John Connolly

3 Stories

Whitey Bulger's FBI Pal Has Murder Verdict Tossed

Justices say that because he didn't pull the trigger, John Connolly couldn't be tried

(Newser) - Whitey Bulger's longtime FBI handler might be on the verge of freedom, after an appeals court threw out his murder conviction yesterday. In a 2-1 decision, the Miami judges ruled that because John Connolly Jr. hadn't actually pulled the trigger, he should never have been tried for the...

Boston Mob Boss Whitey Bulger Arrested in California
Mobster Whitey Bulger Busted After 16 Years

Mobster Whitey Bulger Busted After 16 Years

Boston mob boss, FBI informant nabbed near LA

(Newser) - Boston mob boss James "Whitey" Bulger has been arrested after 16 years as a fugitive, during which time the FBI was sometimes accused of not trying hard enough to find its former informant, the AP reports. The former leader of the Winter Hill Gang went on the run in...

Ex-FBI Agent Draws 40-Year Sentence in Murder, But ...

Judge's ruling all but guarantees appeal

(Newser) - A judge sentenced former FBI agent John Connolly to 40 years for a 1982 murder today, and simultaneously blew a giant hole in the prosecution’s case, the Miami Herald reports. The facts seem to be clear: Connolly told mobsters with whom he was in cahoots that an associate, who...

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