William Ayers

5 Stories

Megyn Kelly to Bill Ayers: 'You Sound Like bin Laden'

Fox News host confronts former Weather Underground member

(Newser) - Megyn Kelly's interview with former Weather Underground member Bill Ayers got a little heated last night. The Fox News host repeatedly questioned Ayers about bombings and killings attributed to the radical group, and Ayers denied involvement in many of them, Mediaite reports. At one point, Politico reports, Ayers said...

Donald Trump: Bill Ayers Wrote Obama's Book

The Donald repeats wild rumor, says he's 'proud' to be a birther

(Newser) - Donald Trump isn’t content with questioning Obama’s citizenship —now he’s questioning his authorial accomplishments, too. In an interview with Laura Ingraham yesterday, Trump espoused the theory that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s memoir, Dreams of My Father, Aol News reports. Obama is only the president “...

Bill Ayers Protests Obama
 Bill Ayers Protests Obama 
clarence page

Bill Ayers Protests Obama

Calls his Afghan benchmarks 'a myth and a lie'

(Newser) - The honeymoon’s over for Bill Ayers and Barack Obama. The former Weather Underground member—that would be Ayers—was out protesting last night against Obama’s escalation of the war in Afghanistan, columnist Clarence Page blogs for the Chicago Tribune . In this clip, he says he’s “appalled...

Ayers, Rev. Wright Team Up for Middle East Peace

Obama's former liabilities joke about their roles

(Newser) - Two of the toughest thorns in Barack Obama's side during the presidential campaign joined together in Chicago yesterday for the first time, the Tribune reports. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright and William Ayers shared a stage at a kickoff rally for a march for Mideast peace. It was their work on...

Canada Rebuffs Ex-Radical Ayers at Border

(Newser) - Former Weatherman Bill Ayers was denied entry yesterday into Canada, where he planned to speak at an education conference, the Globe and Mail reports. The controversial academic, who made headlines during the election for his link to Barack Obama, said he had visited Canada more than a dozen times. "...

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