danger of fire dampen celebrations

(Newser) - Fourth of July celebrations will be scaled down in many Gulf Coast towns, where the BP oil spill and cleanup effort are taking a big bite out of holiday fun. Cash-strapped governments dealing with the tourism bust have canceled fireworks displays, and some have moved their pyrotechnics inland because of...

NY Man Blows Arm Off With Fireworks
 NY Man 
 Blows Arm Off 
 With Fireworks 

NY Man Blows Arm Off With Fireworks

The idea is to get out of the way

(Newser) - Police say a man lighting fireworks has blown off his arm at a party on New York's Long Island. Suffolk County police say 36-year-old Eric Smith was using a 3-foot-long metal tube to shoot mortars from the street near his Islip Terrace home around 5:45pm yesterday.

Shahzad Did Dry Run for Times Square Attack

Times Square suspect bought gun, weak fireworks in months before attack

(Newser) - Faisal Shahzad did a practice run to Times Square in the SUV he used for last weekend's attempted car bombing, according to law enforcement officials unraveling the terror suspect's movements. Shahzad drove to Times Square in the SUV three days before the attack and returned two days later to drop...

Sydney Starts Off 2010 With a Bang

Australian city gets drop on New Zealand with early display

(Newser) - Sydney welcomed 2010 a little early this year, with a 9pm fireworks display over the harbor for the family crowd. That hour in Australia happens to fall at midnight in Auckland, New Zealand, which usually lays claim to the first big celebration of the New Year, but appears to have...

Fireworks Blast Kills 100 at Russian Nightclub

140 injured as celebration turns deadly

(Newser) - An explosion and fire caused by fireworks killed more than 100 and injured at least 140 overnight at a nightclub in Russia’s sixth-largest city. The Lame Horse in Perm was celebrating its eighth anniversary, one official says, and “there were fireworks launched at the scene, and one hit...

Dick Cavett: Fireworks Way Better in the Good Ol' Days

(Newser) - Talk show legend Dick Cavett didn’t just like fireworks as a kid. “I loved them,” he writes in the New York Times. Not the pro displays, and definitely not “the despised ‘safe & sane’ fountains, sprinklers and snakes” that “girls and sissies liked.”...

Fireworks? Bah, Humbug!
 Fireworks? Bah, Humbug! 

Fireworks? Bah, Humbug!

(Newser) - Looking forward to the Fourth of July fireworks? You’re probably a moron, writes Troy Patterson of Slate. Look, it’s fine if you want to use a Roman candle at the family cookout: “Doing dangerous stuff in your cousin’s backyard is an important element of American culture....

Cash-Strapped Cities Ditch Fireworks

(Newser) - Some 50 US cities are so strapped for money that they're ditching their July 4th fireworks displays, reports the Los Angeles Times. "It came down to this: Did we want to spend $150,000 on something that would be over in a few hours?" asked the mayor of a...

Recession Puts Damper on July 4th Fireworks

Towns plan cheaper festivities—or none at all

(Newser) - With times tight, many US towns are toning down their Independence Day festivities, the Washington Times reports. Rather than deal with the cost of pyrotechnics, police overtime, and even liability insurance, municipalities are scaling back on the big bangs and even switching to simpler ideas such as poetry contests, dog...

New Beijing Luxury Hotel Burns
 New Beijing Luxury Hotel Burns 

New Beijing Luxury Hotel Burns

(Newser) - A new luxury hotel in Beijing went up in flames today as nearby crowds watched  a fireworks show for the end of the Lunar New Year, CNN reports. An explosion of flames erupted from the top of the newly built, unoccupied building as fire engulfed all 44 stories. The cause...

World Bids 2008 Good Riddance
 World Bids 2008 Good Riddance 

World Bids 2008 Good Riddance

Revelers hope 2009 will bring better luck

(Newser) - Fireworks exploded over Sydney's shimmering harbor today, as the world's first major city to ring in 2009 celebrated the end of a rocky year with cheers, beers, and a sense of relief. "I'm looking forward to 2009," said a spectator. "Because it can't get much worse."...

Beijing Pulled Fireworks Fake Out

Marching 'footprints' in the sky were computer effect

(Newser) - One of the most spectacular elements of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics was actually a special effect created for television viewers around the world. Giant marching aerial footprints outlined by fireworks were created by sophisticated computer graphics digitally inserted into the live coverage, reports the Daily Telegraph.

NBA Game Or the Circus?
 NBA Game Or the Circus? 

NBA Game Or the Circus?

Is all the noise and spectacle necessary? Fans, players, coaches are torn

(Newser) - Cleveland's Q is one of the loudest arenas in basketball, filled with fire and smoke and ear-shattering music. But it's hardly unique among NBA venues. After Commissioner David Stern recently wondered whether teams were getting a smidge carried away, the Plain Dealer takes a look at the pros and cons...

Terror Threat Douses Brussels Fireworks

Officials say large crowds still a risk

(Newser) - Brussels has canceled or cut short many of its traditional New Year's Eve events, saying the terror threat level is still too high to permit large gatherings. Last week, Belgian police arrested—and released on lack of evidence—14 people accused of plotting to break a convicted terrorist out of...

Ads Spoof Terror Videos; Not All Are Amused

Dutch fireworks-safety ads draws outrage

(Newser) - Dutch fireworks-safety ads spoofing Islamic terrorists have drawn criticism for their light take on suicide bombings and portrayal of negative Muslim stereotypes, the Guardian reports. The group depicted in the government-sponsored ads—LAAF, or the “Liberation Army Against Freedom”—is seen getting fireworks delivered as illicit arms, holing...

Stories 61 - 80 | << Prev   Next >>